Eric Stokes
thumb.png - width=311 height=366
title.jpg - width=796 height=1000
title2.jpg - width=1056 height=998
Body1.jpg - width=1280 height=649
face_rotate.jpg - width=1280 height=514
faces.jpg - width=1196 height=1000
Body2.jpg - width=910 height=994
reference.jpg - width=1280 height=905

Alright, seems there is help here. Jackripper postet a link to a modfolder, with the file named Anach_CASSkins. This enables the non-default skintones again, as Rez Delnava's Mod is not updated for 1.17/1.18.
Hello everibody!! (excuse my english) He's the Late Night version of the mod!! I had tested and it works! (it has other mods also) (down) |
Original source is MATY, here the original thread:
I tested it and it works, even with 1.18, so you can use the Non-Default skins again and my sims uploads should work again, as awesomemod has been updated as well. Great that the mod problems were solved pretty quick

BASIC sim file added, means: packed without hair and skintone, to fit the new MTS guidelines.

Recently started playing APB, and played around in the character editor for about an hour straight. After this i thought i try to simify my APB-Avatar and this is the result. I like the look, because he has some freaky eyes and a ready to kill face

He's a criminal from San Paro, freerunner, loves weapons and the head full of freaky thoughts, look into his eyes and you know what i mean. Why he is a criminal you ask? Because he can!
- Download all the sliders, they are pretty much a must have!
- I also added the filenames and the category of the items where it's needed, so you can easily delete the stuff you don't need/want!
╗╗ Included in the downloadfile:
→ "Oh my Eyes - Contacts" by escand (Esciohmyeyescontacts.package)
→ "Groomed & Styled Brows" by Nandonalt (Groomed & Styled Brows TS3 - Nandonalt.package)
→ "Baseball shirts for Males" (required Mesh) by Aikea Guinea (Aikea Guinea - AM Baseball Tee - 3Color.package)
→ "6 NEW Layered Shirts V2" (above Mesh edit) by NewOne (athletic) (OBP Layered Shirts V2.package)
→ "afAccessoryGlovesFingerless" Sims 3 Original item, converted to male and all 5 categories
→ "amShoesSuperVillain" Sims 3 Original item, converted to male and all 5 categories (formal)
→ "Necklace and Bracelet" by collin2 (TumTum) (TTS-malenecklace001..)
→ "Male Hair" by collin2 (TumTum) (ttsconv-maxis2_T-YA-A-E(M).package)
→ "Male Facial Hair First Aid pack" by Arisuka (Arisuka_MaleBeardMini.package)
╝╝NOT Included:
→ "Non-default MALE Naughty Skins" by LadyFrontbum (LadyFrontbum_Naughty_M_ND.package)

-- Latest Patch, Awesomemod sliderhack (x5) (or any other sliderhack): -> >> CLICK <<
-- Chin to Neck Slider by Heiret
-- Facial sliders: -> by bella3lek4, and download here: >>CLICK<< Thanks to "candy1985" for providing a downloadsource!
-- Facial and body Sliders: -> by jonha
-- Head Shape slider by jonha
-- Non-Default Naughty skins by LadyFrontbum
-- "Oh my Eyes" Contacts by escand (included)

You NEED any sort of sliderhack, or his face will snap back, if you try to edit it! Additionally you also NEED all the sliders and "Awesomemod" OR any mod which increases the sliderlimit like "Johna's sliderhack" or "S3Z's IncreasedSliderLimit", or his face looks not exactly like in the pictures!
--> Just put the ".sim" file from the download rar into the
"My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims" folder.
--> The ".package" files which are included in the download file must be installed correctly to create his unique look. The easiest way to install them is to download Delphy's "TS3 Install Helper Monkey" . Package files must be placed in your game directory "xxx/Sims 3/Mods/Packages" and the CC shows up correctly.
HF with Eric
Custom Content Included:
- Oh my Eyes - Contacts by escand /
- Groomed & Styled Brows by Nandonalt /
- 6 NEW Layered Shirts V2 by newone08 /
- Necklace and Bracelet by collin2 (TumTum) /
- Necklace and Bracelet by collin2 (TumTum) /
- Male Hair by collin2 (TumTum) /
- afAccessoryGlovesFingerless by Sims 3 Original Item
- Baseball shirts for Males by Aikea Guinea /
- amShoesSuperVillain by SIMS3 original item
- Male Facial Hair First Aid pack by Arisuka /
| BASIC simfile: Packed without hair and skintone. Download, if the sim crashes your game for whatever reason.
Uploaded: 8th Jan 2011, 292.7 KB.
Uploaded: 11th Jul 2010, 5.70 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 8th Jan 2011 at 2:40 PM
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About Me
I have quit creating for Sims 3 and moved on to other games. I enjoyed creating for MTS and i am happy that so many people liked my sims. I'm still lurking, but i am not active anymore. Hope you still find my sims here and enjoy playing them.
Farewell! But i will probably be back for Sims 4, let's hope they get it right with the editor ;)
!! Must have mods !!
Alternative UI mod for Non-default Skintones by Anach (Anach_CASSkins6x4_1.17.package)
Mastercontroller mod by twallan (Install it and experiment with this baby, you will be surprised!)
Alternative sliderhacks by [B]aWT and CmarNYC (If you don't like awesomemod for some reason)
HQ Modification by aWT (used for HQ textured uploads, you'll see them more often now i guess)
- I create for the BASEGAME ONLY, no Addons! For maximum compatibility.
- All my sims are tested in the basegame without CC (to test , if they crash) and with all used CC before uploading, to make sure they look like in the pictures, if you installed all the needed CC correctly. So if my sims don't work in an addon it might be, because some mods or CC doesn't work there, or a new patch screws with mods.
- If you ask why i add musiclinks to my uploads. It's my way to share my musictaste with the community and i try to make the tracks fit the character.
- ''Why do you have such nice graphics?'' I have every graphic setting ingame and in my card's driversettings absolute max (x16 Ansitropefiltering, Antialiasing max ingame) and i use the max allowed filesize for jpg(250kb) and png(150kb), so i get the best picture quality possible. For the thumbnails i use png format, to avoid pixelation and the slight blurriness the jpg format gives these small pictures.
I use XP-Paint and GIMP to edit the raw bmp-screenshots, which i take with FRAPS.
- ''Do you take requests?'' Nope, sorry. I have too