Eight patterned recolors of Skankyboy's Big Pouf
1.jpg - width=746 height=710
2.jpg - width=746 height=710
banner.gif - width=216 height=206
Xii.jpg - width=415 height=539
Leopard: I've always been a fan of leopard-print, so this had to be included.
Floral: Not my thing, but some of my Sims might enjoy it.
Fur: Austin Powers leaped instantly to mind when I came up with this. (I'm not a fan, but whatev)
Hawaiian: The print I thought of first.
Skulls: Perfect for goths (which my game cannot exist without)
Space: My own beanbag chair has a space theme, so why not let my Sims have it too?
Tie-dye: Biiiiiig fan of the '60s here, so that just needed including.
Zebra: I think I've seen a zebra-print beanbag somewhere, and why not?
Additional Credits:
Skankyboy for the epitome of awesome chair
The tube top on the model, Xii, is my own, as is the makeup.
The skirt on Xii is the Block Print Skirt on the 70s page of All About Style, http://all-about-style.com/themes_1970's.html
The hair is "Braided Hair With Beads" by LoveTheSims04, found here: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=286185
Photoshop 6 SimPE (obviously)
The Fat Strawberry
| Patterned recolors of Skankyboy's Big Pouf chair
Uploaded: 12th Apr 2011, 917.7 KB.
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About Me
That said, I’m a D&D and World of Warcraft nerd, a Trekkie, a Whovian, a Babylon 5 fan, Marvel comics fan (generally cosmics and mystics), lover of dad jokes, and habitually have too many projects at once. Knowledge and pleasure aspirations, geek trait, fond of reusing things in ways they were never meant to be used.
Any pronouns except it/its are fine.