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Chapter 21 part 1: Lament and a hope for Morzan
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Four months passed since Ignatia had arrived along with prince Rilien. During this time Kalian had become close friends with Morzan and Ignatia but her heart though was deeply in affection for Morzan who she believed had no such feelings for her. Mind on matters that concerned her greatly of that where of ball in her honour and to announce to the court that Lucia would marry Naruon on the full moon of three months hence.

Upon entering the chamber of where Morzan was living she hid her emotions hoping that Morzan could not see that sadness and fury in her. He sat awaiting her arrival. Kalian had been able to visit every night where she would talk with him and bring back to health which she had. Morzan looked into her eyes “what is wrong? Your face tells me that you are content but your eyes are a blaze with emotion.” Kalian was silent, Morzan was one of the few people she had been able trust after many a person in Ravenscorft had tried many a time to harm for many did not approve of her becoming a princess of the realm. Suddenly tears began to form in her eyes.

Morzan slowly walked towards her. He had not told her of his worries for her safety. For months now he had seen her, he felt more alive than all the many years he had been of being a god. The emotions he felt for her were getting stronger each day. Kalian allowed herself to cry as Morzan tried to comfort her “becoming the human princess of Elevnia is an unwise thing for many of elves have tried to harm me. A ball is being hold tomorrow night but I have no partner” Morzan looked at her and said quietly “why not..” he was unable to finish due to his doubts of her actually liking him.

Kalian pushed him away from her tears flowing freely as the wind down her face. She turned and ran from Morzan who stood silently watching her. Fearing that he had frightened her, he was about to chase after when she yelled at him “I sorry but I cannot stay here anymore and I will not be able to visit you anymore” he was about ask why she had decided this but she was gone.

Residing himself to be cursed to be alone without anyone to care for him to be forever in hiding like the other escaped gods. A cloud of white smoke signalled the arrival of Tariel “what is it you want? I have already had anger from Kalian” Tariel stood. She resisted the urge to giggle, even she could tell that Morzan who even though was a god of death could feel emotion towards others which was surprising as most of the tales about told him as a cold blooded and heartless being of great power.

Morzan examined his hand for a moment as Tariel turned to face to look at him. He knew that soon his full powers would return to him soon which meant that he had a choice to make. Reveal himself to the world as a mortal man or allow himself to be found by Arandur to be re imprisoned or to engage him combat.Focusing on her as she told him “I know that you are regaining your powers of old, Morzan and when you do what will happen to Kalian? She speaks of you often to me with great...fondness” Morzan narrowed his eyes. “that is of no concern to yours so tell me what you want” Tariel was silent for a moment.

Her words where well chosen as she spoke to Morzan of her reason for coming here “the spies will soon return from Fallean and Vailiania for we fear that there is some evil brewing in the human realms, knowledge is power after all. They may come here and discover you. I know that you have been leaving this place to watch the living beings of the realm you must not continue this” he flicked his fingers causing red light to dart into her eyes causing her to wince.

Morzan waited for her to recover before asking her “may I make a request of you?” Tariel looked nervously at him. She was unsure what he wanted and if would mean harm to her or the subjects of realm “what do you want?” she slowly asked him. His voice seemed to be filled with want and a hope of something that he desired “I wish to attend the ball which your king is holding for” Tariel laughed. She had not meant to but she could not see Morzan dancing with her along with the other members of the court. Stopping himself from destroying her was hard for Morzan as she managed to say to him through her laughter “I sense that you wish to do something that I think will cause nothing but pain. I will not allow you to go if I have to break your legs to stop you then I shall do that.”

He did not answer her instead allowing to leave. Tariel walked passed him saying to Morzan coldly with an element of menace “heed my words death god for if I spot you there then I will make sure that you will not see the next moon rise” as she left Morzan glared at her.

Morzan smiled slightly with a small amount of his powers he had read the mind of Tariel for knowledge of the ball. He now knew the location of where the ball was and how many guards where there for him to get past. Fear though was in him, the more of his latent power the less harder it would be easier for Arandur to locate him. Upon the night of tomorrow he would attend the ball himself but he wished he had money purchase better robes. He though wondered how it would be to stand in the presence of the king of Elevnia again for the last time he had seen one in the flesh since when he along with some of the other gods destroyed the black temple. His mind was filled with clearest memory of the past that he had.

Battle raged above the ground of the underground where five of gods where. The other gods were making sure that the struggling but large forces of the elves and there allies did not stop them. Dressed in white robes which fooled the guards at the doors to the temple’s underground chambers that they were with pure blooded assassins which was a group of assassins who were men and women processed by demons or spirits to give the unnatural strength and skill. They had not been seen since they fled back to there realm after the end of the war which was one of the hidden realms where according to tales was the realm of demons. Moving forwards deeper into the chambers with Arandur using his magic to light the area around them “come, this day we will end this war

Walking through a huge set of double doors made out of blackened wood. Flames did not warm the chamber but only cast light around them. Upon an alter made out of stone stood before them the king of Elevnia Morcion and dressed all in black was the high priestess of the black temple Shae. She looked upon the gods and grinned “I hoped you would be here to witness are victory against you.” Shae was the only remaining members of the high priestesses of black temple. Trained in the magical arts and arts of forbidden rituals which could change elements, move gods and create powerful beings of unimaginable power.

Morcion though looked mournful. Before the war began he had peace with all the other realms and his kingdom had prospered. Morcion was always rumoured with the gift the foresight hence why during many of the battles where the gods had not been involved they had won. He spoke to the gods before him “if you had the wisdom to see then you would know that the war you fight is a falsehood created to doom us all. Please let me speak to you of what you have truly been fighting about and then how we came to discovery of the temple we stand in” silence fell.

Morzan could hardly remember is appearance from that time or that of his fellow gods apart from that of Arandur his captor. Morzan paused for a moment and slowly asked him “what did you...” he was cut of by the voice of Arandur. At the time he was there leader of the gods during the war and had Anaxis leading the rest of the gods in the battle above, while Arandur lead a small group of the strongest of them who were intended to end the war leaving with Anaxis with order of leading the others in the battle. Arandur looked Amisius who stood beside him “would you mind” he said to him. A grin appeared on his lips “no problem my god of light, it would take me but a moment” he swished his hand but he almost stopped when Morzan drew a cold dark bladed sword and cried at him “stop yourself from your powers wrath upon him” he did not listen and carried out his order.

Small chunks of ice rained downwards upon the body of Morcion making him hiss in pain. Morzan banished his sword back to his realm of death but he knew if he himself used his powers to stop Morcion from dying. Closing his eyes momentary and upon opening he had managed to cast a small spell upon the king. Inside his body Morcion felt ice surge into his soul not knowing that upon his death his soul would be sent to the home of Morzan to await his return.

As he appeared that he was drowning within the stone. He called out his last words to the gods “memories are lost to you now and for time passing only pain in your future. Now I have perished may my sons have the strength to exact vengeance upon all of thee” Morzan sighed while the other gods smiled as Morcion vanished from sight.

Shae did not seem to be mournful of the loss of there king but instead raised her arm over a woman in an enchanted slumber. A smile was on her lips “I care not for our king’s demise, he had not the stomach for what we were to do here. This will seal the doom of you all and assume are supremacy of are people. We will use this woman who cried the name of Arandur with more fear of the fate that awaits her to become a creature of darkness at my command to destroy you all and decimate your armies” she laughed with an evil intent.

The other gods around Arandur wonder why this mortal cried his name. Arandur looked upon the priestess as lightning appeared in her hands “of what you speak will not happen and the last time the ritual was performed it created a creature which had a will of it’s own but we will not allow this” the gods hands glowed with light as they summoned there powers. Arandur was hiding his emotions from the others of doubt and worry for he wished that this mortal was not here. As the powers hit the lightning from high priestess the building shook as cracks started to appear. There plan was destroy to the temple here and now, if it was commanded for themselves to be imprisoned by the rubble.

There magic caused them all to be knocked back to the ground to lie momentary upon the stone floor. The temple was starting shake as there powers causing the temple to collapse and from the rooms above them, cries could be heard.

Arandur stood first and moved as close as his body allowed. He looked to see that the high priestess was slain and the mortal was still under an enchantment, sadness consumed at the thoughts that filled him.
Behind sounds of movement alerted to the fact his plan had not worked upon some of the gods. He had planned to use his powers put the gods that were with him into a temporary state of slumber so he and his men can capture them.

Using his powers alone he knew the two who stood behind. Arandur heard the hushed voice of the goddess Laraniel which once with fear “what has happened for our powers could not have caused this” Morzan hissed slightly he knew that dark arts and change was coming upon the world by the events of this day. Arandur folded his arms and tightened his body feeling the cold grasp of death flow through him. Morzan looked at the mortal on the altar before them “death comes to mortals by thankful of her body and mind not being used for rituals” Arandur was filled with anger towards Morzan.

He spoke coldly to the gods behind him “I hoped that you both would be still awake” they both stared at him. Morzan stepped forward asking him “tell me what is happening here, Arandur? What do you speak of, what plan?”

Arandur laughed evilly at Morzan’s comment “intelligence is what you do not lack for living corpse, death god. Time is that of your own suspicion of me since the start of this war and have warned the other gods of a hidden plan. It must have infuriated you that none of the others god believed but if they did then my plan would have failed” silence fell. Arandur’s emotions where that of anger, pleasure and evil of what had happened to what to happen.

Morzan surprise was only momentary. Remembering of how many times he heard and witnessed Arandur in a secret meetings with his damned order of his though he had never any truth to convince the others of misdoing of the god of light. He spoke to him with rage in his voice while Laraniel thought fast. The ritual though in complete was surging through the walls of the temple gathering strength and dark energy. “why do this Arandur?” he asked Arandur. An answer did come from his lips with coldness “at first it was a lust for power but then I discovered that in the first in my immortal existence” he turned around to face them showing that on the edge of his eye was silvery tear.

Morzan looked confused for a moment. Many considered him to not have a soul or emotions but it was not true. Until he was summoned by Arandur who at time was the leader of his gods of the world to join the humans after there previous battles had there armies being defeated and according to Arandur the elves and there allies were planning on destroying them all.

He looked upon Morzan and finished what he had started “that I could fall in love” seeing the look on Morzan’s face “you would not understand you have never loved a mortal woman. She who lies before on an altar has the name of Clarice... I influenced Shae’s mind to make her use the ritual used by the vampires centuries ago” Morzan blinked as he could now see the meetings he had with this mortal woman and felt that Arandur was going to do something terrible to him.

An evil smile was on Arandur's lips for he his hatred for his rival Morzan grew and flourished deep within him. Looking upon them both he snarled at them both “I will offer you to be spared from the fate I have planned for the other gods if you would surrender your immortal powers to me so I may rule this world and you” Laraniel hissed angrily “if we refuse?” he smiled “if not your fate is that of pain and imprisonment.” Laraniel fixed her gaze sideways at Morzan for she had he were in the same state of mind. As one they said to him “your offer drips with corruption so we both refuse” Arandur sighed “I guessed that would be your answer but I had to try for I will enjoy what I will do to you.”

Arandur recast first upon Laraniel was glowing with blue light which she could not resist the spell that makes her fall into slumber. The spell that Arandur had put on the gods to weaken them had worked much so that he had managed to prepare them for capture. About to cast the spell upon Morzan he had noticed that he fled though he maybe weakened he still posed a threat to his plans. The chamber was starting collapse down upon them and with a click of his fingers he along with the other gods vanished. Darkness surged from the dark temple as fire consumed it as the temple was destroyed and turned into ruins.

Morzan blinked as he could see now that he was in the crypt of which was his home for the time being. He had no vision of whether or not Morcion’s soul was in his domain or not for it had been many a year since the day he lost his freedom and the temple was destroyed. Remembering that day brought much sadness to him and the ritual that had created the creature Azul. Time would only tell of what was happening in the realm of Vailiania but he knew little of what had happened apart from heard from listening to merchants who traded in secret with the werewolves who lived there. With vampires ruling over mortals and the line of the human kings of that kingdom were gone for the father of Vikar was the same king who fought against him when he had tried to convince king Ferrand of Vailiania along with the mad king that the war was falsehood created Arandur only to hacen an escape from those he praised an ally now hunted down for Arandur.

He pulled himself up on to the tomb which he slept upon. Lying down upon it he closed his eyes remembering how over the course of a year he hid that everyone hunted him down. Slumber brought dreams of what he desired most in this world.

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