Southern Coast

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An other opus in my Southern style (the 3 are in a nbhood screenshot). Il is not a larger house than the other but in a larger (4*4) lot size. I played a little with the landscaping tools and with the CFE for this tropical coast outside.

This is a 3 bedrooms house with a large main room, a flowered() patio and a lot of sunny balconies. In the basement there is a party room with a bowling.
Outside many terraces, sunny or not, a swiming pool, a boat deck, a beach....

For the pics, they are not photoshoped but the lot is on the coast of one my low leveled nbhood, Boolprop Island and the lot lake level is under the sea level to give this effect.

Custom Content by Me:
- Layered wood vertical
- Layered wood clear vertical
- Layered wood clear
- Maxis-ReclinerContempo recol
- MaxisParkBenchChair Recol
- MaxisParkTable recol
- patul Mfrom the LSRE latice wall
- -Maylin-Marie-sculpt recol

Custom Content Included:

- Independent Expressions Inc. set - Windows by MaryLou
- One Tile kitchen Window, Eclectic Expressions Inc., "Non-Reflective" Window by macarossi
- Colonial Style Window by dgandy
- Mission set Doors & windows by chrissy6930
- Longhorn Balustrade in White and Edge Smoother (More white by Ailias) by Ailias
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- N65_Numenor_DeckStairs_whitewood by Nengi 65

- bedroom3 -bed- bedroom purpleflower** -bed-, Bedroom 2 - deco curtain by simsinparis
- beigedamask & bluelotusrug rug recols by NanetteTredoux
- Parasol "Atrium" by OpenHouseJack
- Tuscan Kitchen Set by phoenix_phaerie
- DianavasesAsianBeige & red recols by dianavb
- Speed-Boat by mickyss
- Malawi Rug by -NYX-
- Antique Table Phone by HystericalParoxysm
- Chimeway & Daughters Saloon Piano & white recol by pacotacoplayer

- Birch Tree Shrubby Larger by khakidoo
- "Eponymous Garden" Gingseng, Lily, Tomato by Kate at Parsimonious
- Archontophoenix cunninghamiana (7 m)- Musa basjoo (3 m)- Cocos nucifera "Beach"- Sabal bermudana (2,50 m)- Phoenix canariensis (6 m)- Washingtonia filifera (3,50 m), (4 m), (8 m)- Roystonea regia (8 m) by alex_stanton1983
- buntah rock1 by buntah
- Cliff 01 by nengi65
- Pustynne Kamloty, Piasek Nrs 1, 2 & 3 by Margierytka
- invisibledriveway by roddyaleixo
- 1910 Wall Phone and recol, Lamp "Phantom of Opera", Maylin curtains, Rattan set chair, outdoor set table, Sculpture "Virgin Mary" by -Maylin-
thanks again all

Lot Size: 4x4
Lot Price: 163 780 - 70 423

Additional Credits:
Numenor for the more than useful BaseGameStarter

The unfurnished version is the Southern Coast -UNF-.rar file

I hope you like and enjoy wiht it
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