Gwrych Medieval Great Hall (2 VERSIONS)

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Gwrych Specialty Lot: Great Hall

August 2010 Update
I used many barrel and invisible objects created by Sophie-David. David has updated his "Ye Olde Copper Barrel & Sack Miscellany" collection (found HERE with "ehanced animation, meshes, thumbnails and extra recolours". Be sure to peruse the thread, download what you want and overwrite those files in your Gwrych Downloads in-game folder. David's invisible items can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. There is also a very unique update to the Apartment Life Mailbox that you may find useful found HERE.

I mainly used the trash barrel, the trash bucket, the simple barrel (with slots), the simple bucket (with slots) and the barrel endtable, as well as a few choice bucket contents (apples, fish, wheat, etc.). I also used the invisible dishwasher and a few invisible mirrors. However, there are other objects in these sets that will be used in the Gwrych March, Barony, Other Gwyrch Lots and Gwrych Fantasy Island collection of lots which will be uploaded separately as they are completed. So please checkout the above links and decide for yourself what you wish to include. The files sizes are nominal and while there is a great selection of choice, once you get to see the objects in action and familiarize yourself with how things work, it's so WORTH it from a Medieval point of view.


There are 2 versions of the Great Hall available. One is a Community Lot and the other is a Residential Lot.

We do not exist simply to toil. There are times of great merriment to be had! Welcome to the Great Hall and do enjoy ye visit!



Lot Size: 3 x 2
Lot Cost: 0 Simoleons Community Lot

Lot Description:
This lot is an exquisite example of Medieval life. Great Hall's were places of feasting, spiritual celebration and merriment. This lot has a Banquet Room (restaurant) with a King's dining dais and seating for 12 others (including a private table for 2 in the kitchen). There is a musicians balcony above the great hall, a bar, a kitchen and indoor restrooms (3 toilets/2 sinks/1 shower using barrels) in the tower. Outside your Simmies can play darts, play chess, compete in ax throwing, sleep in "fortune teller" tents, paint or be painted, watch or participate in a sword duel on stage, have their fortunes told (crystal ball television), have a barbecue, paint or shop (for jewelry and animal collars).There are 2 additional toilets and 1 shower in outside sheds. Total toilets 5, Total showers 2.


(as of June 15, 2010 at 11 PM Pacific Time Zone)

I have added a residential version of the Gwrych Great Hall to the downloads section. The zip file is called GwrychGreatHallRESIDENTIAL.

Lot Size: 3 x 2
Lot Cost: 201,380

Lot Description:
This lot has a Banquet Room (dining room) with a King's dining dais and seating for 12 others (including a private table for 2 in the kitchen). There is a musicians balcony above the great hall, a bar and a kitchen. The tower includes 2 bedrooms (each with a shower and a toilet) and the lower floor of the tower is a parlour and a full bathroom. Outside your Simmies can play darts, play chess, compete in ax throwing, sleep in "fortune teller" tents, paint or be painted, watch or participate in a sword duel on stage, have their fortunes told (crystal ball television), have a barbecue, paint or shop (for jewelry and animal collars).There are 3 additional toilets and 2 showers in outside sheds.

Sleeps 4 (2 Beds and 2 Tents)
Total toilets 6, bathtubs 1, and 4 showers.

The layouts are basically the same with the following exceptions.

1. I moved the bar out of the tower and placed it where the restaurant podium was.
2. The tower was remodeled on the interior to include 2 bedrooms (for the Steward and the Cook/Scullion) and a small parlour and full bathroom.
3. I turned the Cashier shed into a toilet and shower.

Here are a few Preview images of the Tower modifications made for the RESIDENTIAL VERSION of the lot:

Gwrych Great Hall TOWER REVISION Floor 1
Gwrych Great Hall TOWER REVISION Floor 2
Gwrych Great Hall TOWER REVISION Floor 3
Gwrych Great Hall Bar Area


Below I'm sharing my layout for Gwrych Prison Towers, Gwrych Jousting Field and Gwrych Great Hall. I have placed the lots in the aforementioned order across from the main Gwrych Kingdom Castle.


There are invisible refrigerators and dishwashers throughout all of my Gwrych lots. Where you see food buckets and barrels, there is usually an invisible refrigerator and where you see buckets with dishes in them there is usually an invisible dishwasher. Basically the buckets and barrels with stuff in them, tend to be refrigerators, dishwashers or trashbuckets in disguise.

In addition, when you see the Maxis Witches Podium, please note there is an invisible mirror occupying the same tile. While the podium still functions as normal, you can access the mirror by clicking around the leg of the podium. I have also placed the Maxis communal shower inside barrels in several of the lots. All works fine.

Please keep these things in mind!


Please read this if you are having problems AFTER entering a lot or are receiving an error message about "counters without doors". Otherwise, view this as general information about Gwrych lots.

Apparently, you CANNOT use "move objects on" to place objects on the back of a counter where there is a kitchen sink. In some of my Gwrych lots, I found an error with placing sponges in the back corner of counters that have kitchen sinks. Initially, I thought it was that sponges could not be placed on counters where there is a kitchen sink, but have since discovered that no objects should share the counter tile when there is a sink in the counter. If you have found you were receiving a counter error when entering a Gwrych lot with a Sim...there may be objects sharing kitchen sink counter space (like the hour glass, sponge, plant or jars) that I overlooked in the process of fixing this problem. Please understand that this may NOT be the issue if your game is constantly crashing. It is just one possible solution I offer. Testing the Gwrych lots on different computers has resulted in ALL Gwrych lots being playable from this end. As errors are encountered during game play, solutions are also sought. If you are only having problems with a few lots, this may (or may not) be part of the problem. To fix this problem, all you need to do is to load a new version of the lot, enter it WITHOUT A SIM and delete any objects that are sharing a counter with a kitchen sink. Also, if you notice there seems to be no sink in an area where there should be one (especially bathrooms and kitchens)...try adding a sink to the empty counters. If you cannot place a sink on a counter, that counter should be deleted and put back in the game before adding a sink. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Remember, enter the lot WITHOUT a Sim to make changes.

Adding clutter to the back slots of counters that do not have a kitchen sink appear to work just fine. So clutter away on counters without sinks!



I only included the Mesh for 1 of the tents from Parsimonious due to not wishing to exceed my 10MB upload for this lot, but you may wish to grab the recolours for the squared tent and/or the circular version.
Thousand Stars Tents and Recolours

I just love the shiny authenticity of medieval sword and shields. Be aware that the poly is a bit high for these (which is why I couldn't include them in my lot)...but it typically is for metallic objects. JavierMC20 is working to downsize them if possible. I still use them in my personal medieval lots though.
Family Coat of Arms by JavierMC20
Family Coat of Arms Recolours

There are some really awesome decorative swords in the "Fantasy Section" of Blacky's Sims Zoo found HERE. Please note that the site is a German language site and that you must register/log-in to download.

This lot includes John Brehaut's Functional Warrior Sword found HERE. You DO NOT need to download this object (as it is already included). I merely would like to caution you that this sword includes several options that will prove deadly for your Sims. Please keep this in mind. There is a "fight" and "practice" option available for the sword as well. Paladin also has "Dueling Swords' on his site that are for practicing only if you prefer these. I cannot include them in the download, but you can GET THE DUELING SWORDS HERE.


The Dirt Road and Grass Replacements are by sunni9676 and can be found HERE.


MAXIS RECOLORS (Included in the Zips File to be Added to Your Downloads Folder):
- Nightlife Black Stove Recolour by Ailias
- Spring Onion Card Table Recolour by Parsimonious
- Greystone Fireplace Colonial Recolour by Mia86
- Fallout Easel and Piano Recolours by Purity Project
- Medieval Wood Counter and Juicerack Recolours by sophisim
- Brown Dart Board Recolour by Macey246
- Maxis Grey Wood Community Phone Recolour by BillySims139
- Medieval Quilt Recolour by Gwenke33
- Invisible Dishwasher by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mini-Fridge by Sophie-David
- Medieval Hanging Wine - Shop Sign by sunni9676
- Podium Recolor #3 by girlfromverona

Custom Content by Me:
- 2 Medieval Floors
- Gravel Stone Terrain
- Moss Brick Terrain
- Beach Grass Terrain 1
- 5 Medieval Terrains
- 4 Medieval Walls

Custom Content Included:
- Athelyna Set: Barrels, Sink, Stool and Toilet by -Maylin-
- Le Chateau Door by -Maylin-
- Red Lantern Mesh and Black Recolour by -Maylin-
- Edge Smoother Gray by Ailias
- Baking Set: Tall Bread Basket, Basket of Rolls and Double Loaves by mdhttr323
- Oil or Vinegar Drizzler with 1 Recolour by Buggybooz at Mod The Sims 2
- Ancient Guardian Rock Wall by Rebecah
- The Invisible Window by Rebecah
- Cracker Barrel Chess by Aligeth @ MTS2
- Knight by gromit
- Medieval Money Chest by Crocobaura for the Dark Project
- Insane Sorcerer Crystal Ball TV by wintermuteai1
- Small Shield and Swords by Dr. Macabre
- 3 x 4 Floor Rug by Nicolafred
- Fur Rug Recolour by 15pupmaus49
- Weathered Wall and Dark Barnwood Floor by DL_Muslow
- Magnificently Medieval Armchair by Huge Lunatic
- Shining Knight Hanging Lamp by Huge Lunatic
- Warrior Sword Stand by JohnBrehaut1
- "Pirate Bay" Single Door by Kate
- Decorative Community Pay Phone Cover and Rustic Recolour by Kate
- "Thousand Stars" Tent by Kate
- B-A-C Tall Untied 3Q Curtain and Red Recolour by Khakidoo
- Wall Banner Mesh with 2 and 3 Story Banners by Lethe_s
- Mortar and Pestle by Lethe_s
- Tarot Deck by Lethe_s
- Medieval Wall Banner and Recolour by Marina Sims 2
- Medieval Wall Flagpole and Recolour by Marina
- Medieval Wall Torch by Tarox
- Medieval Bench Chair by Tarox
- Medieval Ax Stand by Tarox
- Enchanted Harp by Dr Pixel
- Medieval Table Center and End by mia86
- 2 Egyptian Pottery Vases by thunderwitch at Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Invisible Floor Tile by moonlight_muse
- Pedestal Planter by macarossi
- Roman Outdoor Stone Table and Chair by Tarox
- Decorative Puddle and Waterbucket by Sophie-David
- Ye Olde Cooper's Barrel Set: Barrel Trashcan, Buckets, Tables, Chairs and Recolours by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mirror of Past Reflections by Sophie-David
- Crossed Swords by Blackypanther at Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Targas SupaFridge Revamped by Lord Darcy at MTS2
- Medieval Column 2 and Recolour by UK1967
- Medieval Flag by UK1967
- Stoneage Grill by Speedymaus22 at Blacky's Sims Zoo

Additional Credits:
Thank you Sophie-David for the decorative water buckets and supporting my Sim crazy endeavors!
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