Technical Theatre Career for Adults, Teens and Elders
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I really enjoy all aspects of theatre. As an audience member, as a performer, but the best area was technical theatre or stagecraft. So I thought it would be great if simmies could enjoy the transformation of script to full live production. The career includes teen/elder and adult. There are custom outfits and a custom reward. There are also chance cards for each level for both careers. The careers are based on the business career and have their own GUID as does the career reward so it should not overwrite anything. Hope you enjoy it because “All the world's a stage but somebody has to run the show.”
Usher – §45 Th, F, Sa, Su – 18:00-21:00
Seats to fill, doors to close, patrons to hush, and a nifty new flashlight to make shadow puppets when things get dull. Get fit and you can be part of the back stage action.
Runner – §70 W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 18:00-22:00
Sit! Stay! Fetch! You work like a dog. It’s your job to quickly get the actors and crew what they need during performances. Get some cleaning skills and things will slow down.
Dresser – §80 W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 15:00 -19:00 zip and tuck, scrub and mend. The costumes need as much care as the performers who wear them. Keep the players dressed and the costumes clean and you will remain on top of your game.
Dresser – §88 T, W, Th ,F, Sa, Su - 18:00-22:00
You've been through it all, school plays, college productions, the community playhouse. You have finally made it to the Regional Theatre League. And what do you do, help the actors in and out of costumes. Keep up on those cleaning skills and you just may find yourself actually doing production work. But it's not all bad; at least you can see the performance for free.
Props Assistant – §195 T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 17:00-23:00
A little to the left, no, no, no, a little more to the right. Placing the props around the set requires patience and persistence. But working on those mechanical skills and putting yourself in shape will get you out of the props cage. Now where did you put that Samovar?
Stage Hand – §340 W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 17:00-23:00
Better keep in shape for this position, those set pieces can be heavy, especially when you get to move them around for a 17 act production. It's what you know and who you know that will get you into backstage management so start making friends and keep working on those skills.
Assistant Stage Manager – §480 T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 15:00-00:00
You have advanced to Assistant Stage Manager. Use those charisma skills to motivate your stage crews and cast members. Long hours will require endurance to assist with the rehearsals, the run of the show, and especially striking the set at the end of each performance.
Stage Manager – §680 T, W, Th, Fr, Sa, Su – 16:00-22:00
The show must go on and now that you're the stage manager it will. A logical mind will help organize all blocking, stage business, and technical notations given during the rehearsals. Acting as the liaision between performers and technical staff, your charisma can keep those creative egos in check. Keep in shape for those long evenings of calling performance lighting and sound cues. The ASM can handle the strike.
Assistant Director – §1085 T, W, Th, Fr, Sa – 08:00-18:00
Your duties will vary depending on the director's needs. You will assist with auditions, get the director some coffee, attend design meetings, get the director more coffee, run business errands for the director, such as photocopying, calling actors, getting coffee again. You will take notes for the director, get the director's coffee, offer artistic suggestions, get the director a sandwich, rehearse actors with specific tasks and cover for the director during his bathroom breaks.
Technical Director – §1250 T, W, Th, F, Sa – 08:00-16:00
Hammer, nails and paint will create the scene. Spots and floods will light the stage, Music and sound effects will fill the theatre. Your job is to put the designs into concrete materials. Now how to budget in that two story spaceship? Keep up those mechanical and creativity skills and soon it's your designs they will be building.
Scenographer – §1545 M, T, W, Th, F – 08:00-16:00
It's up to you to bring the director's concept of the script into a real life tangible set of blueprints. You are primarily responsible for the visual appearance of the production - which often includes scenery, sets, lighting, sound, and costumes. The production is yours to design and delight. Keep up those creative skills and soon it will be you who becomes the visionary.
Director – §1875 M, T, W, Th, Fr – 08:00-15:00
You are the visionary; you translate scripts into stage productions, transform words into actions, characters into stage life, ideas into stage pictures. You coordinate and harmonize the diverse elements of a production to create an artistic whole that complements your particular artistic vision, and provide the cohesive force to realize that production. And drink lots coffee.
Artistic Director – §2255 M, T, W, Th 07:00-14:00
You finally get to pick the scripts. You finally get to select the directors. You finally get to decide on the designers. Now if only you could choose the audience. A perfect season for SimCity Regional Theatre is ahead.
Additional Credits:
Thanks to ALL tutorial creators, Vagrant for the custom costume package, and the creators of SIMPE.
Usher – §45 Th, F, Sa, Su – 18:00-21:00
Seats to fill, doors to close, patrons to hush, and a nifty new flashlight to make shadow puppets when things get dull. Get fit and you can be part of the back stage action.
Runner – §70 W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 18:00-22:00
Sit! Stay! Fetch! You work like a dog. It’s your job to quickly get the actors and crew what they need during performances. Get some cleaning skills and things will slow down.
Dresser – §80 W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 15:00 -19:00 zip and tuck, scrub and mend. The costumes need as much care as the performers who wear them. Keep the players dressed and the costumes clean and you will remain on top of your game.
Dresser – §88 T, W, Th ,F, Sa, Su - 18:00-22:00
You've been through it all, school plays, college productions, the community playhouse. You have finally made it to the Regional Theatre League. And what do you do, help the actors in and out of costumes. Keep up on those cleaning skills and you just may find yourself actually doing production work. But it's not all bad; at least you can see the performance for free.
Props Assistant – §195 T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 17:00-23:00
A little to the left, no, no, no, a little more to the right. Placing the props around the set requires patience and persistence. But working on those mechanical skills and putting yourself in shape will get you out of the props cage. Now where did you put that Samovar?
Stage Hand – §340 W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 17:00-23:00
Better keep in shape for this position, those set pieces can be heavy, especially when you get to move them around for a 17 act production. It's what you know and who you know that will get you into backstage management so start making friends and keep working on those skills.
Assistant Stage Manager – §480 T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su – 15:00-00:00
You have advanced to Assistant Stage Manager. Use those charisma skills to motivate your stage crews and cast members. Long hours will require endurance to assist with the rehearsals, the run of the show, and especially striking the set at the end of each performance.
Stage Manager – §680 T, W, Th, Fr, Sa, Su – 16:00-22:00
The show must go on and now that you're the stage manager it will. A logical mind will help organize all blocking, stage business, and technical notations given during the rehearsals. Acting as the liaision between performers and technical staff, your charisma can keep those creative egos in check. Keep in shape for those long evenings of calling performance lighting and sound cues. The ASM can handle the strike.
Assistant Director – §1085 T, W, Th, Fr, Sa – 08:00-18:00
Your duties will vary depending on the director's needs. You will assist with auditions, get the director some coffee, attend design meetings, get the director more coffee, run business errands for the director, such as photocopying, calling actors, getting coffee again. You will take notes for the director, get the director's coffee, offer artistic suggestions, get the director a sandwich, rehearse actors with specific tasks and cover for the director during his bathroom breaks.
Technical Director – §1250 T, W, Th, F, Sa – 08:00-16:00
Hammer, nails and paint will create the scene. Spots and floods will light the stage, Music and sound effects will fill the theatre. Your job is to put the designs into concrete materials. Now how to budget in that two story spaceship? Keep up those mechanical and creativity skills and soon it's your designs they will be building.
Scenographer – §1545 M, T, W, Th, F – 08:00-16:00
It's up to you to bring the director's concept of the script into a real life tangible set of blueprints. You are primarily responsible for the visual appearance of the production - which often includes scenery, sets, lighting, sound, and costumes. The production is yours to design and delight. Keep up those creative skills and soon it will be you who becomes the visionary.
Director – §1875 M, T, W, Th, Fr – 08:00-15:00
You are the visionary; you translate scripts into stage productions, transform words into actions, characters into stage life, ideas into stage pictures. You coordinate and harmonize the diverse elements of a production to create an artistic whole that complements your particular artistic vision, and provide the cohesive force to realize that production. And drink lots coffee.
Artistic Director – §2255 M, T, W, Th 07:00-14:00
You finally get to pick the scripts. You finally get to select the directors. You finally get to decide on the designers. Now if only you could choose the audience. A perfect season for SimCity Regional Theatre is ahead.
Additional Credits:
Thanks to ALL tutorial creators, Vagrant for the custom costume package, and the creators of SIMPE.
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| a career for teen, adult and senior theatre techies
Uploaded: 15th Jan 2011, 3.83 MB.
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
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- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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