Kolipoki, The Hidden Skill/Stat Viewer. [Not Supported]
Teddy Toddler.JPG - width=572 height=314
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This mod is probably not compatible with the newest patch and will no longer be updated. If anyone really feels like updating it, they are more than likely to.
This cute lovable bear will tell your Sims of their hidden secrets. The skills told by Kolipoki will change as you get them. Kolipoki will also tell you how many books your sim has read. Kolipoki can be found anywhere where a normal Teddy Bear can be found as well as in the Hobbies section of the study room. Besides having this bear tell of your hidden secrets, it also have the same interactions as a normal Teddy Bear. Kolipoki can be placed like a normal teddy bear..
To use, just click on Kolipoki and use his Reveal Hidden Skills interaction and all will be made known unto you. You will need the d3dx9_31.dll for this mod to work. One comes in Delphy's Monkey Install Helper.
It should not conflict with any other mods as it is an object mod.
For Teens, Adults, and Elders
These are the following things it will tell about your Teens, Adults and Elders:
- Dancing Skill
- Diving Skill
- Chess Skill
- Hacking Skill
- Mooch Skill
- Video Game Skill
- Airguitar Skill
- Foosball Skill
- How many books read
The Airguitar skill can only be unlocked by another mod, one can be found here on this site.
For Children
These are the following things it will tell your children:
- Dancing Skill
- Diving Skill
- Chess Skill
- Hacking Skill
- Mooch Skill
- Video Game Skill
- Child Cooking Skill
- Blocks Skill
- How many books read
For Toddlers
These are the following things it will tell about your toddlers:
- Peg Box Skill
- Xylophone Skill
It will also tell how many books your toddlers have read in the following categories:
- Fun
- Logic
- Painting
- Writing
- No Category
Additional Credits:
Wito - For starting me out
Sri - For the help/idea
Rick, Tiger, ChaosMage, and Delphy - for helping me out
Uploaded: 21st Aug 2009, 432.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 29th Nov 2010 at 4:40 AM
Sell All Ingredients, Now With Core Merger Files [Not Supported]
by Kolipoki updated 18th Jul 2009 at 2:27am
6 47.1k 9
Children Can Read Skill Books - Supernatural: 9-23-12
by Chaavik updated 18th Mar 2012 at 8:16am
+1 packs
World Adventures
by NekoCat updated 13th Nov 2010 at 5:02pm
49 106.7k 74
by cmomoney updated 6th Jun 2010 at 4:57pm
112 245.7k 484
by HugeLunatic 27th Feb 2011 at 11:59am
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Sims 3 online pharmacy control script, pills, and cabinets
by lenglel updated 24th Feb 2013 at 8:54am
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by Kitabalibar 4th Mar 2012 at 10:43am
100 174.4k 366
Plant Eggs, Cheese, Steak, and Burgers without doing the opportunity. - Update 11/22/10
by Kolipoki updated 22nd Nov 2010 at 5:52pm
Update 11/22/10 This mod is now sure to work with newest patches. Download version 112210 to work. more...
26 58.8k 58
Normal Diner Hours [Not Supported]
by Kolipoki 6th Jul 2009 at 3:59pm
Will no longer be updated This mod is probably not compatible with the newest patch and will no longer be more...
8 21.5k 10
About Me
You can upload any of my stuff to 100% FREE SITES ONLY. You also need to provide a link back to the original item and state that it is not your work.
Updating/Changing my Mods:
I give permission for anyone to do update my mods for newer patches only on the terms that they provide a link back to the original thread and be sure to state that their update is not the original work. Adding new things to my mods are fine as well when I am no longer here to update them.