*Obsolete* Updated - Toddlers can Stand in CAS - 1.38 and up (Pets friendly)
glitch.jpg - width=1000 height=662
pets.jpg - width=1000 height=665
toddlerstanding.jpg - width=1000 height=668
The original PrePets version by jonha, became outdated and was never updated once pets was released. Since that version only worked for games without pets, I decided to remake it. I originally made it for myself, but when I checked the thread, I realized that updates are still being requested for Pets, I decided to upload it. I tried to just update from his scripting, but it was too old so I had to start from scratch. As of right now, this will only allow Toddlers to stand in CAS. I am just learning the scripting, so I haven't been able to adjust the other movements like jonha. I will try to get the same options (including halting the movements for the pets) working in the same way eventually.

With Supernatural there is one small glitch that I am still trying to fix. When you switch the toddler's species (i.e. werewolf, fairy, ghost, witch, ect.), they will sit down briefly and then stand right back up. However, this is the only selection that seems to cause this action to happen. The toddler will take longer to stand up when switched to fairy because it waits for their wings to grow. It happens when switching from human to fairy, but not when you are choosing what type of wings you want. Like so:

It also doesn't happen when switching back to human from any other species. On every other part of CAS or CAP, I haven't had any other issues.
This mod is Incompatible with any other Mod that change the CAS animations or the CAS camera. This was made with all expansion packs except for the KP one installed. I do know it works fine with version 1.38 and up. All animations in Create-A-Pet are fine and the animals remain looking normal. It should be Base game compatible.
The following resources are used in this mod:
CASCamerasWS (INI, 0x0EA0B25EE03B44A6)
CASCameras (INI, 0xA443A899E326F860)
ingame\sims\soloanims\cas\animation\cas.jazz (JAZZ, 0xD8D5C1186BA97FDC)
It will conflict with any other mod changing the same resources.
It goes in /Mods/Packages folder
Additional Credits:
Makers of S3PE , SmoothJazz, and jonha.
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Updated: 25th Nov 2012 at 9:53 PM - Compatiblity update
#CAS, #toddler, #standing, #toddlers stand in CAS, #toddlers, #stand, #standing, #Pets, #toddlers can stand
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New CAS and CAP animation options
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