A Tiny House 3: Containerized

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A Tiny House 3 was inspired by a posting on the Tiny House Blog (found here) about, you got it, shipping container living. Aside from wanting immediately to find a container and set up shop, I thought "fun for Simmies?!" and started building.

My tiny houses seem to be getting larger with each attempt. I stuck to the dimensions listed in the blog posting about the size of the container, with one small adjustment to the width. To accommodate a double bed (that would be accessible from both sides) I had to add one wall length, so the dimensions are 4x15, instead of 3x15, which equals out to about 540 square feet of living space. I built this at 150 Ely Road, which is a 20x30 lot, and the price is §19,032 unfurnished, §26,228 furnished.

Also, in the process of building, my mind wandered a little, and I got to wondering how this random container ended up on the shores of the Simomon River. Then I remembered the Great Container Ship Mishap of '03, which involved an intensely lost captain, a jammed throttle, and the thickest fog since the Balloon Entanglement of '95.

Needless to say, the ship ran aground (quite quickly) and ended up hurling containers far and wide. The others were looted and stripped for parts, but this one (after dumping its load of microwaves everywhere) was overlooked. Soon, a sort of hobo headquarters was established, and the container was outfitted with anything that could be scavenged from around Riverview. A rusty tub was filled with water from the nearby river for bathing, and any fish that were caught were cooked up on the unwanted barbeque.

This continued until very recently. The town parceled out some of the land along the river and sold it, and one lucky buyer found themselves the owner of a dilapidated container on land overrun by ornery hobos. He had to spend most of the money he had set aside to build his dream riverside home on hobo deterrents, so he decided to work with what he had, and remodeled the container to his liking.

Phew, long story, but that's how my mind worked out the story of the random container in Riverview. The point of that ramble? I built the "before" of the container, and have uploaded it along with the "after." I hope that someone might like it for storytelling purposes, or just to play a "homeless" Sim. Built on the same lot (150 Ely Road, 20x30), the cost for hobo headquarters is §13,807 furnished and §8,187 unfurnished. Thanks all, hope you enjoy either lot, or both!

Hobo Sim tested, Hobo Sim approved.

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: §26,228/§19,032

Additional Credits:
The following people and things are mega awesome:

Cottage Windows Expansion Set by leesester http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=399773

Simple Kitchen – Counters, Islands, Cabinets by plasticbox http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=393576

Simple Siding – 6 patterns, horizontal and vertical by plasticbox http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=374082

Fence (edge smoother) by Einfach Simlisch http://einfachsimlisch.ei.funpic.de/Sims3/index.html *click Objects -> Build Mode, item is found in the first set.

Cottage Curtains 2x1 by Sims Design Avenue http://www.sims3.simsdesignavenue.n...&rub=ct_rideaux
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