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Gen 3, Part 2: Beaker, Curious
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“Mom, Loki, I’m getting married.”

Okay, she had said that. And the angry look on Loki’s face indicated that he knew perfectly well what was coming. Only Gundrun took the news with a smile.

“That’s wonderful, my dear! Who is the lucky man?”

“Lazlo Curious.” Erin replied, looking her brother straight in the face.

“Oh, how sweet! Why, it seems like yesterday that he was a baby. He looks so much like his mother, you know? Kitty has always been one of the prettier girls in Strangetown.”

Erin had had a vague hope that Loki might hold himself back for their mother’s sake, but no fence would hold an enraged Loki Beaker. He started by expressing his disapproval and listed several very important points on why Erin should not marry Lazlo Curious. He had, in fact, prepared a PowerPoint for just this occasion back when Erin announced her engagement, but the kitchen did not have the necessary equipment to show it, which fueled Loki’s rage even more.

Poor Gundrun looked on rather confused. She didn’t understand why her children were fighting. But then again, children often fought for a bit and made up later. They’d stop eventually. She was sure of that.

Erin grabbed her bags. This was just what she had expected. Why had she even tried to explain things to Loki? Well, Lazlo was almost done with college and she could stay at a friend’s house in the meantime.

It was a pity about mother though. Loki didn’t even seem to notice that something was wrong with her. She seemed to be in her own world most of the time, lost in old memories.

Erin wished she could take her mother with her, or have stayed for her sake, but that was impossible. Circe and Loki were not to be depended on and Gundrun’s older brothers were too old to do much.

Two of Glarn’s and Kitty’s sons had already moved back in and Lazlo was expected to arrive any day now. It was almost like before. Both Pascal and Vidcund had started to work now.

Glarn’s interest for everything not from this planet had been passed down to all of his children. It might express itself slightly different in Jenny - very slightly, Kitty used to joke, since she was really just copying her father in giving birth to half-aliens - but it was very obvious in his eldest sons.

Lazlo was probably the most down-to-earth Curious of them. And the only one of the brothers who was planning on getting married to a human.

Of course the house might be a bit too small (and filled with brothers) for a newlywed couple. Kitty was the one who suggested that Lazlo and Erin should just move into her parents’ old house.

“Of course it’s been empty for years now and you’ll need to do a lot of renovations, but I think it would be just perfect.”

It certainly was.

Loki had declined to attend the ceremony, which meant that none of Erin’s relatives would show up. The Curious-Smith-clan did their best to fill that gap.

With a dance number.

That one was actually Vidcund’s idea. He eventually decided that this was a perfect way of getting revenge on Loki Beaker, and so he was all in favor of the marriage. Besides, Erin did look very sad when her mother couldn’t come to her wedding (that evil Loki Beaker!) and seemed to need cheering up.

It was impossible to not cheer up when faced with a dance number by Glarn, P.T. and all the Curious kids.

Kitty passed away shortly after Lazlo’s wedding. Her children mourned her very much.

Glarn was beginning to feel his own mortality. Some of the people he had known as children were already dead or dying. Even P.T. was showing signs of age.

The dance has by this point become a tradition for the Curious-Smith clan. P.T. is getting pretty good at it. It doesn't help that it kind of looks like the Time Warp when everybody's in sync.

So, face talk. With the beard, Loki's face isn't half bad (he really was right about it hiding his adorable chin), even if his eyes and eyebrows are still a ways off. Nothing unexpected, obviously.

Erin is a really close fit. She almost got green eyes, too, but ended up with grey instead.

Pascal's face is less round and he looks very much like Glarn. Vidcund and Lazlo are pretty good fits.

So anyway, I'm wondering if anybody has spotted the secret I hid in this update and the last one. It's a bit hard to see I suppose...

Coming up next: Your guess!

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