True Blood Sims: Pam

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Pamela Swynford de Beaufort
She is extremely lazy. But loyal. If you watch True Blood....SHHH!! Please don't discuss the plot in this thread. We don't wanna spoil it for folks who haven't seen it yet, right? Right. Good. Extra special thanks to all the custom content creators mentioned below, and to the actors, writers, and entire crew that makes True Blood. Particularly Kristin Bauer van Straten who portrays Pam so well.

Please do not redistribute this sim or altered versions of her. Thank you. :lovestruc

Recommended but Not Included
  • Fangs! Pam is packaged as a human. She'll grow fangs when you turn her into a vampire in your game. You must have the Nightlife Expansion Pack installed in order to make her a vampire.

  • Default-Replacement vampire skin overlay. By default, Sims2 vampires have a blueish tinge which is wrong for True Blood vamps. I highly recommend TSN's Normal looking NL Vampire Skin Overlay (vampireNoBlueNoRedEye version) if you have Nightlife and plan to make Pam a vampire.

  • Maxis Skin. This sim uses default Maxis skin. If you have default-replacement skins installed, please download the light non-default Maxis skin here and put it on her in CAS.

  • Clothes. Pam is packed in the red jacket and black jeans outfit pictured. This outfit came with the Apartment Life Expansion Pack. Choose something else for her if you don't have AL. The other clothes pictured are from various expansion/stuff packs, and I also highly recommend Sentate's Vampy Outfits and Cynnix's Pam clothes. Be sure to check out Cynnix's Pam sim while you're there. I made my Pam sim long ago and am posting her now because some folks have asked for her, but I'm sure many will prefer Cynnix's Pam.

Included Content
  • Pam Sim

  • Eyes by Revoye

  • Brows by Rensim, which I recoloured to a darker shade. Eyeshadow and blush also by Rensim. Since her site is down, you can find some of her old creations in this GOS thread. Thanks to Rensim for allowing me to include the recoloured brows, and for pointing out that GOS link!

  • Lipstick by Helaene, which I recoloured to a brighter shade. Eyeliner also by Helaene. Thanks to Helaene for letting me include the recoloured lipstick! In fact, I've actually included 2 lipstick recolours - Pam is packed with bright red lips, and I also put some bright pink lips in the .rar file so you can match her lips to her outfit.

  • Hair mesh and texture by Agustin, recoloured by me. The mesh and recolour are included in the .Sims2Pack file, and I've also included my mesh animation fix in the .rar file. For more information about the mesh fix, please see my recolour thread.

Free Tips
  • Install with Clean Installer to avoid "missing EP" error messages.
  • Pam requires no Expansion Packs, but you'll need the Nightlife EP to make her a vampire.

Special Thanks
  • To all the creators whose content I've used, edited, mangled.
  • To the folks who recognized Pam in my other threads and asked me to upload her.
  • To the tumblr folks who helped decide which outfit to pack her in.
  • To everyone involved in making True Blood, especially Kristin Bauer van Straten, whose artwork blows me away. I am embarrassed to post this sim considering the subject herself could doubtlessly do a much better job. Oh well. Enjoy!

Creator Recommendations:
See all my other True Blood related downloads HERE

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