Stop Wars à la Star Wars- A shirt
StopWarsshirt.jpg - width=827 height=576
This is just a plain recolour of a maxis shirt....
It says 'Stop Wars' on the front...
I really like this 'Stop Wars' in Star Wars writing idea so I'm planning on making more and better recolours also in different colours.... So if you have a wish, don't hesitate to ask

Actually it says 'May the force be with us' on the back but I spotted that to late and thus it didn't make it onto this shirt......
But the next ones will have that nifty feature

Well..... The model is Natalie Portman.... she's gorgeous....
well... here are the credits
skin/blush: by me
eyes: by me
sim: mine again....
actually.... everything is mine... but the eyeshadow and the liner are from Helenae
well... have fun.... please leave comments or press 'thank you'.... or visit my journal to see what's coming up next and leave a comment there ^^ *shameless advertising*
Uploaded: 14th Aug 2006, 148.0 KB.
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Updated: 21st Aug 2006 at 1:08 AM
by sinthetickrush 28th Nov 2005 at 2:23am
by Lord Penguin 24 22nd Aug 2006 at 3:33am
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About Me
My Policy: (yeah I got myself one of these fancy things ^^)
You may use my textures and recolour them.
You may use my alphas to make your own.
You may include my costum content.
If you....
- used something I did to make your own stuff, please pm me with a link, because I want to see what you did (*nosy* ;) )
- used something I created, please link back...
Also: If you're proud of what you've done, I'll be happy to see it ;)