Zombie Jill - Adult-Female Undies - ^^ Many cute colors
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xD; Yeah, I had to add a holiday-ish one in there....
... I don't really have much else to say. xDD I didn't do much with the alpha All I really did was paste two maxis-alphas together, and do some altering. So... yeah. XD Enjoy.
If you like this alpha, you're welcome to use it, but please, don't retexture the texture. If you have a request for other colors (XDD I got bored half-way through making these, so I stopped with the colors), post or PM saying so. XD I'll see what I can do.
Many thanks to my lovely model, Jill ((since I'm a geek, and Jill likes taking pictures, here's a headshot for you guys. Click)), for spending what was supposed to be her time with her son and husband modelling these for me. XD Custom-content wise, all her makeup is by Barcelonista. Hair by Peggy. Skintone by SimCribbling. Eyes by me. Enjoy!
Uploaded: 24th Dec 2006, 465.3 KB.
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Updated: 25th Nov 2008 at 12:32 AM by zombiejill
by simscorner 22nd Jan 2006 at 10:37am
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About Me
Slice 'em up, recolor them, rip them apart, base your new sims on them, whatever!
Just credit me, and never upload to pay sites!
All derivative work should be 100% free, 100% of the time.
You absolutely may convert my items to The Sims 3/The Sims 4 and I encourage you to do so!
Just share the link with me, and I will add it to the downloads so people can find your work.