Plumbob Beach Retreat

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Plumbob Beach Retreat is a split level house where I employed a different technique to minimize the diagonal texture appearance. The garage is done with the bottom wall full size and the top wall foundation sized. The main part of the house has foundation, then the split level, drop down walkout. I found there is no way to have invisible diagonals if you have the opposites attached to each other. This house was designed as an experiment to test my theory. However, having the bottom wall taller looks better in game for lighting reasons, as it considers each to be different floors and lights accordingly. I may not be explaining this very well, something better tested than explained. I'll be uploading a tutorial somewhere eventually, maybe, and will attach a link here if I do.

I ended up rather liking the layout of the house and decided to go ahead and decorate it and all that. This house is perfect for a single sim/bachelor type, as the bedroom and bathroom are rather small, and there's very little room for expansion. It features an attached garage which has a large window on the rear that overlooks the pool and beach. Recommended lot location is 477 Sunnyside Blvd in Sunset Valley, in order to have the same view. The house has large 2 story windows on the backside with sliding doors from living/dining to the gated patio and pool. Plumbob motif in pool and on patio. The house has a green/golden theme throughout.

The lot features a manmade waterfall. Tutorial by Flabaliki on Sims Supply. ---> (great tutorial, a recommend for anyone who enjoys listening to guys with accents talking ;D )

Lot Price: $76,288 fully furnished
Type: Residential
Lot Size: 30 x 30
Residents: 0
Location: 477 Sunnyside Blvd.

Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 76,288

Additional Credits:
Movie Posters- by Snaitf ---> (non-updated version on this lot)
#13 + #15 Patterns- by ashleydoom --->
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