Furikake Jinja - A Shinto Shrine

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First off... Oh, my gods, I hate packaging files! x.X I may never do it again (yeah, right...). *pokes at all the things that aren't even on the lot that Sims 2 puts in the package file* You package it and run it through Clean Installer and save it and install it and check that it works and is the way it should be and fix things and then repackage it and run it through Clean Installer and save it and install it and... Gragh!

To top it off, the mailbox on the lot dissappeared! x.X I attribute this to the fact that I have a default replacement and it fell victim to the custom content clean out with Clean Installer. There's a way to buy a mailbox somewhere on this site, though, I'm pretty sure (I've heard talk about it in other threads), which is why I decided to go ahead and upload this anyway. Maybe, before I'm done with this post, I will have gone and found a link for you... maybe.

*takes deep breath*

Sorry... this is my first time trying to package a lot, and it and I had a little tiff. I won, though, so it's all okay. ^_^ Anywho...

I give to you... a Shinto shrine! Shinto is the main "religion" of Japan. (Religion is in quotes because it isn't really a religion as per the Western view, but more of an ingrained social construct... or something like that.) I've seen churches and cathedrals and even a mosque (did I spell that right?), but no shrines. Not that I've been looking, but still.

I'm rambling, sorry... There will be more, though.

Anyway, I made this lot for my neighbourhood with my manga project sims. One of the characters in my manga project is the granddaughter of a Shinto priest. (The shrine in the story has yet to be named. The name I gave it for the upload is a temp.) I've been very lazy lately and haven't built many lots for myself, but I've built a few for this neighbourhood, and this is one of them (obviously).

The lot consists of the shrine caretaker's home, which is two stories and as close to a traditional Japanese home as I knew how to do/felt like doing despite my laziness. It's two stories (which I don't think is all that traditional), has two bedrooms (one on the first floor, one on the second), two toilets, and one bathroom (sans toilet, for the Japanese don't swing that way). The bath is divided into two parts: the shower (which I put a Uni public shower in, and I hope it's facing the right way), and the bath itself, which is in a seperate, but adjacent room.

Also on the lot is the actual shrine. Here my limited knowledge of actual Shinto shrines is biting me in the arse. T__T It's a rather plain building. The doorway isn't meant to be used as a doorway, but rather as a kind of archway where something should be set (using the 'moveobjects' cheat, of course). I have examples of a possibly layout using the all prettyfied version of the shrine I actually play with. (I have a Buddha in my Shinto shrine... something tells me that's bad karma. D= )

To keep to the serene atmosphere that a shrine should have, there are lots of trees and a rather large pond. As random as the landscaping is, I rather like it. ^^; And it will be good for those of you wanting to become a werewolf, ne? =D

Last, but definately not least, I built a torii. A torii is a gate to a sacred place, and can be found at the entrance to pretty much all Shinto shrines (I have no data to back this claim up, but also none to dispute it. *shifty eyes*) My torii is rather bad, as I simply built it using Maxis walls and things. I'd much rather have an object torii, but the one I built will suffice for now. ^^; As per all the torii I have seen (which is quite a few, actually, but all in pictures), the structure is red.

This is supposed to only have two items of custom content, as well as three custom terrain paints. It had a lot more custom content when I first started (hence the row mentioned at the beginning of all this drabble), but I didn't want to go look up all the things that were in it. Besides, the nice shoji door I have does not have a unique GUID, apparently, and overwrites the default Maxis sliding door. Sadness... I like it though, so I keep it.

Firstly, the terrain paints (because I have that tab already open, unlike the other two that I have to raid my inbox for). They are the Realistic Terrains by Margierytka ( http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=192701 ). After I found these terrains, I suddenly decided that the Maxis terrains just weren't good enough anymore... *shrugs* I've only used three of them. I would have removed them, but I read on one of the packaging tutes (or something) that using Clean Installer to remove terrains kills your lot in a very gruesome fashion. Besides, the shrine just wouldn't be the same without the pretty, lush grass of these terrain paints.

I also kept Targa's Designer Ladderstairs ( http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=96894 ), because I couldn't think of a way around it. I thought about just linking to the stairs, as I actually asked Targa if I could use them and have yet to recieve an answer, but I've seen the stairs in other uploads, and it's actually easier to just have them in there. Love the ladderstairs, for the ladderstairs are nifty. n_n

The other custom object I left is feeEssen's Garden Basin ( http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=166326 ), which I absolutely love. If you don't know feeEssen's stuff, you should check it out. She has made a lot of fun little knick-knacks, including an electric toothbrush and a water-boiler (which I had never heard of before, but it's a spiffy idea... Yay, Germany?). Anyway, this was left in because there are shrines (maybe all shrines, since Shinto is very clean) that have little basins of water to wash up in. I'm not sure if it's ceremonial or actually washing (I've actually only seen one example of this, which was in the anime Kamichu!, so I don't know much about it), but I thought this little outdoor washbasin was perfect for this shrine. ^_^

Believe it or not, I half know what I'm talking about... and no, not all my information comes from anime. >_>;

This shrine lacks a few things, one of which being a place to sell charms and things to the public. I have nothing sellable in my game that remotely resembles charms and the like, so I decided not to worry about it. *shrug*

So! In summary (yes, you had to read all that nonsense even though I'm going to make a nice, tidy list now):

Lot Type: Residential
Lot Size: 4x4
Price: 38,647 (I think)
Custom Content:
- Realistic Terrains by Margierytka
- Designer Ladderstairs by Targa
- Garden Basin by feeEssen
Requires: University, Nightlife, most likely Pets. (Maybe OFB, too, since I have it installed, but I didn't check that one.)

There's a file in the Sims2Pack that has a modular stair (I think) by Numenor . I don't remember using this stair, but it might be the one I used. Even if it isn't, I can't seem to get rid of the files. When I try, all the package files in the lot become empty and the entire thing is unusable. I had help with such an issue in the help chat from someone whose name I can't remember. It was fPhoenix or something to that effect. I'm really sorry that I can't remember. I did have a nice little proper thanks typed up in this description, but my computer crashed (because I loaded Sims and exited and loaded again too many times, I think), and I lost it. ;_;

A collection file that includes the mailbox can be found here. Sorry about that... I didn't think it'd remove the entire mailbox. x.X [edit]SimTaarna has pointed me to a mailbox/trashcan replacement thing that can be found here.

SimTaarna also said she had a bit of trouble getting Clean Installer to install the lot. I'm not sure why, but... we're going to blame Pets. Pets seems to be a good scapegoat, as it seems to have a few bugs. Anywho, here's her work around to get the lot to install: "putting the package on the desktop and dragging it onto the default package installer for Pets helps". Hopefully this will work for anyone else who is having problems installing with Clean Installer.[/edit]

Some suggestions for content:

Shoji Sliding Door by LunarRyou
Tatami Floors by MShades

I am open to suggestions for content (but if you want to link me to something, keep in mind that I'm poor and don't do pay sites). I'm also open for suggestions on improving the shrine itself, but please have evidence (a website, Wiki... ya know, something). If I'm too lazy to research for myself in the first place, chances are that I'm too lazy to research a suggestion. Sorry...

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot... Furikake, for people who don't know, is a dry flake condiment that is put on rice to give it flavouring. This is also bad karma for me... ^^;

If you like it, leave a comment please. ^^ You can hit the thanks button if you like, but comments = <3, and I'd prefer them. Also, be sure to let me know about and problems that pop up in this lot. Thanks much. Ja~
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