CAS Animation Edits
CAS Animation Edits 1.png - width=1080 height=1080
CAS Animation Edits 2.png - width=1080 height=1080
- Rebuilt the mod from the ground up, with better animations and behavior.
- Fixed flickering on Sims' hands and feet during the CAS greeting animation, especially apparent in teen Sims and Sims with extreme values in body sliders.

This is a revamp of my old CAS Animation Edits mod that I released a couple years ago.
The mod aims to resolve a couple annoyances with the behavior of Sims in CAS; I've edited the CAS jazz script file and tweaked a number of EA animations to make Sims move around less while you're working on them, plus a few extras.
It won't make Sims stand completely static! There are already some great mods out there which achieve that, so I decided to focus on giving them better animations to improve the overall CAS experience.
Gender-neutral animations:
- "Greeting" animations when creating a new Sim are no longer different between male and female Sims; instead, they will play a custom greeting animation.
- Female Sims no longer stand with their heads tilted to the side; they now use the same idle animations and reactions as male Sims.
Better Idles:
- Sims stand still more when idle, rather than constantly gesturing and moving around. They will only react to changing body sliders and picking traits.
- Improved facial animations: less smiling, no eye movements when zoomed into a Sim's face. Much more comfortable for editing facial features and taking screenshots. :P
- Toddler animations have been replaced so that they will stand up.

- Some trait animations will snap back to the standing position once finished. This is an EA bug and not caused by the mod itself.
- This mod will conflict with any other mod that edits the ingame\sims\soloanims\cas\animation\cas.jazz resource in JazzData.
- The camera mod will conflict with any other mod that edits the CASCameras and CASCamerasWS INI resources.

- s3pe: Exporting/Importing resources, creating the package file.
- SmoothJazz: Editing the jazz script.
- Blender: Tweaking the animations.
- joninmobile's No CAS Facial Idles: Served as inspiration for this mod.
- Buhudain's edit of Shimrod's CAS Camera and criisolate's Closer Camera in CAS: Combined both mods into one as a fix for the toddler zoom.
- Adobe Photoshop: Creating the preview images.
- miiko's Polaroid Graphics Bundle: Elements used in the preview images.
- Franzilla's Handwritten Simlish fonts: Used in the preview images.
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
BuhudainHigherView+ShimrodCaSCamZoomIn+criisolateCloserCamera.package | package | 9858 |
simbouquet_CASAnimationEdits.package | package | 423921 |
Uploaded: 23rd Nov 2024, 300.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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Updated: 23rd Nov 2024 at 9:39 PM
#cas, #stand still in cas, #facial idles, #animation, #edited
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