~~ NuRey v4 ~ Bejewelled ~~

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~~ NuRey v4 ~ Bejewelled ~~

Hey folks, back again with some new recolours for you all. Looking for inspiration and a lower poly hair mesh, I went hunting through PeggyZone's free meshes again until I found another one I really liked. This one is an oldie but still a really pretty mesh for its time. It is even slightly animated - I think - some of the bangs move a bit. Thank you very much once again, PeggyZone for your kind permission to recolour your free hair meshes.

The mesh file does NOT come with this download, you may download the mesh free here at PeggyZone.com:

PeggyZone Mesh #003703

I wanted to recolour a shorter hairstyle and spruce it up with my delicious retextures. This time I am paying tribute to jewellery with my new recolour set being named after precious metals and gemstones. Working with PeggyZone's mesh, I re-sized, refined and recoloured my textures to fit with this hairstyle. In keeping with the theme of shiny, crystalline colour, I introduced some not-so-natural reds to the mix and have created this colour set to give you 14 colours - 2 black, 4 brown, 4 blonde and 4 red. I hope you like my NuRey v4 colours.

Black - Onyx, Opal

Brown - Axinite, Agate, Jasper, Quartz

Blonde - Gold, Bronze, Platinum, Rose Gold

Red - Ruby, Amethyst, Garnet, Citrine

Thanks so much to CatOfEvilGenius for creating the new hair binning tool, which I used to put all of these colours in the correct bins - and - for the fixed maxis-default t-shirts some of my sim models are wearing. All sims modelling this hairstyle are in base game skintones/eyes and clothing that can all be found in The Sims 2 apart from the fixed maxi-default shirts.

Even though a couple of the reds are a bit "unnatural" looking all recolours in this set are colour-binned into the 4 natural colour bins. This hair is for all ages of female sims from preschoolers to elders with binned greys for your elders.

Base game compatible, no EPs required.

Individually zipped in WinRAR folders so you can pick and choose which recolours you like or download the lot.


Additional Credits:
Credit for the hair mesh belongs to Peggysims at PeggyZone.com. I am merely the retexturist/recolourist of this recolour set, I am NOT the creator of the mesh file.

Please see http://www.peggyzone.com policy for further information about use of their creations.

CatOfEvilGenius for the hair binning tool - http://www.modthesims.info/d/434016 and for the fixed maxis-default t-shirts my models are wearing.

All of these textures and recolours are copyright to me. NO uploading to anywhere else online as your own work, please link back to this page and let me know if you wish to use these in your creations. free for use in your games, pictures, galleries.
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