Department Store Register
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Department Store Register Pie Menu
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Department Store Register Shopping Panel
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Department Store Register in the Build Mode Catalog
Department Store Register Build Buy Pie Menu.jpg - width=692 height=501
Department Store Register Build Buy Pie Menu
Department Store Register Filters Picker Menu.jpg - width=690 height=500
Department Store Register Filters Picker Menu
Department Store Register Departments Picker Menu.jpg - width=690 height=500
Department Store Register Departments Picker Menu
Department Store Register Pie Menu (Collections).jpg - width=690 height=501
Department Store Register Pie Menu (Collections)
Department Store Register Shopping Panel (Collections).jpg - width=929 height=673
Department Store Register Shopping Panel (Collection)
The Department Store Register is an object that allows your Sims to be able to buy any object of the Buy Mode catalog, adding more realism to the game.
Initially, the objects are organized according to the function categories of the buy mode catalog, representing the store's departments. From version 2.0, this departments can be customized. Each department is available as an interaction on the Department Store Register's pie menu. For example, if your Sim wants to buy a car, you should select the "Shop... > Vehicles" option from the pie menu. After your Sim interacts with the clerk, the shopping panel will open with all objects of the "Vehicles" category available to be added to the shopping cart.
The shopping panel also categorizes objects according to the subcategories in which they are found in the buy mode catalog. In the case of "Vehicles", you can filter the objects in the panel by "All", "Bicycles", "Cars", "Miscellaneous" and "Boats".
I also emphasize that all preset design options for each object become available for purchase. For example, if a certain car model has three predefined colors, the three color options for that car will be available for purchase.
Also, if you save a custom design preset for an object, that object with your custom design preset will be available for purchase.
Upon checkout, the objects will be added to your Sim's inventory. If an object has some restrictions related to your Sim's inventory, it will be added to the family's inventory. A notification will appear if any objects go into the family inventory.
The Department Store Register is a clone of the General Store Register with a new script that implements its functionalities.
This mod also modifies the `S3_0333406C_00000000_EEF06251680758F9_ShopTabs%%+_XML.xml` file, which may conflict with any other mod that also modifies this file.
Finally, I've tried to include translations for all supported languages, but I can't guarantee they're all correct.
V2.1 Updates:
- Allows children interact with the register and buy objects.
- In build/buy mode, two new interactions can be accessed via the Ctrl+Shift+Click command:
- Display/Don't Display All Presets: Allows you to define whether all presets will be available for purchase.
V2.0 Updates:
- In build/buy mode, two new interactions can be accessed via the Ctrl+Shift+Click command:
- Set Filters: Allows you to filter the objects that will be available according to the product version they belong to. For example, it would be possible to configure so that only objects from the base game are available, or that only future objects are not available, or that custom content is not available, among other possibilities.
- Set Departments: Allows you to configure which categories of objects will be available. In conjunction with the features described below, it allows you to customize which objects will be available in the store.
- In addition to function categories, room categories have been added.
- Furthermore, the possibility of setting collections as departments has been added. Thus, you can configure exactly which objects you want to be available in the store. Simply create collections that represent the departments of your store, add to them the objects you want to be available in each department and, finally, through the command Ctrl+Shitf+Click on the Department Store Register, set the departments, selecting the collections you created.
- Finally I've made some improvements concerning the shop tabs icons and performance issues.
V1.1 Updates:
- Fixed bug where some CC objects were replaced by other EA objects (such as CC candles, which were replaced by the mood-lite candle)
- Fixed bug where it was not possible to remove some CC objects from the family inventory (such as Ani's free range chicken)
- Fixed bug where some different CC objects were stacked together in the shopping list as if they were the same object
- Fixed bug where some CC objects, once purchased, turned into white boxes (such as some CC bookshelves)
- Code refactoring to provide performance improvements
Known Issues:
- Birthday and wedding cakes are not being available for purchase through this register.
- Some users may experience a temporary UI freeze (especially when the number of CC objects installed is large)
- Some users may experience a delay in loading items in the shopping dialog window (especially when the number of CC objects installed is large)
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Draylson_DepartmentStoreRegister.package | package | 317660 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Draylson_DepartmentStoreRegister.package | package | 384621 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Draylson_DepartmentStoreRegister.package | package | 389451 |
Uploaded: 31st Jul 2024, 200.5 KB.
Uploaded: 10th Mar 2024, 197.3 KB.
Uploaded: 8th Nov 2023, 167.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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