West Vista Apartments Starting at $550!

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I decided to go ahead and upload an apartment building, I'm still perfecting my apartment building, so I apologize if it's a little boring.
I think I may have built 5 or 6 other apartments all together but they would require all the EPs and I want this to be playable by as many as possible because I know how frustrating it is when you cannot play something you want to play so I made this one to only require Apartment Life. These apartments were inspried by some of the ones I see in downtown Columbia, it's more like an old building converted into apartments on a simple 2x2 lot.

4 Apartment Units
1 Studio/ 1 Bath
1 Bed/ 1 Bath
1 Bed/ 1 Bath
2 Bed/ 2 Bath (more of a Luxury Apartment)
Price Ranges from $550 - $2, 733
All Apartments come furnished! (if you use cheat)
**** Hit CTRL-SHIFT-C to bring up the cheat box*****
Enter this cheat in box:
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
stand very close to door and SHIFT-click on it and choose "Rent Furnished"
when you are done don't forget to turn cheat off!:
******boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false******

Thank you to everyone who viewed and/or downloaded! I would LOVE feedback if anyone has a chance to leave some!

A Big Thanks To:
Numenor for the AnyGameStarter, without it this lot would not be possible!

Lot Size: 2x2
Lot Price: $550 - $2,733
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