A Little Japanese - 2 br theme houses on 2x2 lots - 3 of 5

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Lot: A Japanese 2x2 Type: Residential - 2 br - 2 baths
Furnished/Unfurnished: Unfurnished/Landscaped Cost: 37,807 simoleans


This lot has been repackaged with Sims2Pack Clean Installer and contains no hacks, careers, or unwanted/unneeded files. My lots will not be offered as zip files as rar files compressed at the best rate reduce file size by at least an extra 25% - we all have a responsibility to help keep site costs down right?

A Little Japanese is part of a series of 5 *theme* houses I am building on 2x2 lots . This lot is what you might get blending suburban banality with modern and traditional Japanese building styles =) The home features an open plan living area on the ground floor with modern stairs taking you up to the first floor which has 2 bedrooms - both of which have access to the decent sized
bathroom. There is also another bathroom area on the ground floor - lthough of course this could be redecorated for other uses. The entire house, inside and out is decorated in natural colours and a variety of textures have been used. The back garden features an inground spa, dining area and a relaxing zen garden.


The download for this lot contains 1 part:
A Little Japanese.rar containing a .sims2pack with the the lot file, walls, floors, windows,doors, and any objects and recolours - install using either TS2 Installer or Sims2Pack Clean Installer.


...Objects and Recolours
file: Rusty corrugated iron roof,recolour of wallsims chair creator: Cathy @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Patrician and Tornado fences in brown creator: Ililas @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=37149
file: Lattice fence creator: Supertramp @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=23464
file: Bamboo fence in redbrown creator: Wood for Sims @ http://www.woodforsims.de/html/wfs2news.html
file: small and large white garden rockscreator: ajisai @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=83111
file: Garden table with umbrella creator: DOT @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Large brown rock creator: http://www.jendea2.jendea.net/
file: Small willow tree,cycad plant creator: mickeyss http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=94426
file: Chinese incense burner creator: Sims2Heaven http://www.zifengling.com/index.htm
file: Glamorous privacy window creator: simfantastic2 @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=52640
file: Western style window mesh creator: SimplanX http://www.simplan-x.com/
file: Gaden fountain creator: http://sims2sisters.sme.sk/
file: Carribean dreams rake creator: Solander http://www.pimp-my-sims.com/index.php?id=27
file: Resized windchime ,whirlpool spa creator: http://www.sissysims2.de/
file: Soleil outdoor chair creator: Wallsims @ http://www.wallsims.net
file: Recolour of sissy's spa creator: loverat @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=99
file: front door recolour creator: Simthing for Everyone http://www.simthing.net/sims2.htm

...Floors, Walls, Terrains
file: Wind Blown wavy sand terrain creator: ????
file: zen circle,zencircle2,zenwavy2 terrains creator: Milivia7 @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: BTXSharp Sand creator: Brasstex @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=49959
file: Silver tiled wall creator: Zita @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Bamboo room wall creator: ????
file: Soft bamboo panelling creator: http://www.mainstsims.com
file: Bamboo wall creator: Frances & Lithium http://www.caravanshopsims2.com/EN/caravan.php
file: Lifestone wall 1 creator: Michelle0959 @ http://www.casa-darte.de/
file: Japan wall 6 & 7 creator: http://simplan.s75.xrea.com/
file: Berber with wooden kick moulding creator: ????
file: Casual plush carpet floor creator: Ennaedwyn @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=42496
file: Brown metal roof floor creator: ????
file: African slate floor creator: Cathy @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Neutral tile floor creator: ????
file: Natural almond floor creator: Celebkiriedhel http://www.simthing.net/sims2.htm
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