More Slots for EA Furniture - End Tables, Coffee Tables, Windows, Bookshelves & More
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End Tables & Coffee Tables
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Bay Windows
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Other (Baskets, China Cabinet, Drawer, Bonsai Table, Punk Rock TV)
Based on Lord Darcy's More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture and cmomoney's bay windows with slots (Not Just Another Bay Window and Gone with the Window), I bring you More Slots for EA Furniture!
Wasted space bugs you? Not anymore, let there be clutter!
This mod will add (more) slots to end tables, coffee tables, bay windows, desks, and other objects such as the china cabinet and the drawer from Ambitions. The latter now works as an end table and can hold functional items such as the Music Box, Fishbowl, etc.

Added 5 slots to 4 end tables which have some space to put things on under the table.
Sybtactic End Table
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 14
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 14
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 14

- EP: Generations
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 14
- EP: Store (Asian Fusion)
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 14
- EP: Store (Island Villa)
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 14

Added slots to 3 coffee tables which have some space to put things on under the table.
Two-Ton Table
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 10
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 10
- Added slots: 21
- Total slots: 42

- EP: Store (T-Mobile)
- Added slots: 16
- Total slots: 37

- EP: Store (Mid Century Fantasy)
- Added slots: 17
- Total slots: 38

Added one slot to one desk which have some space to put things on and fixed another desk's slots.
The Rollin' Secretary from McKraken Industries
- Added slots: 1
- Total slots: 10
- EP: Store (Free)
- Other: Fixed slots, computer can now be placed at the center.

Added slots to 4 bay windows which have some space to put things on.
- Added slots: 8
- Total slots: 8
- EP: World Adventures
- Added slots: 8
- Total slots: 8
- EP: Store (Storybook)
- Added slots: 18
- Total slots: 18
- EP: Store (Hewnsman)
- Added slots: 18
- Total slots: 18
- EP: Store (Ultra Lounge Comfort)
- Added slots: 11
- Total slots: 11
- EP: Store (BahHaus)
- Added slots: 10
- Total slots: 10
Note: Don't forget to download cmomoney's Not Just Another Bay Window with 18 slots and Gone with the Window with 15 slots so you have slots in all windows!

- Added slots: 3
- Total slots: 3
- Added slots: 3
- Total slots: 3
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 5
- Added slots: 8
- Total slots: 8

Added slots to several items which have some space to put things on under the table.
Bonsai! Table Plant
- EP: World Adventures
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 5
- EP: Ambitions
- Added slots: 9
- Total slots: 9
- Other: Functions as an End Table, find it in the End Tables sorting category.
- EP: Ambitions
- Added slots: 3
- Total slots: 3
- EP: Store (Island Villa)
- Added slots: 5
- Total slots: 5
- EP: Store (Loud, Fast, Clash!)
- Added slots: 2
- Total slots: 2

The same tips Lord Darcy gave apply for The Sims 3:
- You must sell and re-buy objects for them to pick up the change.
- After you place the object on the slot, press m to move objects to the next slot.

This mod edits the VPXY and RSLT resources of the objects mentioned above, and will conflict with other mods if they do the same. As it does not modify the _RIG resource, it is compatible with the 1.26 patch version.
It also modifies the OBJD, OBJK and FTPT of the Thor's Drawer for it to work as an end table; if you have a mod that modifies these resources, it'll conflict.
Note that these are not clones of the game objects but modified "default replacements" that add slots to them.
Clutter seen in the screenshots comes from cmomoney's clutter pack and Purplepaws' toy conversions.

- 3-tile diagonal windows don't have slots.
v1.0 (07/17/10): Initial release.
v1.1 (07/21/10): Added two windows and a bonsai table.
v1.2 (09/03/10): Added the Store's punk rock TV.
v1.3 (10/22/11): Added four bookcases, two coffee tables from the Store, and an end table.

Additional Credits:
- cmomoney for his windows with slots, for letting me use them as a base for the windows included here and for his tutorial.
- WesHowe for the MilkShape tools.
- Lord Darcy for his More Decorative Slots for Maxis Furniture.
- s3pe and S3OC developers and creators.
| Download this one if you have Ambitions.
Uploaded: 4th Sep 2010, 7.8 KB.
| Download this one if you don't have Ambitions.
Uploaded: 4th Sep 2010, 8.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 3rd Nov 2011 at 1:40 AM
#slot, #slots, #more slots, #deco slots, #end tables, #coffee tables, #windows, #bay window
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