Are We Not Men? Natural Scruff V.2 (binned)
icon copy.jpg - width=287 height=287
banner.jpg - width=750 height=200
Cfuz2 copy.jpg - width=637 height=590
Cfuzzcolors copy.jpg - width=633 height=475
Cfuzzblack copy.jpg - width=600 height=492

What you get:
Realistic facial fuzz ("stubble" for you squares), all four colors and a gray, binned. The black file contains the gray, don't delete it.
Fuzz does not treat all men equally. Where some men can easy grow a full fuzz festival in a few days, others struggle to get past what my good friend calls "the pedofile beard". It's not a reflection of your manhood boys, you needn't fuss over it. There's a graceful way to wear the amount of hair you've been given.
This small upload of stubble, focussed around the mouth area, with an emphasis on the upper lip and chin area (including a realistic amount beneath the chin as well), demonstrates the proper way to wear one of those thinner growths.
Meet Chris.

Chris is a real dude. Chris doesn't get much scruff past his lower cheeks. It just doesn't happen. Chris will probably never grow a full-on ZZTop deal. But he knows that. He's not going to go around growing weird little wispy beard things like some toolbox. That would just scream I'M INSCURE ABOUT MY FUZZIES.
This is the "I just spent the last week on tour with my band and forgot to shave" fuzz growth. This is the "I stayed up all night curing cancer" beard. This is the "I spent the last two days in a hole with nothing but a potato to protect myself from the giant malicious purple bear that was attacking my house" beard.
You want to be hardcore like Chris, boys? Do yourself a favor and don't try to grow a beard if you can't. Give yourself a shave and take back your pride with the "yeah I could, but I just don't feel like it" beard.

This has been an anti-middle-school-rotten-peach-fuzz service announcement.
CC pictured:
Idolatry of the Flesh (skintone) by Hysterical Paradoxysm
Idolatry of the Twitch (skintone) by twitchhugstrees
Maxis-Matchy Manbrows (gramp's eyebrows) fanseelamb
and a lot of other crap by me, including some eye make-ups, lip shaping lipsticks, eyebrows (which will get uploaded as soon as they're all properly binned) and the models.
Questions? Comments? Want to use these textures? Call the number on the back of your favorite cereal box. Or you could just drop me a note.
Uploaded: 11th Aug 2009, 608.6 KB.
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
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- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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About Me
Apparently I've been modding since 2008. Wow. I was 18. Time, huh?
While some of my stuff is here, most of my things can be found on Garden of Shadows or on my Livejournal (which I almost don't even want to link to, because past-self is embarrassing, but it's not like I'm an unknown creator anyways...) .
Also, check out my paintings and graphic novel at
Use my sims work for whatever. Always credit. Keep it free.
And drop me a linky, because I want to see what cool stuff you've made. <3