2 Fringe Careers
Based off the TV show (that didn’t get canceled this year, yay!) Fringe Division investigates Fringe science; the foundation of the show is that there are 2 parallel universes (ours and another very much like it) that have become entangled and are both being destroyed. Because each universe is slightly different, the careers are slightly different (as are the skills required at each level.) Requires a very broad base of skills.
Fringe Division
Icon: Leaf with dot
Focused Skills: Creativity, Logic, Mechanical, Charisma, Body
Reward: Cowplant
Levels: Independent Consultant, Massive Dynamic Scientist, Fringe Team Researcher, Fringe Team Junior Agent, Fringe Team Senior Agent, Fringe Team Leader, Head of Fringe Division, Massive Dynamic Top Executive, Senator, Secretary of Defense
Top Salary: 3750
Notes: I was sorry I couldn’t incorporate the Observer as a track, but maybe I can make an Observer track after Season Four. This career is for agents in the Blue universe. If you have a Sim Walter, you can make him either a Fringe Team Researcher, CEO of Massive Dynamic, or just put him in the Science career and have him be a Mad Scientist (my personal favorite.) Expect long hours throughout this career, but a shorter workweek at the top.
Career Notes: This career takes a somewhat different approach, requiring skill points across 5 areas – but only if you hope to make it to the top. Friends and Charisma only become important for levels 7-10, and the early levels don’t require Body at all, either.
Balancing notes: The salary for Senator in this track varies from the salary in the Politics track because there was no way to balance them while still balancing the field agent salaries with the Intelligence career; I thought those should be similar, just as the Head of the SCIA should make a similar amount as the Secretary of Defense. If I end up going back and doing default replacement careers, I’ll adjust the Senator salary to reflect that. (Really, should a Senator make less than a Clam Wrangler, Deep Sea Fisherman, Police Psychic, or Professional Party Guest? And should they barely make more than a Wedding Photographer? Seriously, the EAxis salaries should be retooled.)
Level 1: Independent Consultant
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 10 am-6 pm
Salary: 309
Description: As an independent consultant, you're something of a freelancer when it comes to doing scientific work. Your main area of interest is studying a series of strange unexplained events known as "the Pattern." It seems someone may be using the world as their own private laboratory, but you'll have to investigate a little more if you're to have any hope of discovering what the Pattern is, let alone who's behind it.
Level 2: Massive Dynamic Researcher
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 458
Description: The supercorporation known as Massive Dynamic noticed your work and hired you to be a research scientist. It turns out that Massive Dynamic is massively interested in investigating the Pattern, and that they're willing to put almost unlimited resources on the table if you can produce results.
Level 3: Fringe Team Researcher
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 502
Description: The FBI heard about your work with Massive Dynamic, and actually contacted Massive Dynamic's Chief Operating Officer, Nina Sharp, to ask if they could hire you away from her. She agreed, and now you've taken a position doing research for a small division of the FBI known as the Fringe Division. Fringe Division investigates all Pattern-related events, and often needs you to do research on the fly about the latest in paranormal happenings.
Level 4: Fringe Team Junior Agent
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 1 pm-8 pm
Salary: 678
Description: At long last, a promotion! Now, you're a Fringe field agent yourself. Although your activities often still revolve around what's going on in the lab, you have expanded responsibilities, including riding herd on a mad scientist who the Head of Fringe Division has recruited to help decipher the more puzzling problems associated with the Pattern. Work on your Body skill if you hope to make it out into the field actually investigating cases, instead of analyzing the evidence that the rest of the team brings back.
Level 5: Fringe Team Senior Agent
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 1 pm-8 pm
Salary: 1087
Description: Now that you've gained some experience investigating Fringe events, you're responsible for taking the lead on individual investigations, reporting your results back to your team leader. Just make sure to remain on guard at all times: you never know when evil shapeshifters, terrorists from the organization known as ZFT, or the mysterious Observers might choose to make an appearance.
Level 6: Fringe Team Leader
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 11 am-6 pm
Salary: 1392
Description: As Fringe Team Leader, you're second only to the Head of Fringe Division. All junior and senior agents report to you, and you can step in and take charge of any Fringe case if you think the situation warrants it. Work on your Logic skill if you hope to make become Head of Fringe Division.
Level 7: Head of Fringe Division
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-3 pm
Salary: 1658
Description: As the Head of Fringe Division, you no longer get to go out in the field as much as you used to; in fact, most of the time, you're a suit behind a desk, justifying your budget to senators who'd like to cut it and trying to convince your superiors in the FBI that paranormal happenings aren't a joke. The political infighting is frustrating, but you believe in what you do, and that's what keeps you going.
Level 8: Massive Dynamic Top Executive
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 10 am-4 pm
Salary: 2487
Description: Massive Dynamic is an enormous company with the ability to do just about anything, and for quite some time, it’s had extensive ties to Fringe Division. Leaving the Fringe team to help run Massive Dynamic, you’ll have the satisfaction of bringing all of Massive Dynamic's resources to bear on helping Fringe Division with their problems.
Level 9: Senator
Workdays: T W Th
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 2625
Description: After Fringe events began to slip into the mainstream, the public wanted someone with Fringe experience in the upper echelons of power. As a former Head of Fringe Division, with massive experience and knowledge about Fringe events, you were an obvious choice. Your campaign to enter the United States Senate was successful, and now, you're a senator with significant influence and power (and one of Fringe Division's biggest backers in Congress.)
Level 10: Secretary of Defense
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 3750
Description: As the breach between parallel universes continues to cause problems, the President himself asked that you accept an appointment to become Secretary of Defense. The military is becoming more and more focused on Fringe events, which are becoming more of a threat than jihadists, Communists, or homegrown lunatics ever were. It's up to you to protect the American people by finding a way to save our universe from destruction; hopefully, you're up to the task.
Altverse Fringe Division
Icon: Alternate Fringe Division Logo
Focused Skills: Body, Creativity, Mechanical, Logic, Charisma
Reward: Cowplant
Levels: Independent Researcher, First Responder, Shapeshifter Spy, DoD Researcher, Junior Fringe Team Agent, Senior Fringe Team Agent, Fringe Team Leader, Head of Fringe Division, Senator, Secretary of Defense
Top Salary: 3750
Notes: The Red universe is the altverse, and has slightly different levels, salaries, chance cards, and probabilities for the chance cards to reflect that the Fringe Division is more important here than in the Blue ‘verse. Skilling is slightly altered but with same ultimate requirements: Charisma isn’t needed until level 8, Body is needed earlier. It’s meant to be slightly harder than moving up the Blue ‘verse track despite the fact that end requirements are identical.
Also, an icon like the one of Serenity that I did for my Firefly career was harder, but I love the look of this one.
Level 1: Independent Researcher
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 288
Description: You're trying to look into the causes of your world's sudden and inexplicable decay. Within the last thirty years, laws of nature have begun to fail, mass extinctions have occurred, and mysterious vortexes claim hundreds of lives. You want to dedicate your life to finding out why it started and how to stop it.
Level 2: First Responder
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 2 pm-10 pm
Salary: 391
Description: The decay in the world means that there are a number of national emergencies: air control problems, pandemics, and ruptures in space-time that require Fringe teams to be called in to seal them. Wanting to help, but lacking the qualifications to become a Fringe agent, you become a first responder: entering the dangerous zones to evacuate civilians and save lives, you're on the scene before the Fringe Division can respond. Work on your Body and Mechanical skills to help you save as many lives as possible.
Level 3: Defense Researcher
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 9 am-4 pm
Salary: 596
Description: The Department of Defense has recruited you to perform top-secret research for them. As a researcher, you review information that agents have gathered about the other universe's technologies, and try to determine what might be of use to your universe's scientists. You also perform experiments, trying to create new technology to help Fringe Division's agents.
Level 4: Shapeshifter Spy
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-5 pm
Salary: 678
Description: Your government has recruited you for a dangerous, likely one-way mission. Scientists have finally figured out a way to transform and transport people from this universe into shapeshifters who can inhabit the other universe, instead of using the current machine-genetic hybrids. Your mission is simple: Go undercover into the other universe, infiltrating their government and trying to find out why they're attacking us. You don't expect to return, but you hope to find information that can save your universe.
Level 5: Fringe Team Junior Agent
Hours: 1 pm-8 pm
Salary: 850
Description: Your excellent work drew your superiors' attention, and you were rescued from the other universe and recruited to join the Fringe Division itself. As a Junior Agent, you work in the field under the supervision of the senior agents and a team leader. The things you see are incredible - but depressing, as they're proof that the world is coming apart around you. If you gain enough experience, you'll move up in the ranks.
Level 6: Fringe Team Senior Agent
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 1 pm-8 pm
Salary: 1274
Description: You've gained enough experience with the team to be promoted to Senior Agent. As a senior member of the Fringe team, you have the authority to conduct your own investigations and present the findings to the team leader. As a senior member of Fringe Division, you have the respect and awe of your friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens - but your unit also has a remarkably high casualty rate, which is part of the reason you're so respected for doing the job.
Level 7: Fringe Team Leader
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 11 am-6 pm
Salary: 1488
Description: You've lasted long enough on Fringe Division to become a Team Leader. You lead the field agents, and have the authority to step in on a case if you feel it's important enough. You're also the one in charge of having to decide whether or not to deploy amber protocol if it becomes needed in the field: a weighty responsibility that forces you to consider sacrificing a few lives to save the many.
Level 8: Head of Fringe Division
Workdays: M T W Th F
Hours: 8 am-3 pm
Salary: 1752
Description: As Head of Fringe Division, you oversee all operations conducted by all Fringe Teams. Since the FBI ceased to exist over a decade ago, Fringe Division has become the most important law enforcement agency in the entirety of the U.S.A., making you a very important individual. You can give or countermand a quarantine order, decide how much amber to deploy over a given area, and recruit new agents for Fringe Division - just make sure you can justify all your decisions to your boss, the Secretary of Defense.
Level 9: Senator
Workdays: T W Th
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 2625
Description: As Senator, you're known for your unwavering support of Fringe Division, and for your complete and utter dedication to the protection of this universe. Your reforms to the ShowMe program, support for interdimensional travel research, advocacy for a strong defense budget, and support of the legislation that created a national 7-1-1 number for reporting of Fringe events have all demonstrated your ability to get things done, and your leadership makes your constituents sleep better at night.
Level 10: Secretary of Defense
Workdays: M T W Th
Hours: 8 am-4 pm
Salary: 3750
Description: After experiencing an unthinkable personal tragedy at the hands of a man from the other universe, you became completely and utterly determined to defend the rest of your universe's inhabitants from experiencing a similar fate. You made yourself into an expert on the other universe long before the situation became dire, and as the breach between universes widened, the President himself asked that you accept an appointment to become Secretary of Defense. You did, and now you have the authority you need to protect your people. Use it well, and hopefully you can find a way to save your world from destruction.
Additional Credits:
SimPE, GIMP, Google image for providing the original bases for the icons.
Both Fringe Careers.rar
Uploaded: 10th Jul 2011, 501.1 KB.
[julieryc] Fringe Division career.rar
Uploaded: 10th Jul 2011, 250.1 KB.
[julieryc] Altverse Fringe Career.rar
Uploaded: 10th Jul 2011, 251.1 KB.
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