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Generation 0, Part 2
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Generation 0, Part 2

Report #288

As the only remaining Queen, the task of reporting has been passed on to me. Having familiarized myself with the reports my predecessor has written over the course of my education, I now pick up where she left off.

The original group of settlers have faded, leaving their children behind. Their lives were long and fulfilled.

Colony Drone 1000101 reached the top of his career and earned a lot of money. He supported the settlement with all his energy and helped to make this place what it is today. His life’s work was rewarded and he passed on his genes to a Colony Drone. He finished all the tasks given to him and faded.

Birth Queen created and formed Colony Drone 65535. She prepared him for the hardworking life of a Drone. As the leader of this colony, she oversaw all activities. Her child having matured and being able to stand on his own, she faded.

Colony Drone 2121 reached the top of his career and earned a lot of money. He supported the settlement with all his energy and helped to make this place what it is today. His life’s work was rewarded and he passed on his genes to a Birth Queen. He finished all the tasks given to him and faded.

Birth Queen created and formed Birth Queen. She prepared her for the tasks of a Queen, the bearing of children and the leading of the colony. She supported her elder Birth Queen in the colony’s management. Her child having matured and being able to stand on her own, she faded.

The Drone moved into Colony Drone 1000101’s building and began his work for the colony.

The Queen remained in her native Queen building.

Is there anybody who even reads these things?

Report #400…ish

So nothing has happened, really. At least, nothing of importance for the invisible entities I’m supposed to write these monthly reports for. Drone working. Queen socializing. Nobody listening.

There's a human settlement nearby that's just starting out. I made some friends at school. Learned stuff about earth culture. That’s what they call the planet, in case you didn’t know. Or care. They’re kind of different here. No lifetime decisions made at birth. Sure, Drone might say this is complete and utter chaos, but if those people, say, lived in a colony that really needed a Pollination Technician and couldn’t produce a new one, some random person could just say “I’ll do it!” and their colony would be saved now and they wouldn’t have to wait like thirty years for it. They wouldn’t be completely dependent on a big ship that’ll never arrive anyway.

If we had done that, I wouldn’t be stuck with this amazingly gigantic number of mating partners. I mean, one? Really? Couldn’t they have at least produced a second Drone to give me some options? Oh, sure, there was supposed to be this gigantic ship full of people. Well guess what? It never arrived. And now here I am.

Oh well. I’ll just get Drone some competition by myself then. I mean, just between me and nobody, obviously I’ll have to mate with him and produce a Pollination Technician, because that’s like the whole reason I was born, but nobody has to tell him that. I mean, you certainly won’t.

You never tell anybody anything.

Report #Fucking Finally

Pollination Tech#9 has been born. There, I’ve been good.

Report #WhoGivesAShit

Moved Drone in to take care of the kid. Don’t give a shit that this is against rules. Even he didn’t complain and he’s all about the rules. He says he’ll raise him right. Good riddance.

You know what? I’m through with this. I’ve spent half my life writing monthly reports to a black hole. If you aren’t all dead already, fuck you. Fuck you and your whole planet.

Generation 0: End

Next time on Reloading Strangetown: WICKED!

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