Strawberry Fields Neighborhood

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updated: changed the picture format to png instead of jpeg

Well I deceided to share one of my neighborhoods with all of you. It's called Strawberry Fields.
This hood call hold numbers of lots differnt sizes. I have taken the honor of decorating this also mainly to my style. You can use either version if ya like.

This version has been decorated with the trees and rocks and stuff. NO LOTS.
you will have to place your own lots
First put the file strawberryfields.sc4 in your SC4Terrains Folder in My Documents/EA Games/ The Sims 2/SC4Terrains. Place ALL the files begining with StrawberryFields
SecondStart your game make your new neighborhood. When done exit the game . DO NOTHING ELSE TO THE HOOD
Third copy the file N002_Neighborhood and N002_neighborhood.png into your neighborhood folder you just created. Wheather number 1,4,or10. Delete the files they are previously there your gonna replace them with these. Rename the files with the name or the new neighborhood. All your changing is the 2.
for ex. if when you created your new hood and it's your 5th hood. You will change the 2 in the title to a 5 (From N002_Neighborhood to N005_Neighborhood )
Forth Now go back into game start your hood up and bingo there it is. Just lay your lots or homes and your good to go.

If you don't like my style of deco you can just place the strawberryfields.sc4 in your SC4Terrains Folder in My Documents/EA Games/ The Sims 2/SC4Terrains Place ALL the files begining with StrawberryFields
and decorate galore and just ignore or simply delete the other 2 files for you wont be needing them
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