More Types of Fish to Stock Fish Bowls and Tanks
You may have noticed that Sims can only buy goldfish, minnows, and jellyfish to stock their fishtank. If you want to have angelfish or koi in your fishtank or bowl, your Sim must fish them, which is not a great option for the Sims that are not skilled fishers.
This is a script mod that will replace the "Stock" interaction with a new one that includes more types of fish for your Sims to stock their aquaria.

- Alley Catfish (§6)
- Angelfish (§21)
- Black Goldfish (§16)
- Blowfish (§13)
- Crawfish (§15)
- Doitsu Koi (§7)
- Frog (§6)
- Kawarimono Koi (§14)
- Linckia Starfish (§16)
- Lobster (§25)
- Luminous Salamander (§20)
- Ochiba Koi (§20)
- Piranha (§14)
- Sea Bat Starfish (§35)
- Sewer Trilobite (§35)
- Siamese Catfish (§13)
- Snails (§8)
- Tancho Koi (§25)
- Toad (§8)
- Tragic Clownfish (§14)

The following fish can only be stocked if some conditions are met:
- Deathfish (§200) - Sim is a ghost or an elder
- Fairy Damsel (§50) - Sim is a fairy
- Mummy Fish (§50) - Sim is a mummy
- Robot Fish (§50) - Sim is a SimBot or the aquarium is the steampunk/sci-fi fishtank from the Store
- Shark (§7) - Sim is in Lucky Palms
- Vampire Fish (§55) - Sim is a vampire

This mod can be localized, by default I've included these languages: English, Spanish, and Mexican Spanish.
If you want to translate this mod, download "SimsMxStockFish_strings" and post your translation here.

This is a script mod compiled against patch 1.42. It won't conflict with other mods as it doesn't override game tunings.
v1.0 (08/10/10): Release.
v1.1 (06/11/11): Added Kissing Gourami.
v1.2 (07/08/11):
v1.3 (01/05/12):
v1.4 (12/15/12): Changed from tuning to script mod. Added support for fish from Showtime and Supernatural and fish bowls.
Additional Credits:
classicplayer, death12337, and elena-engel for their translations.
Uploaded: 16th Dec 2012, 12.5 KB.
Uploaded: 16th Dec 2012, 595 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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by cessil 29th Jun 2009 at 7:51pm
74 139k 98
[OUTDATED] Never fear....Your Aquarium is here!! (and won't die)
by reece22345 30th Aug 2009 at 11:26am
51 79.1k 59
All Fish are Buyable *Updated for Ambitions - redownload*
by Jenesis updated 12th Jun 2010 at 9:05pm
52 98.8k 126
Fish Tank Capacity Mod (GEN Compatible!)
by Rainbow_Brite updated 16th Apr 2010 at 5:44am
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High-End Loft Stuff
All Fish Buyable in Grocery Store *Updated for Patch 6.2.4*
by TheCraft updated 29th Mar 2011 at 7:47pm
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by Wolfgurl685 26th Oct 2011 at 8:11am
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Fish Tank Capacity and Fish Bowl feeding mods
by Darkcloudwalker 16th Nov 2014 at 7:27pm
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The Golden Reef Aquarium (Fish not included) (No CC)
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