Happy Mothers Day - fully furnished or unfurnished - WAS ready BEFORE Mothers Day =P

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Stupid server =P For once I finish something BEFORE time and look what happens! *NOTE* THE TREES EXTRACTED FROM FFS HAVE BEEN USED IN THIS LOT (They are named Numenor_MaxisLost_Tree-treename.package and they are contained in the Lot/Build rar files). I have NOT included Brasstex's Fireplace due to the fact it needs specific installation but you can find it here: http://upload.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=80759

The credits are big but they LOOK bigger because of the way I have split up the files

Lot: Happy Mothers Day Type: Residential 3x2 Lot
Furnished & Unfurnished: Both fully landscaped Cost: about 148,000 ff and about 27,000 unfurnished Simoleans


Dedicated to my mum who is going through a REALLY hard time at the moment nursing my dad who has cancer - yet she remains as optimistic and happy as she can and is the utter embodiment of what being a mum is about =)

And dedicated to all you mums out there who everyday sacrifice little pieces of your own happiness/time/needs and desires so you can look after your families. I salute you! And I wish I could give you all a little hideaway house like this you could call your own getaway pad =)

Happy Mothers Day is definitively girly, decorated in whites, creams, soft pinks and yellows with flowing fabrics, flowers and a gorgeous outdoor/indoor spa set amongst beautifully natural country gardens. Downstairs has a living room with fireplace, entrance hall, piano area, full bathroom and kitchen with adjoining (but screened off) formal dining area. Upstairs is a mezzanine area with an office workspace and a chess area. The master bedroom fully decorated and has its own sitting area and fireplace. Next door is a full bathroom decorated in romantic red and white featuring an old style deep tub. There is an additional spare room you could use as a bedroom for guests or turn into your work room!

The gardens are decorated in a *natural* country style with lots of trees and flowering bushes. The outdoor/indoor spa is the ultimate place to take that bottle of champagne and relax in the beautiful whiteness and candlelight. There is ample room in the yard with a little moving around for a small pool, a vegetable garden or perhaps some formal flower gardens. The house itself is built in a semi victorian style and has a porch around two sides. Access to the driveway can be through either the front door or the door directly into the kitchen for carrying those gourmet grocercies. Additionally as a one-time
offer, I am including a cute little sportser car - no more people-movers and station wagons for you!


The download for this lot contains 1 rar file for unfurnished and 3 rar files for the furnished version:

Happy Mothers Day Unfurnished Lot & Build Items - Section 1a.rar: containing a Sims2Pack with the lot file, walls, floors, windows,doors,columns etc etc. Install using either TS2 Installer or Sims2Pack Clean Installer.

Happy Mothers Day Unfurnished Lot & Build Items - Section 1.rar: containing a Sims2Pack with the lot file, walls, floors, windows,doors,columns etc etc. Install using either TS2 Installer or Sims2Pack Clean Installer.

Happy Mothers Day Objects & Recolours - Section 2.rar: containing a folder with the Misc items,Curtains,Lighting & Misc Deco objects and recolours - extract these files to your download directory.

Happy Mothers Day Objects & Recolours - Section 3.rar: containing a folder with the Paintings,Plants,Flowers,Plumbing,Rugs,Comfort,Surfaces,Electronics and Appliances objects and recolours - extract these files to your download directory.


files included in download

Lots of files for this house so I am breaking it up into sections

SECTION 1 & 1a: BUILD MODE (These are the files included in both the furnished and unfurnished versions)

...Objects and Recolours

file: White aboreal wooden fence creator: Cathy @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Country Fence Whitewood creator: Chrissy6930 @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Very big oleander, Giant oleander creator: Lucas @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Bienchenblume flower & recolours creator: Bienchen83 @ http://sim2me.de/
file: Window creator: BitzyBus http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Bullnose verandah column creator: darylmarkloc @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=243958
file: Garden Flower & Recolour creator: http://www.debbysims2.com/
file: Wall Column & recolour creator: Tarox Design Sims 2 @ http://tarox.sx.am/
file: Window creator: flye @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=102188
file: Column creator: Grand Trianon by the Dream Team @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/showthrea...t=grand+trianon
file: Recolourable wooden stairs,FFS Trees: dogwood,flowering thorn,magnolia,oak,plumeria,rowan creator: Numenor http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=4407
file: Glamorous privacy window creator: simfantastic2 @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=52640
file: Window creator: http://sims2sisters.sme.sk/
file: Window creator: temptress @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=162102
file: Murray glass door & recolour creator: windkeeper http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=20458
file: Maxis baytree recolour,white recolour of wooden stairs creator: nengi65 @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=56826
file: White wrought iron gate creator: http://kimberspace.mattwork.potsdam.edu/sunnisims/
file: Livin it out tree creator: livinitout @ http://www.thesimsresource.com
file: Invisible driveway creator: roddyaleixo @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=22075

...Floors, Walls, Terrains
file: Recolour of hippi's crazy paving 7 floor,Oldwood lattice in white wall,Tasty Buff fruits wall,Delicious Golden Tulips wall creator: loverat @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=99
file: White Carpet creator: PaulaJedi @ http://www.thesimsresource.com
file: Podlaha white wood deck creator: http://sims2ellis.h15.ru/
file: Nacre amber 1x1 floor,Antique Saturnia travatine wall creator: Cathy @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Tivoli floor 4 creator: Michelle0959 @ http://www.casa-darte.de/
file: White parquetry floor creator: Mango Sims @ http://mangosims2.free.fr/
file: Shabby comfort wood panelling wall creator: WellDressedSim @ http://www.welldressedsim.com/
file: Victorian woodsiding 12 wall creator: Marina Sims http://www.marinasims.net/
file: Victorian rose cameo wall creator: Henwen @ http://www.thesimsresource.com

SECTION 2: Misc items,Curtains,lighting & Misc deco

...Objects and Recolours

file: China bookcase, Ibiza chandelier, Ibiza sconce,Metropolitan floor lamp, Source wall light,Source soap dispenser & recolours creator: chrissie @ http://www.pimp-my-sims.com
file: Soft touch Dresser and Vanity creator: dgandy @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Bookbuffet & recolour creator: http://sims2ellis.h15.ru/
file: Amana bookcase & recolour creator: http://www.sims2luxe.com/summary.htm
file: Piano & recolour creator: Steffi76 @ http://www.meshkiste.de/
file: White recolour Maxis chessboard, Candle chandelier recolour,White,yellow & rose candles,Silver candle tray,Basic & Large purse recolours creator: loverat @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=99
file: Drape curtains 1 & 2 tile & recolour,Candle chandelier,Sofa cushions creator: Birgit43 @ http://www.birgit43.de
file: Handwoven vintage curtain & recolour creator: BetterBeSim @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Long lace curtain & recolour creator: Helena @ http://www.pixelsims.com/
file: Curtain design set creator: JS @ Vitasims http://www.vitasims.com
file: Louisa curtain,Wall hat,Couvetre & recolour creator: Mango Sims @ http://mangosims2.free.fr/
file: Inosign blind and recolours creator: Shoukeir @ Sims 2 Play http://sims-2.gameslife.ru/
file: Recolour of Mango curtain,recolour of Inosign blind creator: lex @ http://ignorantbliss.org/silywilex/index.htm
file: Value curtain recolour, Wallfan horse recolour creator: zillah @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=27529
file: Modern line alarm clock creator: Sandy @ ATS http://www.aroundthesims2.com/
file: On counter ceramic hob & recolour creator: boblishman @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=61555
file: Mortar & pestle & recolour creator: lethe_s @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=50252
file: Cd player creator: cemre @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Trottco 27inch multiplace TV creator: Numenor http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=4407
file: Laptop creator: http://sims2sisters.sme.sk/
file: Retro fridge & recolour creator: shannanisims @ http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=205745
file: Dishwasher recolour creator: Tolli @ http://www.simgedoehns.de
file: Table candle lamp,Metal floor lamp ,Fireset & recolours creator: http://avenidasims.com/
file: Candle chandelier recolour creator: loverat @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=99
file: Floral wall plaque creator: Guderun http://www.guderunssims.de/
file: Bedroom books creator: http://www.4eversimfantasy.net/
file: Souk bathroom towel creator: Sandy @ ATS http://www.aroundthesims2.com/
file: Young elements wall deco & recolour creator: bluetes http://www.web-space.tv/bluetessims2ecke/home.html
file: Instyle wall hanging,Spring garden wallhanging & recolours creator: Cashcraft @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Makeup clutter & recolour creator: cazkiwi @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=16629
file: Stretching cat figurine creator: Crow Ridge Studio @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=30078
file: Matching mission wall cabinet creator: CTNutmegger @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=19221
file: Hanging bathrobe,Bathroom basket, Decorative plate creator: Dincer Hepguler @ http://moonsims.asi.org/dh-sims-site/
file: Hanging plates & recolour creator: DOT @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Rolled towels & recolour creator: giselle @ http://www.fashion-show.org/
file: Cedona table candleabra creator: Grapholina @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=27463
file: Basket of books,Floor pillows, More pillows creator: heidi @ http://scoggle.net/ee/
file: Sculpted cat & recolour creator: Mutske @ http://www.thesimsresource.com
file: Canopy, Bed canopy creator: Phelana @ http://www.meshkiste.de/
file: Standing candleabra & Wall candle , Roadster,Wood basket & recolours creator: http://www.reflexsims.de/
file: Floor painting with pots & recolour creator: http://sims2sisters.sme.sk/
file: Candle trio & recolour creator: SimAddict99 @ TSR http://www.thesimsresource.com
file: Mug & cookies creator: Sim People and Me http://suigetu.eco.to/
file: Screen,Fruit & books, Mirror & recolours creator: Sunair Sims @ http://sunairsims.enorth.com.cn/
file: Soap dish creator: Tarox Design Sims 2 @ http://tarox.sx.am/
file: Wall plates creator: SimplanX http://www.simplan-x.com/
file: Dining setting creator: Suza @ http://www.simplystyling.de/homesims2.html
file: Bread set,basic purse,large purse creator: HChangeri @ http://www.retailsims.com/
file: Recolour of Mango couvetre creator: Luslipz73 @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=30410
file: Exotic elements cushion recovers creator: Jonesi @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=95035
file: Recolour of Bed canopy creator: Ob @ http://www.simsfan2.de/
file: Recolour of sofa cushions creator: http://jaue.com/avalon/index.htm
file: Red recolour of canopy creator: http://www.piggis-sims.net/
file: Wallfan recolour pink creator: STP Carly @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: DOT wallplates recolour creator: WaG @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/

SECTION 3: paintings,plants,flowers,plumbing,rugs,Comfort,surfaces,Electronics,Appliances

file: Sleek art mesh & recolours creator: justmoi @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=12823
file: 3 tile painting,modern ikebana,to52 plant creator: Sunair Sims @ http://sunairsims.enorth.com.cn/
file: SIm wardrobes twin vertical strip painting creator: Celebkiriedhel http://www.simthing.net/sims2.htm
file: Recolour of Sunair painting creator: ISay @ http://sims.enorth.com.cn/
file: Mucha painting creator: zillah @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=27529
file: Neon plant, Alessia flowers,Studio line tulips creator: http://www.11dots.com/
file: Diffenbachia creator: http://www.4eversimfantasy.net/
file: Pentago palm creator: BitzyBus http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Jug of lillies creator: http://www.sims2-studio.de/index.htm
file: Dining roses plus recolours creator: Cashcraft @ http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Flower bowl creator: linegud @ http://www.thesimsresource.com
file: Bouquet de fleurs,Plant creator: Mango Sims @ http://mangosims2.free.fr/
file: Twist flower pedestal & recolour creator: Solfal http://www.thesimsresource.com/
file: Plant,Callas creator: teko @ http://www.reflexsims.de/
file: Bowl of Hydrangeas & recolour creator: WellDressedSim @ http://www.welldressedsim.com/
file: Hanging brooklyn ivy creator: ygg http://www.spiffysims.com/
file: Endeavour plant stand creator: Zita @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Forced narcissus,Glads in vase & recolours creator: Naschev @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=113952
file: Romance tub,sink,shower,toilet,Wintergarten table,Coffee table & recolours creator: Tarox Design Sims 2 @ http://tarox.sx.am/
file: Sunken jet spa creator: mickeyss http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=94426
file: Recolours of Tarox romance plumbing creator: Betsy @ http://www.betsyslittlesimshoppes.com/index.htm
file: Shower curtain recolour creator: http://avenidasims.com/
file: 3x4 floor rug,2x1 bedside mat (fixed by numenor) creator: Echo @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=42165
file: Bathmat,Bathmat toilet creator: Tolli @ http://www.simgedoehns.de
file: 2x3 floor rug,2x3 oval rug & recolours creator: windkeeper http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=20458
file: White pinerug creator: Jessica Ritchie @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=268
file: Oval rug recolour creator: MRC @ http://www.thesimsresource.com
file: Poster loveseat creator: Luslipz73 @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=30410
file: Bijoux ottoman creator: http://www.holysimoly.com
file: Double bed creator: Phelana @ http://www.meshkiste.de/
file: Victorian dining chair creator: Sims2Heaven http://www.zifengling.com/index.htm
file: White wood maxis chair recolour creator: CTNutmegger @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=19221
file: Yellow sea maxis chair recolour creator: simage @ http://www.sim-age.de
file: Double bed recolour creator: Ob @ http://www.simsfan2.de/
file: Ottoman recolour creator: http://jaue.com/avalon/index.htm
file: Rustikal endtable & recolour creator: besen @ http://www.besens-sims2.de
file: Welsh Dresser creator: gromit @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=45505
file: Sideboard creator: heidi @ http://scoggle.net/ee/
file: Curved cabinet creator: Lucas @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Hallway storage bench & recolour creator: Little Texas Momma @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=43957
file: Invisible end table creator: redeth20 @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=54774
file: Wicker chair with footstool & recolour creator: SimAddict99 @ TSR http://www.thesimsresource.com
file: Coffee table creator: WellDressedSim @ http://www.welldressedsim.com/
file: Fluffy sofa creator: ygg http://www.spiffysims.com/
file: Recolour of welsh dresser, recolour of curved cabinet creator: Cathy @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: wHITE RECOLOUR mAXIS MISSON KITCHEN PIECES creator: eagle77 @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=173232
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