Children Can Make Meals - Sims 3 Showtime: 3-25-12
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Compatible with Showtime / 1.3x
Use the 1.2x version for Showtime.
Sims 3 Pets
There was a minor change to the code used for the mod to enable children to perform tasks in preparing meals.
Look below for further details on the mod. There was no change in the location of the Mods\Packages folder to install mods in.
Sims 3 Generations
June 13th, 2011:
Children need at least 1 cooking skill point in order to unlock the interactions to prepare, cook/grill and serve meals.
There were changes to the code in Generations to instruct Sims to perform tasks. To be on the safe side, use the new Generations mod to enable children to prepare, cook or grill, serve and store food as well as clean the counter and the cooking equipment.
By EA default, Generations now allow children to:
Give bottles to toddlers in the high chairs (enabled by EA in OLS and GEN)
Use cooking pans on the stoves (finish cooking what's on the stove. Not sure when EA enabled this)
* I saw the code enabling children to cook on the stove. I assumed that -if- a teen or an adult leaves the pan on the stove, then the child will be able to finish cooking on the stove. I didn't change that bit of code. *
Children can do the following:
- Get ingredients from the fridges
- Prepare meals and desserts on the counters or in the food processors
- Cook, grill or bake using the stoves, grills, microwaves and ovens
- Use the food replicators to store meals and desserts
- Call the Sims to get their own plates
- Clean up unfinished food from the counters
- Prepare and give food to toddlers in the high chairs
- Serve meals (OLS)
Serve is a new interaction added by Outdoor Living Stuff (OLS) to allow Sims to serve meals by bringing a plate to another Sim. For example, a Sim brings a single serving of food to another Sim.
Children cannot hold the baby; therefore children cannot bottlefeed the baby by EA design. The animations are not there to enable children to bottlefeed the baby.
Children will still be able to use toy ovens to make muffins, cookies and cakes to sell at their bakery tables.
Chaavik-Skills-GEN is -REQUIRED- to enable children to prepare, cook and serve meals.
Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware):
Children -will- stretch when they prepare food on the counters, cook or grill the food and clean up the unfinished food from the counters. But the animations are there to enable them to perform those tasks.
The 'Children Can Make Meals' mod (any) -will- conflict with other mods editing files affecting food preparation and cooking behaviors (or interactions). These mods -will- conflict with other mods affecting the stoves, microwaves, grills and food replicators.
Install Instructions:
Install the mod into the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\****\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages
**** is your user account with admin rights
Vista and Windows 7:
Libraries\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages (or wherever your Mods\Packages folder is)
Wherever your mod folder is
I only provide support for my own mods and no one else's mods. If you have trouble running Sims 3 or have no idea where to install the game and mods, please visit the Sims 3 forums for help.
March 9th 2011 - Outdoor Living Stuff Update
The new mod for Outdoor Living Stuff is a completely rewritten mod to replace the original "Children Can Make Meals" mods available for older expansion packs and stuff packs.
The interactions and behaviors were completely rewritten by EA for Outdoor Living Stuff. I think they were rewritten for coding effiency as well better and improved behaviors and interactions.
Do NOT use any of the previous "Children Can Make Meals" mods for OLS if you have the newest EP installed!
Children still can do the following tasks:
- Get ingredients from fridges
- Prepare meals and desserts on counters
- Cook, Fry, Grill or Bake using the stoves, grills, microwaves and ovens
- Use food replicators to store meals
- Call Sims to get their own plates
- Clean up unprepared food from counters
- Give food and bottles to toddlers on the floor and in highchairs (Removed since EA enabled them in OLS)
- Serve meals (OLS-only)
* Serve is a new interaction added by Outdoor Living Stuff to enable Sims to serve meals by bringing a plate to another Sim. For example, a Sim can bring a single serving (plate) to another Sim without having to call them to get their own plates. This interaction was changed to allow children to bring plates to other Sims. *
* Children still cannot feed bottles to babies. There is no way for them to hold a baby to do that anyways. Don't ask to have this looked into. *
* Children can still use toy stoves to make muffins or other goodies that little kids do for their bakery tables and whatnot. *
Children will still 'stretch' when they prepare meals and desserts on the counters, cook or grill food and clean up the unprepared food from the counters.
The new "Children Can Make Meals - OLS" mod WILL conflict with other mods editing files affecting food preparation and cooking behaviors (or interactions if you will). The mod WILL conflict with other mods affecting the stoves, microwaves, grills and food replicators (using them to cook with).
Remember the Highlander Rule - Only One Shall Be Used!
Install the mod in the following location for OLS:
C:\Documents and Settings\****\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages
**** means your user name of the account you use.
Libraries\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages
* I do not use Vista or Windows 7 on my own computer. I looked at someone else's computer that uses Windows 7. Correct me if this is wrong via the thread. *
Appropriate location for your Mods\Packages folder.
* I do not use a Mac, and I have no idea where this go. You can figure this out for yourself. *
I only provide support for MY mods that I create and share on MTS2. I do NOT provide support for other people's mods.
If you have trouble installing a mod, please use the MTS technical forums for help installing the mods. If you have trouble with a mod, please post your issue in the APPROPRIATE thread from where you got the mod at.
Use Delphy's Dashboard - available here - to check for mod conflicts.
In Soviet Russia, stoves cook you!

Sims 3 Ambitions
Ambitions broke the original Children Can Make Meals - Sims 3 mod with the new changes in the game code to modify how the meals are prepared.
The new Ambitions mod, Children Can Make Meals - AM, has been modified and tested extensively for awhile to ensure that the new mod will work with Ambitions. It is now ready to be released.
I do apologize for the delay in releasing the mod, but I personally test my own mods before I decide they're ready. So far, the mod performed well as I would expect it to.
The description and activities are the same for the new AM mod.
If you don't have Ambitions, please continue using Children Can Make Meals - Sims 3.
If you have Ambitions, please continue using Children Can Make Meals - AM
AM stands for Ambitions so I can keep track of the mods for specific game expansions.
I do NOT provide support for the game issues or game installations. I provide support only for my mods. If you have game issues, please visit the tech forums here on the site.
Install in the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\****\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages - XP Users
I'm sure Vista and Windows 7 have similar locations for you to install the mods in for Sims 3 Ambitions.
As always, use Delphy's Sims 3 Dashboard to check for conflicts to make sure you don't have other mods affecting the use of the objects and the food for making meals.
As always, use this mod or another mod.
World Adventures Information
The "Children Can Make Meals - Sims 3" mod seems to be working fine with World Adventures and Patch 1.7.9 and higher, up to Patch 2.2.8. I have not tested the mod for Patch 2.3.x because I did not update to the current patch version due to reports from several sites about the major issues with Patch 2.3.x. Until then, I will make a reasonable assumption that the mod will continue to work with Patch 2.3.x unless I am informed otherwise.
If you don't have World Adventures, you still can use the mod.
The new install location for the mod is:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures\Mods\Packages (XP users)
If you have Vista or Windows 7, please place the mod into the World Adventures directory for your operating system. Remember I cannot provide support for install issues because I do not use either Vista or Windows 7. You will have to search Sims 3 sites for information to install the mods properly. You must have the framework in order for any mod to work with Sims 3 and World Adventures.
The children will still stretch when they prepare food using the counter top, food processor, stove and replicator as before. Nothing changed with the interactions for World Adventures.
The "Children Can Make Meals - Sims 3" mod enables children to do the following:
Get ingredients from the fridge
Prepare meals and desserts
Cook, Fry, Grill or Bake meals or desserts
Use food equipment to prepare meals or desserts
Prepare and serve food to toddlers in their high chairs
Give baby food or bottle to toddlers in their high chairs
Use and store recipes in the food replicator
Prepare and cook meals or desserts in the microwave
Call To Meals
Food Equipment:
Food Replicator
Food Processor
Can clean up unprepared food from the counter
The cooking mod may or may not conflict with other mods affecting cooking, preparing and using food equipment to make and serve the meals. Use Indie Stone's Compatibility Checker to check for any conflict.
The animations will look odd on children, but they exist to enable children to prepare and cook meals like their older counterparts. In Sims 3, there are no stepladders for children to put down and hop onto to reach the counter or any high surface. They will "stretch" temporarily until they're finished preparing or cooking meals.
Additional Credits:
Inge and Peter Jones crew - Hosting Sims 3 Tools
MTS - Hosting Sims 2/3 custom content
Simbology - Where I Got Idea From In Discussion
Paint.NET - Screenshots
| Pets
Uploaded: 23rd Oct 2011, 7.1 KB.
| Generations
Uploaded: 10th Jun 2011, 17.9 KB.
| For Outdoor Living Stuff ONLY
Uploaded: 10th Mar 2011, 6.8 KB.
| For Ambitions ONLY
Uploaded: 8th Jul 2010, 3.9 KB.
| Mod to allow children to prepare and cook meals
Uploaded: 21st Jul 2009, 3.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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About Me
Other than playing games, I enjoy reading and watching movies. I don't have a lot of favorite movies, but I have a fun fact.
Fun fact: I enjoy all of the Tinkerbell movies. Don't diss the fairies.
Another fun fact: I also enjoy high octane movies like Fast and the Furious series. Anything that has to do with racing and shooting. I do like foreign movies and shows like Squid for example.
Favorite line from a movie: "Humor... It is a difficult concept."
Favorite answer my manager gave me when I asked her which department she liked the best: "I hate them all equally."