Freakish Majors A to Z: Agriculture & Related

Most or all of the majors in the Agriculture & Related set have custom skill requirements, motive deltas, class lengths, and class start times. I say most or all because I may or may not have forgotten to change one or more of previous mentioned in one or more majors. If so, sorry, I won't be going back and editing them now. There are seven majors in this set; all of which are cloned from the biology major. All majors have custom icons, which you can find below. All other information, such as skill requirements and class descriptions are farther down in this post.

Majaors have been tested, but if you find any bug/flaws or you have any sort of issues with them, feel free to contact me and I'll try and fix them for you. All other feedback is appreciated, as well.

This is what it looks like when you use FrikaC's hack, which is required, to select your major.

Here is an example of one of the majors. If you'd like more examples/screenshots, let me know.
Below you can find all the information on each of the seven majors. The information provided includes every majors name and description, class names, descriptions, skill requirements, and when/how long your student will attend class, total skills accquired from each major, and motive deltas for each major.

If you have a passion for horses, this is the major for you! You'll learn how to meet the needs of horses and learn riding and dressage.
- History of the Horse - Understand the history and evolution of the horse.
Logic I, Body I, Charisma I
Class from 9AM to 12PM - Equine Science - Discover the anatomy and biology of a horse.
Creativity I, Cooking I, Creativity I
Class from 11AM to 2PM - Dressage 101 - Equip yourself with the knowledge to ride and care for your horse.
Mechanical I, Cleaning II, Body II
Class from 2PM to 6PM - Dressage 102 - Prepare yourself for successful competition.
Logic II, Charisma II, Body III
Class from 5PM to 7PM - Western Riding - Discover how to ride according to Western disciplines.
Charisma III, Charisma III, Logic III
Class from 7PM to 8PM - English Riding - Master riding according to English standards.
Body IIII, Cleaning IIII
Class from 8AM to 10AM - Equine Management - Learn about stable management, horse care, and supervising barn management.
Charisma IIII, Cleaning IIIII
Class from 5PM to 6PM - Judging - Learn to judge horse competitions by standards.
Body IIIII, Logic IIII
Class from 3PM to 5PM - Skills - Acquire 5 Body & Cleaning Points; 4 Charisma & Logic Points; 1 Point Each of All Others
- Motive Deltas - Bladder -90, Comfort -120, Energy -70, Fun -80, Hunger -90, Hygiene -120, Social +60
With the tools provided to you in this major you'll learn how to process and distribute the thousands of products made by plants. Studies include the chemistry and biology of a variety of plants.
- Plant Sciences - The science of breeding and cultivating agricultural plants and the distribution of them.
Cleaning I, Creativity I, Logic I
Class from 5PM to 7PM - Plant Protection - Study the environmental impact of both pests and pest management.
Body I, Mechanical I, Cooking I
Class from 4PM to 7PM - Pest Management - Learn about weed growth and reproduction and insect biology.
Creativity II, Logic II, Charisma I
Class from 9AM to 11AM - Crop Science - Learn about soil fertility and how to serve real-world problems.
Cleaning II, Logic III, Charisma II
Class from 10AM to 12PM - Range Science - Learn to manage grasslands, desert regions, and rangelands.
Cleaning III, Creativity III, Cooking II
Class from 3PM to 6PM - Plant Breeding - Focuses on the genetics of plants to develop new plants and improve plant health.
Cleaning IIII, Logic IIII
Class from 6PM to 8PM - Horticulture Science 101 - Learn to identify the different plant species.
Creativity IIII, Logic IIIII
Class from 8PM to 10PM - Horticulture Science 102 - The science behind cultivating garden and ornamental plants.
Creativity IIIII, Mechanical II
Class from 3PM to 5PM - Skills – Acquire 5 Creativity & Logic Points; 4 Cleaning Points; 2 Mechanical, Charisma, and Cooking Points; 1 Body Point
- Motive Deltas – Hygiene -110, Social +40, Fun -100, Energy -50, Bladder -100, Comfort -100, Hunger -90
Students of this major learn where their food comes from and how to keep the nation's supply of food animals healthy and productive.
- Animal Sciences 101 - Begin the study of the anatomy and physiology of healthy animals.
Logic I, Body I, Mechanical I
Class from 12PM to 2PM - Animal Sciences 102 - Master the medical terms used in future classes.
Cleaning I, Creativity I, Cooking I
Class from 1PM to 4PM - Animal Health - Learn to prevent and control disease in agricultural animals.
Cleaning II, Logic II, Charisma I
Class from 7AM to 9AM - Animal Breeding - Learn to produce healthier animals and develop new breeds using genetic engineering.
Logic III, Body II, Charisma II
Class from 3PM to 5PM - Animal Nutrition - Discover how to improve animal health.
Cleaning III, Logic IIII, Body III
Class from 8PM to 11PM - Dairy Science - Become a master of the biology and chemistry behind managing dairy products.
Cleaning IIII, Body IIII
Class from 5Pm to 7PM - Poultry Science - Birds everywhere! Learn to manage poultry farms and about bird science.
Logic IIIII, Charisma III
Class from 11AM to 1PM - Livestock Management - Learn to run livestock operations and produce meat and other products.
Cleaning IIIII, Creativity II
Class from 10AM to 12PM - Skills – Acquire 5 Logic & Cleaning Points; 4 Body Points; 3 Charisma Points; 2 Creativity Points; 1 Cooking & Mechanical Point
- Motive Deltas – Hygiene -100, Social +40, Fun -100, Energy -50, Bladder -100, Comfort -100, Hunger -100
Examine the marketing, financing, and management of food production. Study economic theory and come to understand the variety of factors behind the buying and selling of products.
- Agricultural Business 101 - Learn how food gets from the field to the table.
Cleaning I, Charisma I, Cooking I
Class from 6PM to 7PM - Agricultural Business 102 - Examine financing, marketing, and management of food production.
Body I, Logic I, Creativity I
Class from 9AM to 11AM - Economics - Come to understand the economic theory and learn how to buy and sell food.
Logic II, Charisma II, Mechanical I
Class from 7AM to 11AM - Agribusiness Marketing - Get a taste of what real-world marketing is like.
Charisma III, Body II, Creativity II
Class from 12PM to 2PM - Business Technology - Master business basics and office equipment and software.
Creativity III, Logic II, Body II
Class from 6PM to 10PM - Communications 101 - Discover agriculture and business basics and journalistic writing.
Charisma IIII, Logic IIII
Class from 3PM to 4PM - Communications 102 - Practice techniques of communication, broadcasting, and journalism.
Creativity IIII, Charisma IIIII
Class from 10AM to 1PM - Accounting - Come to effectively use tools such as balance sheets and income statements.
Body IIII, Logic IIIII
Class from 6AM to 8AM - Skills – Acquire 5 Logic & Charisma Points; 4 Creativity & Body Points; 1 Point of All Others
- Motive Deltas – -75 Hygiene, +50 Social, -100 Fun, -50 Energy, -150 Bladder, -75 Comfort, -110 Hunger
This field is constantly changing. Majors look at the big picture and learn about a variety of things, from international trade and resource management to environmental policy and economic theory.
- Agricultural Economics 101 - Study economic theory and how to apply it to real-life situations.
Creativity I, Logic I, Charisma I
Class from 12PM to 3PM - Agricultural Economics 102 - Learn how to analyze productivity, investment, and trends.
Mechanical I, Body I, Cleaning I
Class from 8AM to12PM - Environmental Economics - Apply to laws of supply and demand to seemingly priceless natural resources.
Charisma II, Cooking I, Logic II
Class from 5PM to 6PM - Equipment Technology - Discover how to maintain and repair farm and ranch equipment.
Cleaning II, Creativity II, Logic III
Class from 2PM to 4PM - Mechanization - Learn about how to buy and sell a variety of agricultural equipment.
Creativity III, Logic IIII, Charisma III
Class from 6AM to 10AM - Power Machinery - Acquaint yourself with running power equipment.
Charisma IIII, Cleaning III
Class from 7PM to 10PM - Supplies - Discover how to buy and sell farm products, supplies, and services.
Logic IIIII, Charisma IIIII
Class from 11AM to 2PM - Education Services - Learn to provide advice to agriculture professionals.
Creativity IIII, Cleaning IIII
Class from 9AM to 10AM - Skills – Acquire 5 Logic & Charisma Points; 4 Cleaning & Creativity Points; 1 Point of All Others
- Motive Deltas – -100 Hygiene, +50 Social, -100 Fun, -40 Energy, -110 Bladder, -110 Comfort, -100 Hunger
After a degree in Food Science, you'll know not to eat that moldy pizza in your fridge. The major combines biology, chemistry, and other sciences to bring affordable, safe food to the people.
- Food Science 101 - Discover the relationship between food, additives, processing and your health.
Cleaning I, Logic II, Cooking I
Class from 1PM to 4PM - Food Science 102 - Learn what it takes to bring affordable, safe food to supermarket shelves.
Creativity I, Charisma I, Mechanical I
Class from 3PM to 6PM - Regulatory & Quality Standard - Familiarize yourself with food laws and regulations.
Logic II, Body I, Cooking II
Class from 7AM to 9AM - Food Processing - Procedures used to process and preserve on a commercial basis.
Cleaning II, Creativity II, Logic III
Class from 11AM to 1PM - Food Products Analysis - The determination of composition and quality of food products.
Logic IIII, Body II, Cooking III
Class from 2PM to 3PM - Foodservice Operations - Discover productions methods used to control costs.
Cleaning III, Cooking IIII
Class from 8AM to 10AM - Food Processing - Procedures used to process and preserve on a commercial basis.
Cleaning IIII, Logic IIIII
Class from 12PM to 4PM - Management of Nutrition Services - Principles of organization and management of food-service systems.
Creativity III, Cooking IIIII
Class from 8PM to 10PM - Skills – Acquire 5 Cooking & Logic Points; 4 Cleaning Points; 3 Creativity Points; 2 Body Points; 1 Charisma & Mechanical Point
- Motive Deltas – Hygiene -100, Social +40, Fun -100, Energy -50, Bladder -100, Comfort -100, Hunger -100
Learn how to care for and breed a variety of animals and crops. Study management of a farm or ranch, husbandry, and economics. A variety of general and career specific skills are acquired.
- Agricultural Production - The study of planning, economics, and the use of natural resources, labor, and capital.
Logic I, Body I, Mechanical I
Class from 8AM to 12PM - Animal Husbandry - Learn to select, breed, care for, and market animals.
Cleaning I, Creativity I, Cooking I
Class from 12PM to 3PM - Aquaculture 101 - Focuses on the production of both freshwater and saltwater fish.
Body II, Charisma I, Mechanical II
Class from 7PM to 8PM - Aquaculture 102 - Focuses on fish selection, nutrition, and the detail and principles of business management.
Cleaning II, Logic II, Mechanical III
Class from 7AM to 9AM - Crop Production 101 - Study the management of the farming and business of plants.
Cleaning III, Body III, Mechanical IIII
Class from 2PM to 4PM - Crop Production 102 - Learn about pest management, harvesting operations, safety, and marketing.
Logic III, Body IIII
Class from 11AM to 3PM - Dairy Husbandry and Production - Produce milk products from dairy animals, and learn to breed and care for them.
Cleaning IIII, Logic IIII
Class from 4PM to 5PM - Horse Husbandry and Equine Science - Learn to manage tracks and stables and breed and care for horses.
Body IIIII, Mechanical IIIII
Class from 1PM to 3PM - Skills – Acquire 5 Body & Mechanical Points; 4 Cleaning & Logic Points; 1 Point of All Others
- Motive Deltas – Hygiene -150, Social +50, Fun -90, Energy -60, Bladder -90, Comfort -105, Hunger -100
Additional Credits:
FrikaC for the hack that makes this possible
whiterider for the fabulous tutorial SimPE
| Plant Sciences
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 3.1 KB.
| Food Science
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 3.1 KB.
| Equestrian Studies
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 3.8 KB.
| Animal Sciences
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 3.7 KB.
| All Majors in the Set
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 34.3 KB.
| Agricultureal Production Major
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 7.4 KB.
| Agricultural Business Major
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 8.5 KB.
| Agricultural Business Major
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2009, 5.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 27th Mar 2009 at 7:50 PM
Country Home - Perfect for Raising a Family
by freakishmanda 15th Apr 2009 at 1:38am
First off, please not that Base Game Starter was used to create this lot. more...
6 13.9k 2
by freakishmanda 8th Apr 2010 at 8:24pm
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by freakishmanda 7th Apr 2009 at 9:36pm
Hello all! more...
+7 packs
Open for Business
Free Time
Apartment Life
Packs Needed
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![]() | University |