[Requested Outfits] Ode To Silvertreedrake
blackskirt.jpg - width=386 height=312
Black Dress.jpg - width=289 height=328
DarkRedDress.jpg - width=286 height=323
BlackJeannieNitroDress.jpg - width=469 height=418
PurpleSkirt.jpg - width=199 height=405
Chastity Nun Dress.jpg - width=785 height=399
This time I'm going to tell you a little tale before going straight to the information...
Once upon a time there was this really nice woman posting a request on Mod The Sims 2. It was a request for two gothic dresses. A young girl really loved the dresses, so decided to make them for her. After making them and having loads of troubles with uploading the outfits, she finally managed to give the woman her dresses. She was very pleased with them and in the meanwhile a friendship started to develop. The young girl said to the woman that if she had some other clothes that she would liked to be simmed, she could sent them to the girl's emailadress. So she did and the girl was happy to make them for her. But later there were some problems, the girl had allready maked the outfits, but the skirts were not pretty at all, because of some stupid Maxis mesh. After discussing this with the woman, they both agreed to make a full outfit out of it. But... the girl had allready accepted several requests from other people, so the woman had to wait a little, but the woman, a total sweetheart as she was, totally understood it and said that the girl could take her time. After more than a month, the girl decided to start remaking some outfits, because she felt really ashamed of letting the woman wait that long. After working a couple of hours, she finished the new ones and updated some of the outfits that were allready made. After fighting to put her lazyness aside, she started The Sims 2, which takes ages to load, and made screenshots of the outfits. Then she copied and pasted them so they look more clear and uploaded it to Mod The Sims 2, whilst keeping her fingers crossed in the hope that the woman would love them...
If you want to know how the story ends, read the comment of the nice woman, named Silvertreedrake on Mod The Sims 2. It's up to her if it will end with "And they lived happily ever after" (or atleast, until her next request, lol! :p) or not...
OK, the information now:
The Black Skirt Mesh is available at Sapphire Sims 2
The Black Dress and the Dark red Dress require this mesh by BriAnna
The Black Jeannie Nitro Dress also available at Sapphire Sims 2
The Black Corset With Purple Skirt outfit requires a mesh which you can get at Simply Styling Go to Fashion, then to Adult/Young Adult, then on Woman and then on casual page 2, It's the mesh under the first dress on the fourth line (the beige one)
The Chastity Nun Dress needs a mesh, which is also available on Simply Styling, but on page 4, it's the last outfit on the 4th line (the jeans mini skirt with red boots and brown t-shirt)
One last thing, the skirt is the only thing that will pop up under Bottom
As always, I love comments and if you like my work and want more, please rate high and say thanks If you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them for you, just PM me or leave a comment here.
Enjoy! ^^
Uploaded: 9th Feb 2006, 82.6 KB.
Uploaded: 9th Feb 2006, 277.5 KB.
Uploaded: 9th Feb 2006, 322.2 KB.
Uploaded: 9th Feb 2006, 306.7 KB.
Uploaded: 9th Feb 2006, 331.2 KB.
Uploaded: 9th Feb 2006, 204.2 KB.
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Updated: 6th Apr 2006 at 12:37 PM
by priddychild 20th Jun 2005 at 1:09pm
by snugglebunner 31st Jan 2006 at 3:15am
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by Miien 21st Jan 2006 at 8:00pm
Hi! more...
53 42.3k 12