Gwrych March Set Two: 6 COTTAGE HOUSES (13 Downloads)
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Gwrych March Set Two: 6 COTTAGE HOUSES (13 Downloads)
General Gwrych March Notes:
Welcome BACK to Gwrych! There are 27 lots divided between 4 Posts. Post 1 has 6 Residential Lots. Post 2 has 6 Residential Cottages (13 downloads). Post 3 has 2 Hotel Lots. Post 4 has 6 Community Lots.The lots in this collection are mainly EDITED versions of lots from the "A Small Kingdom" collection. They have been revised with MEDIEVAL decor using ALL EPs and STUFF PACKS as well as User Created Custom Content. Also, I've included several alternative versions of stoves, trash cans, dishwashers, trash compactors and sewing machines in these lots. Each FURNISHED residential lot in this collection has an invisible smoke alarm and I've hidden the burglar alarm behind furniture or inside barrels. So, please be sure to play test your lots to discover where everything is and what everything does. Each lot should contain all your Sims need to live!
While the Gwrych Kingdom and Duchy lots were moreso designed for the upper nobility, the Gwrych March and Barony are designed for the lower nobility and the lower classes. The buildings will be a bit more worn and fitting to the lower classes. Even within the hovel community, there is a ranking system for the houses.
There is no "separate" objects download zip for the Gwrych "March" Collection (as I included in the original Gwrych post of 45 lots). All objects are included in the lots. The zip folders also contain Maxis/EA recolors that do not automatically zip with the lots. Be sure to include add these objects to your Downloads folder. I also encourage allowing the objects you download in this collection to override older versions of the objects shared in the original Gwrych post (45 lots), as some of the objects used have been updated.
The lots in the Gwrych March were designed for my "GWRYCH NEIGHBORHOOD MAP 4" found in Post 2 HERE. Of course you are free to use another Neighborhood Map, but keep in mind that the Beach Lots (in the upcoming Barony set shares this map) may not show properly in neighborhoods they were not designed for. Please keep this in mind. See the following image to set-up you Gwrych March Neighborhood.
NOTE: The above image is also in the last zip of each set in this collection for your convenience.
Lastly...for those of you who cannot download this collection for one reason or another, please understand that these lots are also represented in the "A SMALL MODERN KINGDOM" collection found HERE. However, "A Small Kingdom" lots are decorated using Maxis/EA only furnishings and objects and is not decorated using "Medieval" objects. Therefore it is moreso a "Modern Meets Medieval" collection.
Please enjoy the downloads and happy Simming!

This set includes the following lots:
1. Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #1 (2 VERSIONS - Furnished and Unfurnished)
2. Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #2 (2 VERSIONS - Furnished and Unfurnished)
3. Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #3 (2 VERSIONS - Furnished and Unfurnished)
4. Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #4 (3 VERSIONS - Furnished Caravan Lot, Furnished Tent Lot and Unfurnished)

5. Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #5 (2 VERSIONS - Furnished and Unfurnished)
6. Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #6 (2 VERSIONS - Furnished and Unfurnished)
Special Note:
These 6 Cottages are designed for the working class or tradesmen in Gwrych. To provide a "social balance" Cottages 1, 3 and 5 are decorated for the lowest of the lower working class. Cottages 2, 4 and 6 are decorated for the upper working class.
Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #1
Lot Information:
Lot Size: 2 x 2
Lot Cost: UNFURNISHED - 19,620 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
FURNISHED - 34,435 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
Total Bathtubs/Showers: UNFURNISHED 1 (Tub) / UNFURNISHED 2 (1 Shower/1 Tub)
Total Toilets: 1
Lot Description:
This is a small 1 story LOW CLASS stone cottage with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. The furnished version of this lot sleeps 4 Sims. There is a cow pen and a small personal (2 tile) produce garden near the pond. Sims can watch television, read, cook, eat, sleep, sew (See Notes Below), plant veggies in the garden, fish or sit around the campfire.
The furnished version of March 2x2 Cottage does not have interior floors, but is decorated using straw and dirt terrain. If you are redecorating, you may need to turn "Move_objects on" to place certain items or to decorate the floors with the straw "floor" tile already included in the lot for the ceilings. I added hay and wood floor tiles in the unfurnished version to make decorating a bit easier. I have also included an invisible sewing machine "in" the table. Simply click on the end of the table nearest to the wall to use the sewing option.

Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #2
Lot Size: 2 x 2
Lot Cost: UNFURNISHED - 19,371 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
FURNISHED - 68,011 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
Total Bathtubs/Showers: 2
Total Toilets: 2
Lot Description:
This small 1 story TRADESMEN CLASS Tudor style cottage has 2 bedroom (Master with a Private Balcony) and 2 bathrooms. This lot has an opened living space, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. This lot does not include a driveway as it is intended to be close to the shops and allows for your Simmies to enjoy the pedestrian lifestyle so often prevalent in medieval times.
Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #3
Lot Size: 2 x 2
Lot Cost: UNFURNISHED - 19,120 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
FURNISHED - 48,730 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
Total Bathtubs/Showers: 1
Total Toilets: 2
Lot Description:
This simple two story LOW CLASS home has 2 bedrooms and 1 1/2 bath. There is a small bridge that leads to a private cove where the Wishing Well has been placed. There is also a parking space driveway (horse and cart included in the FURNISHED version). There is a small backyard with potato plants (no water required) and a four tile empty garden area (ready for your Simmies to plant and grow their own foods. There is a separate kitchen and an opened Great Room space.
Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #4

This "SPECTACULAR" lot is a MUST SEE with a lot of fun decor and surprises. Be sure to see the "IMPORTANT NOTES" below.
There are 3 versions of this lot available. There is the STARTER VERSION (which is an unfurnished lot under 20,000 simoleons). There is a TENT VERSION which includes recolours of the Parsimonious "Thousand Stars" tents, and there is the GYPSY CARAVAN VERSION which includes an invisible driveway and Hexameter's Gypsy Caravans (both driveable and tent versions).
Lot Size: 2 x 2
Lot Cost:
STARTER VERSION - UNFURNISHED - 19,927 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
TENT VERSION - FURNISHED 100,615 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
GYPSY CARAVAN VERSION - FURNISHED 109,145 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
Total Bathtubs/Showers:
Total Toilets:
TENT VERSION - Sleeps 4 (2 in Double Bed and 2 in Tents)
GYPSY CARAVAN VERSION - Sleeps 3 (2 in Double Bed and 1 in Caravan Tent)
Lot Description:
This whimsical two story TRADESMEN CLASS hillside home is a single Sims dream. There is a spacious bedroom and bathroom ensuite upstairs. The main floor has a kitchen, a cozy living space and a "secret" Witches Parlour. The basement floor has a "secret" Wizard's Den. The TENT version has 2 tents outdoors and the GYPSY CARAVAN version has 1 Gypsy Tent outside.

1. If you are downloading the TENT VERSION, YOU MUST download 3 additional objects and add them to your "Downloads" Folder for Cottage 4 (Tent Version) to show properly.
* CLICK HERE for the Parsimonious "Round Tent Original" MESH (the 4th download in the left column)
* CLICK HERE for sunni9676's "GREEN SUEDE" and "LEATHER" Tent Recolours
* CLICK HERE for Targa's Ascension Version 2: 1-tile Teleporting Stairs
I purposefully left Targa's Ascension stairs visible so you will see exactly where it is. If you click on the lower level circle using the recolour tool, you can make the stairs invisible. It serves as a "secret" entry to the Wizard-like 'man-cave' in the house. To get to the Wizard's Parlour, simply click on the floor in the room and tell your wizard to go there. To prevent going over the maximum uploading size for MTS and to avoid sacrificing my vision for this lot, I removed the above mentioned files from the downloads folder before zipping the package. You do not have to place the objects on the lot, you just need to make sure you have them in the game before entering the lot or the tents won't show at all and you will find some Maxis/EA object in their place.
2. If you are downloading the GYPSY CARAVAN VERSION, YOU will need the following 2 additional downloads for the lot to show properly.
* CLICK HERE for HEXAMETER's "Night Life (NL) and Bon Voyage (BV) Gypsy Caravans
* CLICK HERE for Targa's Ascension Version 2: 1-tile Teleporting Stairs
I purposefully left Targa's Ascension stairs visible so you will see exactly where it is. If you click on the lower level circle using the recolour tool, you can make the stairs invisible.It serves as a "secret" entry to the Wizard-like 'man-cave' in the house. To get to the Wizard's Parlour, simply click on the floor in the room and tell your wizard to go there.
3. There is an invisible door to a "secret room" near the main entrance door to enter the "Witches Parlour" (just as there are secret stairs to the "Wizard's Den"). There is also an invisible door in the basement leading to the "Wizard's Den". Be sure to look the doors to visitors if you wish for your Simmies to have privacy in their rooms. I just want you to be aware of this and not wonder why I didn't place a door to that room.
4. I used several of the in-game Maxis/EA "magic" items to decorate this lot. If your Sims are not "witches/wizards" they will not be able to adequately use the cauldron or podium until they befriend a witch and are invited to join them or you use a potion to make them so. However, the interactions when your Simmies try to use the podium or cauldron without having the skills are quite interesting if you have never seen them. They won't "harm" your Sims in a major way. There is an invisible mirror sharing the podium slot in both the wizard and witches secret rooms. This allows your Sim to practice speech until they acquire the necessary skills to actually use the podium. Simply click around the podium until you see the mirror options.
5. There is an invisible sewing machine on the Gypsy TENT lot near the telescope outside. Simply click on the table with the candle to utilize the sewing machine.
6. I also used the "Resurrection" Career Reward object in the Wizard's Den. You will notice that HP's "Scroll" Telephone "appears to be in the phone slot. However, it simply is floating on an invisible barrel at adjustable height to conceal the modern resurrection phone. You can access both phones (the Scroll phone by clickin on the scroll as usual and the Resurrection phone by clicking on the leg of the table holding the phone). Although, do use caution when clicking on the resurrection phone when you don't know any Sim who has died.
7. For some strange reason beyond my understanding, you must turn "move-objects on" if you want to change out the Maxis "Connnecting" Stairs. The Maxis Staircases do not require this.

Lot Size: 2 x 2
Lot Cost: UNFURNISHED - 19,400 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
FURNISHED - 54,270 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
Total Bathtubs/Showers: 1
Total Toilets: 2
Lot Description:
This 2 story LOW CLASS house has character and charm. There is a living space with a separate kitchen, 1 1/2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms and an opened living area. The furnished version of the house has room for 5 Sims (with 3 floor beds for children - 1 in the room with the parents) and 1 pet dog. The dog space includes an enclosed dog pen on the right side of the house complete with a dog bath, a rustic dog bowl and a doghouse. The dog also has a comfy pillow snug in a corner in the inside of the house. Activities for Sims in this house include sewing, cooking, eating, sleeping, reading, television watching, ax-throwing, barbecuing, driving and good "ole" fashioned Sim living!
Note: This lot has an invisible sewing machine built into the dining table so the table itself can be used for eating, sewing and computing.

Gwrych March 2x2 Cottage #6

Lot Size: 2 x 2
Lot Cost: UNFURNISHED - 19,997 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
FURNISHED - 103,720 Simoleons (Residential Lot)
Total Bathtubs/Showers: 1 Tub / 1 Shower
Total Toilets: 2
Lot Description:
This spacious TRADESMEN CLASS 2 story home has 2 bedrooms (a Master bedroom and an infant room) and 1 1/2 bathrooms. There is a sizeable downstairs living space (with a kitchen area, dining area and parlour), a 2 horse shed, a pig pen, a cow shed, a henhouse and a small pond. There is a barbecue area near the driveway.

Please read this if you are having problems AFTER entering a lot or are receiving an error message about "counters without doors". Otherwise, view this as general information about Gwrych lots.
Apparently, you CANNOT use "move objects on" to place objects on the back of a counter where there is a kitchen sink. In some of my Gwrych lots, I found an error with placing sponges in the back corner of counters that have kitchen sinks. Initially, I thought it was that sponges could not be placed on counters where there is a kitchen sink, but have since discovered that no objects should share the counter tile when there is a sink in the counter. If you have found you were receiving a counter error when entering a Gwrych lot with a Sim...there may be objects sharing kitchen sink counter space (like the hour glass, sponge, plant or jars) that I overlooked in the process of fixing this problem. Please understand that this may NOT be the issue if your game is constantly crashing. It is just one possible solution I offer. Testing the Gwrych lots on different computers has resulted in ALL Gwrych lots being playable from this end. As errors are encountered during game play, solutions are also sought. If you are only having problems with a few lots, this may (or may not) be part of the problem. To fix this problem, all you need to do is to load a new version of the lot, enter it WITHOUT A SIM and delete any objects that are sharing a counter with a kitchen sink. Also, if you notice there seems to be no sink in an area where there should be one (especially bathrooms and kitchens)...try adding a sink to the empty counters. If you cannot place a sink on a counter, that counter should be deleted and put back in the game before adding a sink. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Remember, enter the lot WITHOUT a Sim to make changes.
Adding clutter to the back slots of counters that do not have a kitchen sink appear to work just fine. So clutter away on counters without sinks!

Maxis/EA Recolors Custom Content Used (Included In Download Zips)
- Darkwood Easel Recolour by alidarivera
- Dark Mahogany Toy Box by amariswiccan
- Lying in Wait Wandering Screen Recolour by Amythestfenix at Parsimonious Sims 2
- Bloomington Lamp Wandering Recolour by Amythestfenix at Parsimonious Sims 2
- Maxis Telephone Wood 1 Recolour by BillySIMS139
- Sun King Dresser Grey Wood Recolour by BillySIMS139
- Fuzzy Green Pet Cushion Recolour by Chami98minds
- Maxis Just A Door Wood 3 Recolour by corvidophile2
- Maxis Open Sesame Recolour 2 by corvidophile2
- See Through Me Base Game Arch Window Recolour by Dj Music
- Dark Wood Furniture (Chest of Drawers, Table and Chair) Recolours by DLMulsow
- Dark Wood Season Dressers - Back Forty and Crustikus Recolours by FairySims
- Dark Wood Seasons Bedroom Furniture (Bed and End Table) Recolour by FairySims
- Dark & Light Wood Making Merry and Medieval Chair Recolours by FairySims
- Bark Dog Bowl Recolour by FeeEssen
- Medieval Bedding by FunFun at Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Hearthstone Quilt Recolours 2c, 2d and 4a by Gwenke33
- Leaf Dreams Bed, End Table and Tapestry Recolour by Happy Moon Belly at Parsimonious Sims 2
- Dark Wood Interior Door Recolour by hippi
- Dark Wood Open Me Windows and Door Recolour by hippi
- Handset for Scroll Telephone by HystericalParoxysm
- Open Me Door Ash Recolour by Kimdelee
- Open Me Window and Door Prairie Recolours by Kimdelee
- Dark Wood Dynasty Dresser Recolour by kranku
- Dark Brown Dartboard by Macey246
- Medieval Serf Chair, Counter and Table Recolours by Magick Modders
- Straw Bedding 1, 2 and 3 by Magick Modders
- Greystone Colonial Fireplace Recolour by mia86
- Dark Wood Seasons Door and Window Recolours by NNNNatali
- Invisible Magazine Rack Recolour by Numenor
- Invisible Buffet Table Recolour by pfish
- Invisible Walnut Door Recolour by pfish
- Fallout Easel and Piano Recolours by Purity Project
- Invisible Driveway by roddyaleixo
- Hovel Wood Double Bedframe 3 and Bench 3 Recolours by roseisred
- Wooden Pet Bowl Recolour #4 by rugratone
- Cafe Curtain Recolours 2, 4 and 18 by sarah1141
- Medieval Baby Room Changing Table 2, High Chair and Potty Recolours by sclabean
- Monte Carlo Set Bed Covers by Smmi at Parsimonious Sims 2
- Invisibles (Sewing Machine, Trash Compactor, Mini-fridge and Dish Washer) by Sophie-David
- Juice Rack and Dark Wood Counter Recolours by sophisim
- Knotty Pine Toybox Recolour by tiggerypum
- Open Me Window Stone Recolour by windkeeper
- Dead Bush Recolour by Yukkuri Shiteite ne
Custom Content by Me:
- Beach Grass Terrain
- Gravel Stone Terrain
- Medieval Terrain
- Moss Brick Terrain
- Stone in Grass Terrain 1
- 7 Medieval Terrains
- 30 Medieval Walls
- 9 Hovel Walls
- 2 Medieval Floors
- 5 Gwrych Broken Walls
Custom Content Included:
- Fur Rug Recolour by 15pupmaus49
- Purse II Prop by Adele
- Merry Making Buffet Table, 1 Tile Table and Medieval Bench by Ailias
- Grey Edge Smoother Fence by Ailias
- Cracker Barrel Chess Table by Aligeth
- Double & Single Floor Mattresses by Atavera (retired)
- Egg Basket MESH by Blackypanther
- 2 Egyptian Potter Vases and Recolours by Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Sack Chair by Berg
- Oil/Vinegar Drizzler & Store Jar and Recolours by Buggybooz at Mod The Sims 2
- Quiltshop-Fabric Bolts 3 and 4, Pins and Cushions and 4 Quarter Pieces by Cocomama
- Medieval Awnings by Crocobaura
- Wallpaper Masks by Dark Project
- Dark Wood Floor by DL_Muslow
- Seashell Radio & Pirate Stereo Mesh (with No Bandana Recolour) by Dr Pixel
- Basic Horse & Pose 4 by Dragon Slave
- Medieval Cupboard Counter by Edta
- Straw Cottage Roof Cover - 6 x 9 by Ermelind
- Grill by feeEssen
- Hay Wagon (Chair) by feeEssen
- Horse Watering Container by feeEssen
- Natural Bark Pet Bowl by feeEssen
- Wood Pile by feeEssen
- 3 Dark Pelt Rugs by The Guild Masters
- Tome Recolors by The Guild Masters
- Horse Wagon For Farmers by Hexameter
- Anno Farm Tools & Handcart with Recolour - Standing by Hexameter
- Antique Scroll-in-a-Box Table Phone by HystericalParoxysm
- Moses Basket by HystericalParoxysm
- Paint Tubes and Canvases by hippi
- Quill and Ink Decor by Huge Lunatic
- Banya Bucket and Wall Broom by Jeka
- Book Display by Lethe_s
- Book End Table by Lethe_s
- Dragonhead Wall Shelf by Lethe_s
- Floor Drawing Mesh by Lethe_s
- Mortar and Pestle by Lethe_s
- Mysterious Tome by Lethes
- Tea Set by Lethe_s
- Witches Tools & Purple Recolour by Lethe_s
- Targa's SupaFridge - Larger Capacity by Lord Darcy at MTS2
- "Blue Sky" Bonsai Tree by macarossi
- Pelt Rugs 1, 2, 3 & 4 by Magick Modders
- Wall Mask Pelts 1, 2 & 3 by Magick Modders
- Don Quijote Book and a Red Rose by Marina
- Trashed Wooden Bathtub by MaryLou
- Wooden Wash -Tub for Dogs & Recolour by MaryLou
- Antique Cooking Fireplace & Recolour 3 by -Maylin-
- Athelyna BathTub, Sink and Toilet by -Maylin-
- Lantern - Black Mesh & Red Recolour by -Maylin-
- Old Coffee Maker by -Maylin-
- Window "Le Chateau" by -Maylin-
- Breads (Tall Basket, Loaves, Variety and Rolls) by mdhttr323
- Thatch Roof by mia86
- Chimneyless Fireplace by mia86
- 3x4 Floor Rug by Nicolafred
- Old Wood Bucket Sink & Toilet Recolours by NNNNatali
- Numenor Horizontal Magazine Rack MESH by Numenor
- "Good Ol' Times" Coal Stove (UV) by Numenor
- Barn Set (Hitching Post, Horse Shoes, Horse Feed) by Paleoanth
- "Atlanta" Set (Mirror, Plant) by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Basic Cushion" and 2 Recolours by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Cloud Temple" Altar of Elements - Earth by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Eponymous Garden" - 5 Plants by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "A Fairytale Romance" Single & Double Doors with Tan Recolours by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Faye Willow" Wall Mirror by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Imperial" Lamp Set (Table, Floor, 2 Wall and Simple Candle Lamps) by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Monte Carlo" End Table and Wash Basin by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Monte Carlo - Worn" Sink Deco & End Table Recolours by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Oggs n Ends" Cauldron, Broom, Ink & Quill by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Oggs n Ends" Bookcase, Chair, Desk, Telescope, Table by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Oggs n Ends" Rose Recolour Coffee Table & Telescope by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Oggs n Ends" White Witchery Desk & Table by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Once Upon A Time" Pixie Table Lamp (Static Version) by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Pirate Bay" Build Set (Windows, Doors, Fence and Column) by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Rascal's Pad" End Table by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Rizzale's Apothecary" Potion Bottles (4 colors) by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Sorrow Regal" Armchair, Vase & Loveseat by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Sultana" Jug, Bowl & Vase by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Trading Places" Earthernware Jug, Vase and Squat Vase with Recolours by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Very Tikki" Curtain Drapes & Lodge Recolour by Parsimonious Sims 2
- "Winterwood" Bathroom & Kitchen Set (Plant, Table, Shelf, Sink, Toilet and Candles) by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Invisible Door & Invisible Smoke Alarm by pfish
- Little Floor Rug by Phelana
- Castle Rock Fence by Rebecah
- Cow & Pig by Rebecah
- Firewood Shed by RealGanacampo
- Holiday Candle by Reyn
- Hay Bale Stacks by rosaline_10
- Brown Wood Recolor of Numenor Magazine Rack by Shoukeir
- Hanging Meat by simsistic
- Ye Cooper's Barrel Collection (Chairs, Trash Cans, Decoratives & Surface/Content Recolours) by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mirror of Past Reflections by Sophie-David
- Grill Steinzeit by Speedymaus 22 at Blacky
- Bucket Sink & Toilet by Sup@tramp
- Fallout High-Rise Dead Grass & Recolour by sweetswami77
- Chandelier, 2 Vases, Cushioned Dining Chair & Medieval Kitchen Table by Tarox
- Hen House and Hens by Tarox Sims 2
- Medieval Bedroom End Table & Tapestry by Tarox
- Medieval Dining Chair, Table by Hope Bayler at Tarox Sims 2
- Medieval Toilet, Sink & Mirror by Tarox
- Medieval Pottery Deco, Sack and Column 2 by UK1967
- Crystal Ball TV by wintermuteai1
- Crystalsphere Personal Conjurer (PC) by xanathon
**Enjoy the Downloads!**
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage1FURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 15249164 |
BJEMedievalserfchair.package | package | 46339 |
BJEMedievalserfcounterr.package | package | 359134 |
BJEMedievalserftable.package | package | 177331 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
CRS_MEDIEVAL_HOVEL_bench3_062006.package | package | 701807 |
Deadbush.package | package | 89952 |
DLMulsow-DrkWoodChest.package | package | 90048 |
Numenor_MagazineRack_Magazine.package | package | 81721 |
openmearch-prairie recolor.package | package | 177337 |
SDfreetimeSewingMachine_Invisible.package | package | 2715 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
tig-bedding-straw3.package | package | 352094 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage2FURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 20034012 |
CounterclubDark.package | package | 186016 |
CRS_MEDIEVAL_HOVEL_bench3_062006.package | package | 701807 |
easel dk.package | package | 90014 |
FairySimsBackFortyDkWd.package | package | 177406 |
FairySimsCrustikusDkWd.package | package | 90004 |
FairySimsFourPosterBedDkWd.package | package | 177361 |
FairySimsHomestyleEndTableDkWd.package | package | 47013 |
FairySimsMerryMakingDkWd.package | package | 89970 |
Gwenke_HearthstoneQuilt_MedievalRec2c.package | package | 90139 |
hippi_interiordoor_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 177182 |
hippi_openmedoor_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 177256 |
hippi_openmewindow_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89870 |
JuicerackRecol.package | package | 92478 |
MTS2Macey246_Brown DartBoard.package | package | 177096 |
SDfreetimeSewingMachine_Invisible.package | package | 2715 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
tig-bedding-straw1.package | package | 352094 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage3FURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 21460041 |
BSIM139greywoodrecolofSunKingDrawers.package | package | 90050 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
DLMulsow-DrkWoodDiningChair.package | package | 90016 |
DLMulsow-DrkWoodTable.package | package | 177365 |
Fallout Easel Recolor 01.package | package | 81666 |
Numenor_MagazineRack_Magazine.package | package | 81721 |
openmearch-prairie recolor.package | package | 177337 |
openmedoor-ash recolor.package | package | 177361 |
OpenMeWindow-praire-recolor.package | package | 89968 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
SDfreetimeSewingMachine_Invisible.package | package | 2715 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
tig-bedding-straw2.package | package | 352094 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage4_Furnished_CARAVAN.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 19548916 |
amythestfenix_EAOFBLyinginWaitScreen_gypsyblue.package | package | 36671 |
amythestfenix_EASEAbloomingtonlamp_wandering.package | package | 18072 |
BaseGameArchway.package | package | 92157 |
cafecurtain2.package | package | 13422 |
cafecurtain18.package | package | 13422 |
cafecurtainsa4.package | package | 13422 |
CounterclubDark.package | package | 186016 |
FairySimsMerryMakingLghtWd.package | package | 177413 |
FairySimsMysteriouslyMedievalChairLghtWd.package | package | 46282 |
hippi_openmewindow_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89870 |
HMB_BEDren1.package | package | 529264 |
HMB_ENDTABLEren1.package | package | 90042 |
HMB_TapestryGreenRen1.package | package | 177474 |
Invisiblesecretdoor.package | package | 140435 |
OMESH_PrimitiveScrollTablePhoneHANDSET_HystericalParoxysm-DemusedSims.package | package | 58570 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
SDfreetimeSewingMachine_Invisible.package | package | 2715 |
smmiWornRCk8MontecarloBedcovers.package | package | 701656 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
IMPORTANTCottage4INFO.txt | txt | 5848 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage4_Furnished_TENTS.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 19628949 |
amythestfenix_EAOFBLyinginWaitScreen_gypsyblue.package | package | 36671 |
amythestfenix_EASEAbloomingtonlamp_wandering.package | package | 18072 |
BaseGameArchway.package | package | 92157 |
cafecurtain2.package | package | 13422 |
cafecurtain18.package | package | 13422 |
cafecurtainsa4.package | package | 13422 |
CounterclubDark.package | package | 186016 |
FairySimsMerryMakingLghtWd.package | package | 177413 |
FairySimsMysteriouslyMedievalChairLghtWd.package | package | 46282 |
hippi_openmewindow_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89870 |
HMB_BEDren1.package | package | 529264 |
HMB_ENDTABLEren1.package | package | 90042 |
HMB_TapestryGreenRen1.package | package | 177474 |
Invisiblesecretdoor.package | package | 140435 |
OMESH_PrimitiveScrollTablePhoneHANDSET_HystericalParoxysm-DemusedSims.package | package | 58570 |
smmiWornRCk8MontecarloBedcovers.package | package | 701656 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
IMPORTANTCottage4INFO.txt | txt | 5848 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage5FURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 17233895 |
BJEMedievalserfcounterr.package | package | 359134 |
BSIM139greywoodrecolofSunKingDrawers.package | package | 90050 |
C98M-121306-PetCushionRedoFuzzyGreen.package | package | 92476 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
CRS_MEDIEVAL_DBED_hovel3_061806.package | package | 1053549 |
CRS_MEDIEVAL_HOVEL_bench3_062006.package | package | 701807 |
DLMulsow-DrkWoodDiningChair.package | package | 90016 |
DLMulsow-DrkWoodTable.package | package | 177365 |
nnndarkwoodseansondoor.package | package | 179832 |
nnndarkwoodseansonswindow.package | package | 226205 |
Numenor_MagazineRack_Magazine.package | package | 81721 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
rr1recolor_maxissuperiorpetdish_wood4.package | package | 27183 |
SDfreetimeSewingMachine_Invisible.package | package | 2715 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
tig-bedding-straw2.package | package | 352094 |
tig-toybox-ctn-knottypine.package | package | 89965 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage6FURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 20005880 |
AW_52909_DarkMahoganyToyBox.package | package | 47015 |
changingtable-wood 2.package | package | 90095 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
CounterclubDark.package | package | 186016 |
easel dk.package | package | 90014 |
Fallout Piano Recolor 01.package | package | 81512 |
Gwenke_HearthstoneQuilt_MedievalRec2d.package | package | 90139 |
Gwenke_HearthstoneQuilt_MedievalRec4a.package | package | 90133 |
highchair-wood.package | package | 354844 |
hippi_openmedoor_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 177256 |
hippi_openmewindow_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89870 |
Invisiblebuffettablecloth.package | package | 351968 |
krankru_Dynasty Dresser 2_Dark Wood.package | package | 89957 |
litteouthousepottychair2.package | package | 46870 |
medieval bedding by funfun.package | package | 701557 |
mia86_fireplacemantlecolonial_greystone.package | package | 179134 |
Natur-Futternapf-Rinde_Mesh_feeEssen_1_.package | package | 302185 |
Numenor_MagazineRack_Magazine.package | package | 81721 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
SophieDavidBaseGameTrashCompactor_Invisible.package | package | 519 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage1UNFURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 7521037 |
BJEMedievalserfcounterr.package | package | 359134 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
Deadbush.package | package | 89952 |
openmearch-prairie recolor.package | package | 177337 |
SDfreetimeSewingMachine_Invisible.package | package | 2715 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
tig-bedding-straw2.package | package | 352094 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage2UNFURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 5369682 |
BJEMedievalserfcounterr.package | package | 359134 |
hippi_interiordoor_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 177182 |
hippi_openmedoor_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 177256 |
hippi_openmewindow_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89870 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage3UNFURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 8767227 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
openmearch-prairie recolor.package | package | 177337 |
openmedoor-ash recolor.package | package | 177361 |
OpenMeWindow-praire-recolor.package | package | 89968 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage4UNFURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 5814844 |
BJEMedievalserfcounterr.package | package | 359134 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
corvidophile2_MaxisOpenSesameDoor_recolor2.package | package | 177338 |
hippi_openmedoor_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 177256 |
hippi_openmewindow_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89870 |
Invisiblesecretdoor.package | package | 140435 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
SophieDavidWhispAireDishwasher_Invisible.package | package | 1856 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage5UNFURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 6174055 |
BJEMedievalserfcounterr.package | package | 359134 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
nnndarkwoodseansondoor.package | package | 179832 |
nnndarkwoodseansonswindow.package | package | 226205 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
SophieDavidUniMiniFridge_Invisible.package | package | 473 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
GwrychMARCH2x2Cottage6UNFURNISHED.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 6971271 |
corvidophile2_MaxisJustADoor_recolorwood3.package | package | 46144 |
CounterclubDark.package | package | 186016 |
hippi_openmedoor_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 177256 |
hippi_openmewindow_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89870 |
hippi_openmewindowwide_mmdrkwd_280905.package | package | 89876 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
GwrychMarchSetup.jpg | jpg | 161728 |
Note from the Creator:
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 3.61 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 3.75 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 3.86 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 4.75 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 3.14 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 4.77 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 9.94 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 9.45 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 9.87 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 9.82 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 9.46 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 9.99 MB.
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2010, 7.81 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 17th Oct 2010 at 3:16 AM
by sarah*rose 14th Oct 2008 at 5:28am
+7 packs
Open for Business
Kitchen & Bath
Ikea Home
Gwrych Medieval Great Hall (2 VERSIONS)
by StephSim updated 16th Jun 2010 at 8:28am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Beck House - 2 Bedrooms, Fully Furnished and Starter Versions
by devagirl2 26th Jul 2010 at 4:39am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Gwrych March Set One: 6 RESIDENTIAL Lots (Castle, Hovels, Parson Cottage)
by StephSim 7th Sep 2010 at 3:15am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Gwrych March Set Three: 2 HOTEL Lots
by StephSim 7th Sep 2010 at 3:16am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Gwrych March Set Four: 6 COMMUNITY Lots
by StephSim 7th Sep 2010 at 3:17am
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Gwrych Barony 1x2 Merchant Cottage: BLACKSMITH
by StephSim 1st Sep 2011 at 5:01am
+8 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Apartment Life
by Sims2BuilderNoCC 14th Nov 2021 at 2:03pm
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Desperate Housewives: Hodge Residence
by StephSim 4th Sep 2007 at 3:47pm
Desperate Housewives of Wisteria Lane: Hodge Residence Note: I used the round roof more...
+6 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
The Ultimate Ceiling Superset (Part 2 of 7): 212 TIN Ceilings/Floors
by StephSim 25th Nov 2010 at 8:30pm
This set contains 212 "TIN" Ceiling/Floor Textures. more...
12 23.4k 26
Gwrych Barony 1x2 Merchant Cottage: BLACKSMITH
by StephSim 1st Sep 2011 at 4:01am
This download contains a RESIDENTIAL Merchant's Cottages for the Gwrych Barony Blacksmith. more...
+8 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Apartment Life
Antique Banker's Lamps: Tiffany Recolours
by Missing Links 10th Dec 2012 at 6:17am
Tiffany recolours of the Antique Banker's Lamp by thefuzmixman! more...
13 22.4k 33
The Ultimate Ceiling Superset (Part 6 of 7): 137 SISTINE CHAPEL TEXTURES
by StephSim 25th Nov 2010 at 8:41pm
This is Part 6 of The Ultimate Ceiling Superset and it contains 137 Walls and Floors for the Sistine Chapel. more...
25 42.4k 41
Countryside Part II: 4 Classic Country Lots
by StephSim updated 22nd Jan 2008 at 6:01am
Countryside Collection: Classic Series -------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLLECTION The Countryside Collection includes 4 sets of country more...
+6 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
Charmed Again: Halliwell Neighbor 2
by StephSim updated 29th Nov 2007 at 11:49am
Charmed Again: Halliwell Neighbor 2 - 1321 Carroll Avenue LOT INFORMATION Now you can create a more...
+6 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
Harry Potter Collection: Tribute House
by StephSim 16th Dec 2007 at 12:28am
+6 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
Galaxia: Tera Luna Sci-Fi and Futuristic Home
by StephSim 3rd Jul 2007 at 7:38pm
Galaxia Collection: Tera Luna (Earth Mansion) GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLLECTION There are 4 lots in more...
+6 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Bon Voyage |
![]() | Free Time |
![]() | Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Happy Holiday |
![]() | Family Fun |
![]() | Glamour Life |
![]() | Celebration |
![]() | H&M Fashion |
![]() | Teen Style |
![]() | Kitchen & Bath |
![]() | Ikea Home |
![]() | Mansion and Garden |
About Me
As of July 2016, I've decided to reinvent myself (again). Basically, my Sim Creation Renaissance is long overdue! It's time to release the old and move forward, doing things that sustain me in meaningful ways. ◕‿◕
I shall start with a wonderful new Sim Place to call home! And now the Official Unveiling (....drum roll...):
CLICK HERE to experience StephSim's BRAND NEW SIMS 2 WEBSITE called *** Proudly Banished *** !!!
Proudly Banished is my little storage place for a select few of my Sims 2 creations. Since I will NOT be Simming as much, I wanted to provide a small landing pad for random creations I will be sharing. I will on occasion share NO CC/ LOW CC Lots and MTS related recolors here on MTS. However, my CC LOADED Lots will be Housed at Proudly Banished. I've also add the updated Fully Loaded Versions of the American Gothic Mansion. Be sure to click on the Slideshows when available! You will find a few lots, object recolors, clothing recolors and the Regina Mills Sim (from Once Upon a Time)! There should be a little something for everyone!
Take your time and explore the site and be sure to check out *Sherwood Forest* for my PBK Community Goodbyes!
See you there. (。♥‿♥。)
All StephSim walls, floors, and ground covers can be freely used in lot creations on any free or pay site. Feel free to use my neighborhood maps/terrains for any and all of your Simming needs. Feel free to use any objects or object recolors shared on MTS or elsewhere in the Sims 2 community in your creations (lots, movies, stories) Feel free to recolor objects I upload and include the mesh. Feel free to use any Sims I create or my lots for your Sim movie making purposes! In using any of my creations. Credit is not necessary, but please do not claim any shared creations by myself, Sophie-David, Jason Duskey or anyone who I team with as your own.