Gwrych Medieval Jousting Field

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August 2010 Update
I used many barrel and invisible objects created by Sophie-David. David has updated his "Ye Olde Copper Barrel & Sack Miscellany" collection (found HERE with "ehanced animation, meshes, thumbnails and extra recolours". Be sure to peruse the thread, download what you want and overwrite those files in your Gwrych Downloads in-game folder. David's invisible items can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. There is also a very unique update to the Apartment Life Mailbox that you may find useful found HERE.

I mainly used the trash barrel, the trash bucket, the simple barrel (with slots), the simple bucket (with slots) and the barrel endtable, as well as a few choice bucket contents (apples, fish, wheat, etc.). I also used the invisible dishwasher and a few invisible mirrors. However, there are other objects in these sets that will be used in the Gwrych March, Barony, Other Gwyrch Lots and Gwrych Fantasy Island collection of lots which will be uploaded separately as they are completed. So please checkout the above links and decide for yourself what you wish to include. The files sizes are nominal and while there is a great selection of choice, once you get to see the objects in action and familiarize yourself with how things work, it's so WORTH it from a Medieval point of view.


Gwrych Specialty Lot: Gwrych Medieval Jousting Field

This is a Shadows of Gwrych Medieval Neighborhood Specialty Lot: Gwrych Jousting Field. This lot is OBJECT HEAVY but so MEDIEVAL!


Jousting Fields or Lists were a crucial part of Noble society. They were opened only to those of noble rank. These tournaments were more than two knights charging on horseback with lances in hand to dismount their opponents. These tournaments were more than brave warriors fighting in honour of a noble Lady. Jousting tournaments and tournament activities were also a way not only to boost the morale and place of a Kingdom's Knights, but they were also a way of revealing the best of the best among the Knights.


Below I'm sharing my layout for Gwrych Prison Towers, Gwrych Jousting Field and Gwrych Great Hall. I have placed the lots in the aforementioned order across from the main Gwrych Kingdom Castle. Click on the link below if you are interested in how I arranged the lots in my Gwrych Kingdom.

P.S. - Feel free to place your lots anywhere you'd like. The above image is just a suggestion.


There are 2 lots to choose from. While they are basically identical in decoration, 1 lot is a COMMUNITY LOT and the other is a RESIDENTIAL LOT. The residential lot is meant to be a Home Business run by a Jousting Groundskeeper and his wife.


Lot Size: 4 x 3
RESIDENTIAL Lot Cost: 195,735 Simoleons
COMMUNITY Lot Cost: 0 Simoleons

Lot Description:
The Jousting Field lot is designed to sleep 2 Sims (The Jousting Groundskeeper and his wife) in a haybed in the Barn Loft. There are 2 showers on the lot (supplied by barrels), 4 toilets, a small kitchen in the lower barn, televisions at the Fortune Teller's Tables, Ax Throwing, Darts, a King's Viewing & Banquet Stage, Nobility Barbecue area, an Opened Produce Market, a Sewing Table, an Artist area (for the King's Potrait painters) and a campfire area.


For Your Information
There are quite a few links in this thread, but you do not NEED to download anything except my lot in the Downloads area. All the links provided here are to give credit to other creators, to recommend other objects to compliment my lot or to share the whereabouts of items seen in my attached pictures. These are just links for your convenience.



There are several RECOMMENDED objects that will bring your Gwrych Jousting List to life! These objects are NOT needed to download my lot(s). These are merely suggested objects that I personally cannot live without in my personal version of the Gwrych Jousting Field. These are objects that could not be included in the lot either due to size limitations or to honor the request of the creators. Besides, the types of "horses" and "swords" you include (there are several options to choose from) should be up to the downloader. I left specific spots to place the various items on the lot.

* Blacksmith Station by Phaenoh!
There is a space in the barn ready and waiting for Phaenoh's Blacksmith Station! A perfect addition to a Jousting List!

* "Basic Bay Horse" Set by Dragon_Slave!
You can select 2 horses to place at opposite ends and sides of your jousting list.

* Pose Box and Horse Paraphenalia for Dragon_Slave Horses by Andrea of Feenwald!
The Posebox was created to place saddles, clothes and reins on Dragon_Slaves Horses. You can actually pose your knights on Horseback in full armor! Excellent for Sim stories. Totally awesome objects!

If you plan to use Rebecah's rideable horse, please be aware that you cannot add Andrea's horse saddle, clothes and reigns to the horse. Riders have to ride the horse barebacked or it will crash the game. Personally, I don't recommend using Beck's horse for this lot. I prefer to use Rebecah's horse in an opened field lot that is pure farm! I also have made a request with Andrea of Feenwald for horse armor. We shall see how that works out as she has agreed that it will be the next project she tackles (which may include poses for the jousters and a new jousting lance)!

*Springtime Maypole "Radio" by Retail Sims !
This is basically a stereo for your Medieval Ladies to DANCE around.Click HERE to obtain the Medieval Wooden Maypole "Radio" Recolor by BillySims139!

* Musical Instruments and Decor by Around the Sims 2!
While all of these are not "purely medieval" or "Welsh" objects, there were many similar instruments used during the time. I especially like the look of the Banjo, the Harmonica, the Recorder, the Bodhran, the Tablas, the Oud, the Digerido, the Panpipes and the Santur in the game.

* Jousting Lance Accessory by Rose Sims 2!
A perfect festive purple and white jousting lance for your Medieval Knights to spar with! Click on the "Sims 2" tab, then on "Magic" and it can be found on page 8.

* Dueling Swords by Paladin!
These swords can be used for knights to display their sword yielding skills WITHOUT KILLING YOUR SIMS. Click on the "Sims 2" tab on the left, then on the "Objects" tab in the center of the screen, then on the "Other Objects" tab. You will find the "Dueling Swords" in the middle column towards the bottom.

For those of you who prefer a bit more 'fatal realism' in medieval activities.
* Click HERE to obtain the Functional Warrior Swords by John Brehaut!
Please be aware that these swords include death options and can prove fatal to your Sims if chosen.

* Click HERE to obtain the Crate of Throwing Axes by Paladin! Click on the "Sims 2" tab on the left, then on the "Objects" tab in the center of the screen, then on the "Other Objects" tab. You will find the "Crate of Throwing Axes" in the first column towards the bottom. Please be aware that these axes will prove deadly to your Sims.


Project Inspiration:
I was inspired to create this lot after watching the jousting tournaments in the The Tudors and looking at the images of a Sim Jousting lot created by LabCat at Sapphire Sims. Thanks for the inspiration LabCat.

Just register and/or log in to Sapphire Sims 2 if you are interested in LabCat's Jousting vision:
Medieval Fair with Jousting Field by LabCat


Please read this if you are having problems AFTER entering a lot or are receiving an error message about "counters without doors". Otherwise, view this as general information about Gwrych lots.

Apparently, you CANNOT use "move objects on" to place objects on the back of a counter where there is a kitchen sink. In some of my Gwrych lots, I found an error with placing sponges in the back corner of counters that have kitchen sinks. Initially, I thought it was that sponges could not be placed on counters where there is a kitchen sink, but have since discovered that no objects should share the counter tile when there is a sink in the counter. If you have found you were receiving a counter error when entering a Gwrych lot with a Sim...there may be objects sharing kitchen sink counter space (like the hour glass, sponge, plant or jars) that I overlooked in the process of fixing this problem. Please understand that this may NOT be the issue if your game is constantly crashing. It is just one possible solution I offer. Testing the Gwrych lots on different computers has resulted in ALL Gwrych lots being playable from this end. As errors are encountered during game play, solutions are also sought. If you are only having problems with a few lots, this may (or may not) be part of the problem. To fix this problem, all you need to do is to load a new version of the lot, enter it WITHOUT A SIM and delete any objects that are sharing a counter with a kitchen sink. Also, if you notice there seems to be no sink in an area where there should be one (especially bathrooms and kitchens)...try adding a sink to the empty counters. If you cannot place a sink on a counter, that counter should be deleted and put back in the game before adding a sink. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Remember, enter the lot WITHOUT a Sim to make changes.

Adding clutter to the back slots of counters that do not have a kitchen sink appear to work just fine. So clutter away on counters without sinks!



Black Outfit with Yellow Sleeves / Medieval Muscleman by Persephone at Insimenator
Maxis Converted Knights (black and white) by Marvine
Soldier, Crusader and Dark Knight outfits for Body Builders by The Guild Masters

Red and Gold King Outfit
Chainmail Helmet
Green and Purple Teen Brocade Tunic by Fanciful Sims
Blue and Red Royal Outfit in Post 4 by Magick Modders
Black and Gold Royal Outfit in Post 4 by Magick Modders
Striped Shirt and Tunic for Teen by Dark Project (Post 4)
Green Cap worn by Artist

Brown Peasant Dress worn by the seamstress by iamliz13
Red Gown with Black Belt by iamliz13

Red Jewel Gown with Green Brouche
Tan and Brown Gypsy/Peasant Dress
Blue Gypsy Dress by sherahbim
Red and Blue Elderly Gowns
Purple Peasant Dress
Green Ornate Gown
Teen Purple Gown
Sapphire Blue and Gold Gown by Fanciful Sims

NPC Clothing by sunni9676

White Fur Shawl by Rose Sims
Yellow Headband Flowers by Rose Sims
Womens' Hat Headgear by Bipsouille
Men's Hats by Magick Modders (Post 4)
Edta's Golden Carved Crown
Purple and White Striped Jousting Lance by Rose Sims
Rubies and Pearls Necklace and Earring Set by All About Style
Juicy Couture Green Gem Necklace and Earring Set by All About Style
Medievel Crispenette by Fantasy Rogue

Black Star Wars Sith Hood by Bipsouille
Peggy Free ID: #006000 Hair Hi Ponytail with wire Clasp
Raonjena Sideways Messy Ponytail Hair 77
Rose Hair Braided Loop Pony Tail (First Hair)
XM Sims 2 Male Hair 71 (Bottom Hair)


Custom Content by Me:
- Medieval Floor 1
- Medieval Floor 42
- Gravel Stone Terrain
- Moss Brick Terrain
- Beach Grass Terrain 1
- Stone in Grass Terrain
- Medieval Terrain 7
- Medieval Terrain 14
- Medieval Terrain
- Medieval Terrain 24
- Medieval Wall 1
- Medieval Wall 39
- Medieval Wall 159
- Medieval Wall 161
- Medieval Wall 162
- Hovel Wall 9
- Hovel Wall 10
- Hovel Wall 11

Custom Content Included:
- Medieval Wedding Registry Book by Calalily
- Athelyna Toilet by -Maylin-
- Haystack by -Maylin-
- Black Lantern and Red Recolour by Maylin
- Antique Breads by mdhttr323
- Barn Set Horse Shoes by Paleoanth
- Castle Edging Fence by Rebecah
- Cow and Pig from Farm Set by Rebecah
- Medieval Fair Set: Tents, Fences, Banners, etc. by Brasstex and Dewshine
- Cracker Barrel Chess Game by Aligeth @ MTS2
- Quiltshop: Fabric Bolts and Accessories by Cocomama
- Medieval Money Chest (Post 11) by Crocobaura for the Dark Project
- Insane Sorcerer Crystal Ball TV by wintermuteai1
- 3x4 Floor Rug by Nicolafred
- 3x 4 Fur Rug Recolour by 15pupmaus49
- Weathered Darkwoord Floor and Wall by DL_Muslow
- Farm Tools from Anno Lot by Hexameter
- Magnificently Medieval Armchair by Huge Lunatic
- SmokeSentry SmokeSniffer 3000 by pfish
- "Oggs & Ends" Telescope by Kate @ Parsimonious
- "Pirate Bay" Columns, Windows and Door by Kate @ Parsimonious
- "Pirate Bay" Market Shelves and Produce Bins by Kate @ Parsimonious
- Decorative Community Pay Phone Cover and Rustic Recolour by Kate @ Parsimonious
- "The Cushion" and 2 Recolors by Kate @ Parsimonious
- B-A-C Tall Tied Curtain Meshes and Red Recolour by Khakidoo
- Horse Feeder by feeEssen
- Mortar and pestle by Lethe_s
- Tarot deck by Lethe_s
- Wallpaper Mask (Post 11) by Dark Project
- Medieval Wall Banner and Recolour 3 by Marina Sims 2
- Just a Ladder - by Marvine by Marvine
- Medieval Sink by Taroo
- Battle Ax Stand by Tarox
- The Simple Life Seating by Berg
- Long Medieval Table and No Legs Table by mia86
- "Good Ol' Times" Coal Stove (UV) by Numenor
- Magazine Rack Recolour - Brown Wood by Shoukeir
- Horizontal Magazine Rack by Numenor
- Wood Awning (Post 2) by Phelana for The Dark Project
- Coal Burning Grill by FeeEssen
- A Bucket Seat by Sophie-David
- A Barrel on End by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mirror of Past Reflections by Sophie-David
- A Simple Barrel by Sophie-David
- A Simple Bucket by Sophie-David
- Trash Barrel, Barrel Seats and Recolours by Sophie-David
- Open/Closed Business Sign - Helmet by sunni9676
- Targa's Supa Fridge by Lord Darcy
- Bell (Light) by FeeEssen
- UK1967_Medieval_Flag by UK1967

MAXIS RECOLORS (Included in the zip File to be Added to Your Downloads Folder):
- Card Table Recolour byBillySims139
- Maxis Grey Wood Community Phone Recolour by BillySims139
- Maxis Open Sesame Door Recolour by Corvidophile for the Dark Project
- Dark Barnwood Maxis Dresser, Table and Chair Recolours by DLMulsow
- Medieval Quilt Recolours (created just for this project) by Gwenke33
- Dart Board Brown Recolour by Macey246
- Medieval Counter Recolour by sophisim
- Medieval Shop Sign Recolours by sunni9676
- Fallout Maxis Easel Recolour by Purity Project
- Invisible Dishwasher by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mini-Fridge by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mirror by Sophie-David
- Invisible Sewing Machine by Sophie-David
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