Augmented/Easier/Harder Skill Challenges Mod
Screenshot3.jpg - width=1280 height=1024
View of the augmented mixology skill tab.
Screenshot4.jpg - width=1280 height=1024
View of the augmented sculpting skill tab.
Screenshot5.jpg - width=1280 height=1024
View of the augmented inventing skill tab.
Screenshot6.jpg - width=1280 height=1024
Better title screenshot.
11/04 - Late in the game on this one, but hey, better late than never eh?

6/28 - Got Island Paradise a few and, after a LOT of trouble with my installation, finally got around to testing it. Seems my old mods all work without any trouble with the new 1.55 patch/expansion. Just needed to add an update to include the new scuba diving skill. Oh, and someone asked for a 'all challenges be one' mod, so that's here too.
Ever wanted the sims' skill challenges made a little easier to accomplish? Or are they already too easy so you want them harder? Or how about just changing up all the skills altogether? Well this mod aims to do just those things!
What this is
This is three flavors of mods that focuses on the sims' skills and/or skill challenges. Each flavor is a rar file containing multiple packages, one for each skill, so you can pick and chose which ones you want to add.
The first flavor is the Augmented mod where I went in and editted the data for each non-hidden skill (except the gambling from the Lucky Palms world) to both make the challenges easier and the skills 'better' (faster to do, more rewarding, etc). Detailed data for this is further below somewhere (it's quite a lot).
The second flavor is simply making the challenges for each skill easier by cutting the required number to fulfill each challenge by half (or somewhere around there if unable to be half) but no other changes to the skills. That is to say, for instance, if you needed 100 jokes told to be a comedian for the charisma skill challenge, now it's 50.
The third flavor is the opposite of the above, instead doubling each required number to fulfill each challenge to make it harder, but no other changes. In most cases anyway, a few challenges I left alone so they wouldn't be impossible for those with just the base game (like the recipes learned for cooking). That is to say, for instance, if you needed 100 jokes told to be a comedian for the charisma skill challenge, now it's 200.
A new fourth flavor is added as per request. This one, similar to the second flavor, reduces every challenge metric to one. No other changes were made.
Why I did this
I originally just wanted a challenges mod that covered alchemy as I was using RainbowBrite's mods. It kinda snowballed from there when I discovered that each xml file included a lot more data than just challenges (yeah, I just couldn't leave well enough alone...).
The mod was made with the 1.50 patch, but it SHOULD work with most patch levels, except for writing and photography as they had elements recently added with university.
Also this mod was made on a sims game with all the expansions and stuff packs installed, but you'll only need the base game + whichever expansions added the skills you wish to use the mod for. For instance, you won't need late night if you have no plans on using the mixology part of this mod. Wanted to make sure even those with JUST the base game could use this too.
I'll jot down here which expansions has which skills (rather than sending you off to to see for yourself; aren't I nice?).
Base game: Athletic, Charisma, Cooking, Fishing, Gardening, Guitar, Handiness, Logic, Painting, Writing.
World Adventures: Martial Arts, Nectar Making, Photography.
Ambitions: Inventing, Sculpting.
Late Night: Bass/Drums/Piano, Mixology (merges all the instruments into one here).
Pets: Riding.
Supernatural: Alchemy (also adds to writing here).
University Life: Science, Social Networking, Street Art (also adds to photography and writing here).
Other notes
As I mentioned, RainbowBrite's mods were a huge influence on this, as well as SolaceinSound's writing mod. Thanks to them.
I should also point out that the band instruments (guitar, drums, bass, piano) are all a single xml file, hence why there's a single skill titled 'musical instruments' for them instead of each in their own file.
I decided to break up each flavor into seperate skill mods, so the augmented mod will have a cooking package, charisma package, athletic package, etc inside it. This is so if you want keep say your martial arts skills completely alone but want to change your sculpting skill, you can do so. Or you can just load the whole flavor into your game at once. Or you can even have the harder fishing skill challenges alongside the easier gardening skill challenges. Just don't mix flavors of the same skill obviously.
The files that were used were each of the skills' XML files, so any mod editting those alongside these will conflict (such as using SolaceinSound's writing mod with my writing skill augmenting mod).
Augment Skill Mod details
Click the button to uncover the details of what exactly I did to each skill set for my mod. Also listed the options I didn't change as well as why I left it alone (in most cases)
Synthesized Challege- 20 -> 10
Unique Digital Dreams challenge- 50 -> 25
% chance to react to seeing future tech- unchanged (drops rapidly; 0% at level 6)
Many Lines about broadcaster- unchanged (unsure what this does at the moment)
Catch 'em all challenge- 10 -> 5
Num of potions for mastery- 150 -> 50
Num of extra potions made- 3 -> 4
Alchemist potion shop discount- 25% -> 50%
Potions thrown at sims- 50 -> 20
LTR change due to thrown potions- 2x -> unchanged (no need, got friend potions)
Master Alchemist potion ingredients not used up change- 25% -> 50%
Witch potion shop discount - 10% -> 25%
Good pacing rate (smaller is less decay)- 60% -> 30%
Push Self increased rate- 50% -> 75%
Sore active moodlet time- Unchanged (can always use a variety of ways to get rid of it anyway)
Quick Burst increased rate- 200% -> 300%
Hygene decay from quick burst- unchanged (already easier with skill gain boost)
Fatigue decay from quick burst- unchanged (ditto)
Bodyshape rate increase from push self- 50% -> 75%
Bodyshape rate increase from quick burst- 200% -> 300%
Hours strength training for body builder- 60 -> 20
Hours cardio training for Fitness nut- 75 -> 25
Distance jogged for marathon runner- 500 -> 200
Distanced in meters jogged per hour- unchanged (no real effect really)
Level to unlock fast run instead of walk- unchanged (5) (felt it was simple enough as is)
Level to unlock tones- unchanged (see above)
Wins to improve tournament rank- 3,5,9,15,20 -> 2,3,6,11,15
Skill of opponent in ranks- 4,4,7,8,10 -> 4,4,7,8,9
Varience in opponent skill- unchanged (2) (probably good as is)
Simoleons needed for Domo Arigato Mr Roboto challenge- 5000 -> 2500
Num of nanites created for Micro-Master challenge- 200 -> 100
Num of chip recipes discovered for Chipping in challenge- 21 -> 11
Bot shop discount for Chipping in Challenge- 25% -> 50%
Multiplier for Well tuned buff for Domo Arigato- 3 -> 6 (6 hours to 12 hours)
Traits known for personable- 50 -> 25
Known Sims for Celebrity- 25 -> 10
Friends for super friendly- 20 -> 10
Best Friends for BFF- 10 -> 5
LTR Boost for celebrity- unchanged (25) (huge enough gain as it is)
Jokes for Comedian- 100 -> 30
Food Points per times cooked- 1.5 -> 2.0
Food buff value/durations- unchanged (varies) (meh, good enough as is)
Chance of failure per skill level- unchanged (varies) (too many variables, good enough as is anyway)
Recipes made for star chef- 50 -> 25
Recipes made for world class chef- 75 -> 50
Recipes learned for menu maven- unchanged (28) (file noted it ought to be the # of recipes in base game, not hard anyway)
Skill Multiplier for Natural Cook- 1.4 -> 2.0
Commercial Fisherman- 350 -> 100
Unique fish for Icthyologist- 20 -> 10
Perfect Harvestables for Botanical Boss- 75 -> 40
Harvestables for Master Farmer- 650 -> 200
Common Seeds acquired on learning skill- unchanged (6) (like anyone REALLY wants those...)
Chance to fail upgrade when item level same as skill level- unchanged (0) (making these easier, not harder)
Chance to fail upgrade when item is initially available- unchanged (25)
SamehFactor(basically how many skill levels above item level you need to reach 0% fail rate)- unchanged (5)
Upgrade fail time min (min time to pass if a fail is to occur)- unchanged (15)
Upgrade fail time max (max time to pass if a fail is to occur)- unchanged (40)
Max Skill Build Discount- 25% -> 50%
Electrical objects for lifetimeopp- 10 -> 5
Plumbing objects for lifetimeopp- 10 -> 5
Unique Upgrades for Lifetimeopp- 10 -> 5
SimMinutes between tinker checks- 37 -> 22
Tinker Number of tickets nothing/fire/breakage/electrocution/upgrade- unchanged (still tinkering with how these work, leaving alone for now)
Inventing class cost- unchanged (500) (it's not that much...)
Inventing class duration- 180 -> 120
Widgets for widgetwonder- 250 -> 100
Detonations for Diabolical Detonator- 150(!) -> 30
Scrap for Scrapper lifetimeopp- 1000 -> 500
Master Inventor inventions needed- 100 -> 30
Level for detonation- unchanged (6) (Boom.)
Detonate Failure chance at min level- unchanged (25%) (I like seeing my sim blow himself up)
Detonate Failure chance at max level- unchanged (2%) (No one's perfect...)
Chance of nearby object catching fire- unchanged (50%) (Fire! Fire! Hehehe!)
Time delay in sim seconds between chain reaction explosions- unchanged (20) (close enough)
Min radius sim will route to detonate something- unchanged (1.5) (see above)
Min radius sim will route away from a thrown detonator- unchanged (5) (see above, again)
Palladium for Frankensim- unchanged (1) (as low as it'll go without hitting zero)
Pink Heart cut diamonds for frankensim- unchanged (1) (see above)
Life Fruit for frankensim- 10 -> 1
Scrap for frankensim- unchanged (100) (easy enough amount as is)
The Scrapper scrap multiplier- 1.25 -> 2.00
Cheap toy scrap modifier- unchanged (-50%) (low enough as is)
Days on notice for community detonating- 7 -> 3 (get a fine if blow up something while on notice)
Value of object for low/medium/high fine- unchanged (will be easier to avoid fines altogether, so this is easy enough)
Community damage fine multiplier- unchanged (0.9) (see above)
Additive Chance not caught if diabolical detonator- 40% -> 50%
Additive Chance not caught if lucky- 30% -> 50% (combine both, bombs away!)
Level for school tutor- unchanged (5) (never used this one myself)
Base school performance per hour- unchanged (5) (never had a problem with school)
School points to add per logic level- 1 -> 2
Base Homework completion rate- unchanged (0) (This is the rate for no logic whatsoever)
Additional Homework completion rate per logic level- .1111 (?) -> .2000
Base Skill gain rate- unchanged (0) (For no logic whatsoever)
SKill gain rate per logic level- .033 -> .1
Tournament wins for ranks- 2,4,8,12,15 -> 2,4,6,8,10
Number of discoveries for celestial explorer- 20 -> 10
Number of hours for teacher extraordinaire- 20 -> 10
Tutor rate bonus for teacher extraordinaire- 2 -> 3
Number of hours for skill teacher extraordinaire- 30 -> 15
Tutor rate bonus for skill teacher extraordinaire- 1.4 -> 2.5
Toddler skill bonus cap- unchanged (4) (4 levels of handiness for playing with blocks? That's already easy!)
Several lines for chess tournaments- unchanged (just max your logic then go for it, should be cake)
Tutor skill LTR increase rate- 5 -> 10 (May as well, I DID raise the bonus rate afterall...)
Tutor homework LTR increase rate- 5 -> 10
2 lines for dominos- unchanged (same reason as the chess tournament)
Meditation duration to unlock focus buff- 60 -> 30 (sim minutes)
Interval to increment focus- 15 -> 10
Increment focus timeout- unchanged (30) (already faster increments)
Max focus- 240 -> 300 (with increments, is actually faster to hit this now)
Frequency to remove negative mental moodlet while meditating- 15 -> 10
Multiplier to slow meditation- 1.2 -> 1.5 (from a conflicting trait for example)
Multiplier to speed up meditation- 0.8 -> 0.5 (from a helpful trait for example)
Rounds to spar- unchanged (3) (could do one, but meh...)
Min time for single spar round- unchanged (3 at most difference between levels) (simple enough)
Max time for single spar round- unchanged (20 at min difference between levels) (close fights should take a little while)
Round time jitter- unchanged (1.5) (seems to be a random variance thing for round times, left it alone)
LTR increase for spar round- unchanged (0.75) (You become friends for kicking their butt?)
Few lines about STC or something, no idea, left these alone.
Few lines about sparring round modifiers, unchanged. But to summerize, martial arts is 100% counted, athletic skill is 50% counted, and certain buffs and traits cumultively increase chances of winning (doesn't say which ones though, otherwise I'd mess with these).
Career performance modifier for meditative focus- 3 -> 5
Focus modifier for skill gains- 0.25 -> 0.50
Spar Match participation to be spar master- 75 -> 25
Increased score for rounds for spar master- 25 -> 30
Number of boards broken for lifetimeopp- 150 -> 75
Hours meditated to be master of meditation- 150(!) -> 30
Tournament wins to improve rank- 3,5,9,15,20 -> 2,3,6,11,15
Min/Max times to make a drink at skill 0/10- unchanged (felt was unnecessary)
Mixed Mood drinks for master of mood lifetimeopp- 200 -> 100
Mixed drinks for Poseidon lifetimeopp- 500 -> 200
New Drinks made for Cool Creator Lifetimeopp- 25 -> 15
Drinks served while bartending for Master Bartender lifetimeopp- 60 -> 20
Duration modifier of mood buffs by Master of Mood- 1.5 -> 2.5
Strength modifier of mood buffs by Master of Mood- 1.25 -> 2.0
Quality boost of mood drinks by Master of Mood- 1 -> 2
Few lines about what quality should count as a given quality- unchanged (simple enough really)
Master Bartender LTR gain with customers- 3 -> 5
Master Bartender tip multiplier- 1.2 -> 2.0
Min quality of unique drinks by Cool Creator- Nice -> Great
Base Chance of discovering new drink- 0.1 -> 0.3
Chance to discover new drink at 0 skill level- unchanged (-0.6) (Non-drinkers can't tell right?)
Chance to discover new drink at max skill level- 0.2 -> 0.6
Few lines about mood factoring to discover new drink- unchanged (basically better mood = better chances)
Few lines about previous discovered drinks to factor discovering new drinks- unchanged (low weight so little effect)
Chance that new drinks will be mood drinks at skill level 0- unchanged (-0.6)
Chance that new drinks will be mood drinks at skill level max- 0.2 -> 0.5
The base quality of new drinks at skill level 0- unchanged (foul)
The base quality of new drinks at skill level max- VeryNice -> Great
Few lines about quality variation and then quality thresholds for reactions- unchanged
Number of bad drinks to get warning as bartender- 3 -> 5
Number of bad drinks to get fired as bartender- 7 -> 9
Number of good drinks to get message(?) as bartender- unchanged (4)
Sim hours bad bartenders are banished from a given venue- unchanged (40)
Multiplier for low quality ingredients- unchanged (0.4)
Multiplier for high quality ingredients-unchanged (2)
Tip amount when the drink is at the minimum quality level for the venue- 0.3 -> 0.5
Tip amount when the drink is at the maximum quality level for the venue- 1.1 -> 2.0
Tip multiplier when serving a unique drink- unchanged (0.4)
Tip multiplier for frugal sims- unchanged (0.6)
Cooldown in hours between serving unique drinks- 20 -> 10
Quality boost of cool creator's unique drinks- 1 -> 2
Quality Contribution of skill when mixing unique drinks- unchanged (0.25)
Quality Contribution of min mood when mixing unique drinks- unchanged (-0.1)
Quality Contribution of max mood when mixing unique drinks- 0.35 -> 0.50
Number of mixed drinks that'll give max contribution- 20 -> 10
Several lines about misc things- unchanged due to little effect or would only complicate matters.
Base chance of learning a recipe when making/drinking it- 30 -> 50
Increase in base chance each time a sime drinks it- 20 -> 25
Drinks needed for Professor of Drinks lifetimeopp- 42 -> 21
Several lines about bar times and handling NPC's appropriately- unchanged (wouldn't make anything easier)
Venues played for lifetimeopp- 10 -> 5 (never could figure out what counts as a venue for this tho'...)
Money made for lifetimeopp- 25000 -> 10000
Tip multiplier for star- 1.5 -> 3.0
Batches of fruit to squash to get flavorful feet- 40 -> 20
Value multiplier for flavorful feet- 1.1 -> 2.0
Bottles made to get nectar master- 200 -> 75
Grapes used to be vine vizard- 400 -> 150
Extra bottles made by nectar master- 1 -> 2
Number of different mixes required to be a mix master- 15 -> 10
Chance of a brilliant painting at appropriate level- 20 -> 30
Chance of a masterpiece painting at appropriate level- 10 -> 20
Level to make brilliant paintings- unchanged (6)
Level to make masterpiece paintings- unchanged (9)
Paintings needed for brushmaster achievement- 30 -> 20
Masterpieces needed for master painter achievement- 5 -> 3
Chance of a brilliant painting with pro. painter- 40 -> 50
Chance of a masterpiece with pro. painter- 35 -> 45
Brilliant paintings needed for pro. painter achievement- 6 -> 4
Few lines about what types of paintings unlock with what traits at what level- unchanged (no point)
Max photos in inventory- unchanged (999) (It's 999, do you really want more?)
Base cost to take nonskilled photos- unchanged (0)
Base cost to take skilled photos- unchanged (10) (I think they mean what level you need to be, not money cost)
Base Skill gain per photo- unchanged (1)
Base value per photo- unchanged (5)
First shot of day skill gain multiplier- 0.5 -> 1.0
First shot of day value multiplier- 0.5 -> 1.0
Bad photo value multiplier- unchanged (0.1)
Subjects needed for Photog lifetimeopp- 75 -> 40
Landmarks needed for Architecture eye lifetimeopp- 10 -> 6
Architecture eye value multiplier- 2 -> 3
Unique sims needed for Human Form expert- 50 -> 20
Human form expert LTR gain- unchanged (20) (that's high enough for a photo)
Unique strangers for Paparazzi- 60 -> 20
Paparazzi value multiplier for stranger photos- unchanged (2) (stupid paparazzi...)
Collections needed for Shutternut lifetimeopp- 5 -> 2
Bonus ancient coins per bonus subject captured(you get ancient coins?)- 2 -> 10
Photog lifetimeopp multiplier- 1.25 -> 2.00
Competitions for Equestrian Champion- 20 -> 10
Wild Horses adopted for Mustang Master- 3 -> 2
Horses with Friend LTR to be Horse Friend- 10 -> 4
Several lines for minimum riding skill for various aspects- unchanged (be confusing unless the ingame popups are changed accordingly, so no go this time around)
Prize multiplier for Equestrian champion- 1.2 -> 2.0
Saddle sore time- unchanged (less skill = less time to ride before you get saddle sore, felt unnecessary to change)
Min/Max Multipliers for LTR based on riding skill level- Unchanged (1, 2.0)
Min/Max Multipliers for Jumping skill gain based on rider skill level- 1, 1.75 -> 1, 2.00
Min/Max Multipliers for Racing skill gain based on rider skill level- 1, 1.75 -> 1, 2.00
Min/Max chance for near failing a mount based on rider skill level- unchanged (0.3, 0)
Min/Max chance for skilled (vs amateur) mount if not failed- unchanged (0, 1)
Few lines about NPC's, LTR to have a mount available as a command, and min skill level for stable riding animation- unchanged (all either cosmetic or no real effect)
Collectables to analyze for Free Range Sciencetist challenge- 100 -> 40
Experiments required for Experienced Experimentalist- 100 -> 40
Success bonus chance to fishing per skill level- extra 20% at each level (4%-40% -> 24%-60%)
Chance to find extra harvestable while harvesting- extra 20% at each level (4%-40% -> 24%-60%)
Modifer for catching insects- extra 20% at each level (5%-50% -> 25%-70%)
Percent of science skill level to start medical/science career- 25 -> 40
% bonus to science/medical career performance- 20% -> 30%
% bonus to science/medical career salary- 20% -> 30%
Bonus % of fish weight- doubled (1%-30% -> 2%-60%)
Extra harvestables IF applicable- +1 to 3rd level and up (1-3 -> 1-4)
Chance harvestables will be of higher quality- doubled (1%-10% -> 2%-20%)
Quality multiplier for seeds- extra 20% at each level (4%-40% -> 24%-60%)
Science class lines- unchanged (felt unnecessary)
Cash reward for completing experienced experimentalist challenge- unchanged (already easier)
Several lines about what items are granted upon skilling up- unchanged (felt unnecessary)
Blacklisted items from cloning- unchanged (felt unnecessary)
Dives needed for Pearl Dive Challenge- 50 -> 25
Multiplier for selling shells for Pearl Divers- 1.5 -> 2.5
Number of caves explored for Underwater Spelunker- 15 -> 7
Increased chance to find collectibles for Underwater Spelunkers- unchanged (already set to the max allowed)
Number of hours snorkling for Savvy Snorkeler- 40 -> 20
Increased chance to find collectibles for Savvy Snorkeler- 0.25 -> 1.0
Sculptures needed for Prolific sculptor- 35 -> 20
Sculptures in each medium to be master sculptor- 5 -> 3
Ice sculptures needed to be ice personality- 25 -> 10
Value multiplier for master sculptors- 1.3 -> 2.0
Sculptures needed to be chiselmeister- 20 -> 10
Couple of lines for what's available at what level- unchanged
Chance of a brilliant Sculpture- 20% -> 50%
Min bonus value of brilliant Sculptures- 400 -> 500
Max bonus value of brilliant Sculptures- 650 -> 800
Chance of a brilliant sculpture being a masterpiece- 35% -> 50%
Min bonus value of masterpiece Sculptures- 1200 -> 1500
Max bonus value of masterpiece Sculptures- 2500 -> 3000
Chiselmeister multiplier for time per stage- 0.66 -> 0.40
Scupltures (any kind) to be made between blowtorch fails- 6 -> 8
Overmax amount per sim sculpture made- 4 -> 6
Few lines about chance per level of skill to produce med/high quality sim sculpture- unchanged (felt unnecessary)
Base value of low quality sim sculpture- 200 -> 400
Base value of medium quality sim sculpture- 350 -> 600
Base value of high quality sim sculpture- 600 -> 800
Blogs sold to be Blog Baron- 5 -> 3
Sims met via Sim Finder to be Professional Greeter- 25 -> 15
Sims' relationships modified via transmogrify app to be match maker- 30 -> 15
Level to change blog type- unchanged (3)
Min % loss of followers from changing blog type- 30% -> 10%
Max % loss of followers from changing blog type- unchanged (30%)
Skill gain from posting blogs- 250 -> 350
Levels to unlock certain blogs- unchanged (felt unnecessary)
Skill grant for using sim finder- 400 -> 500
Few lines about topic names and fluff names (A fluff name?)
Followers for star ratings- unchanged (20-2000)(felt unnecessary, I'll make it easier elsewhere)
Min new followers from post- unchanged (-10) (low enough as it is)
Max new follwers from post- 15 -> 40
Min/max minutes before lose followers from slow decay- unchanged (6-12 hours)(felt unnecessary)
Min/max followers to lose from slow decay- unchanged (0-8)(That's it?)
Min/max minutes before lose followers from not posting- unchanged (2-3 days)(felt unnecessary)
Min/max followers lost from not posting- unchanged (8-60)(that seems reasonable)
Follower count to influence social group influence/protests/donations- unchanged (number here is used as a divisor, but doesn't list a divisor of what, otherwise I'd mess with this)
Min/max followers gained from socialite skill on personal blog- 0/0-> 2/10 (I'm assuming it's per post)
Min/max followers gained from rebel skill on reviewer blog- 0/0-> 2/10
Min/max followers gained from nerd skill on news blog- 0/0-> 2/10
Min/max followers gained from having traits- unchanged (positive traits for appropriate blogs adds 0-3, negative ones adds -3-0)
Min/max followers gained with 'gotta blog about' buff- 15 - 40 -> 20 - 50
Blogged out buff stuff- unchanged (15% chance to get it per blog, higher skill reduces this chance to max of 6%)
Min/max followers gained from blogging with social networking skill- unchanged (felt unnecessary)
Min/max followers from having writing skill/journalism career- unchanged (0/10)
Donations chance for blog levels- unchanged (0%-75%)
Min/max amount per donation- 6 - 25 -> 10 - 40
% chance to receive offer to buy out blog- 40 -> 50
Min/max amount of offer- 2000 - 4000 -> 2500 - 5000
Few lines that augment the offer amount- unchanged (felt unnecessary)
Min/max followers that likes photos uploaded- unchanged (1%-100%)
Few lines on followers affecting career- unchanged (300 followers to get an extra choice, little else here really)
Min number of followers for any buyout chance- unchanged (1250)
Tip modifier per level- unchanged (already from 100%-300%)
Value of project per level- unchanged (100%-200%; street art has a value?)
Chance to produce masterpiece per level- 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 -> 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30
Masterpieces for Always Wanted Reward- 5 -> 3
Wall murals for Master Muralist- 10 -> 5
# of pieces for Precision Sprayer- 30 -> 15
Lots of lines to determine each novel's length- unchanged (gonna ramp up pages per minute instead)
Base PPM with no bonuses- .12 -> .15
Bookworm trait PPM bonus- .03 -> .10
Max Writing skill PPM bonus- .25 -> .30
Books written to have 'books written bonus'- 20 -> 15
PPM bonus for Books Written bonus- 0 -> .10
Books read for 'books read bonus'- 50 -> 20
PPM bonus for books read- 0.15 -> 0.30
Several lines to determine flop/hit/best seller chances at levels- unchanged (except for two below)
% change per hidden skill point value- 1.5 -> 3.0
Max % change for hidden skill point- 60 -> 80 (makes it easier to hit best seller)
Several lines about max royalties- unchanged (will be giving them lifetime royalties, so no point here)
Royalty multiplier for trait/genre combos (could have more than one)- 0.25 -> 0.50
Final value multiplier for a flop- unchanged (0.35) (reduces flop value)
Final value multiplier for a hit- 1.25 -> 1.5
Final value multiplier for a best seller- 1.6 -> 2.0
Times royalties are paid- 6 -> 1000 (I think we all saw this coming)
Several lines for min/max base values for genres- unchanged (royalties balances it out)
Money earned from royalties to be a speed writer- 30000 -> 15000
Novels written in a genre to be a genre novelist- 5 -> 4
Final PPM multiplier for a speed writer- 1.4 -> 2.0
Additional % chance for a novelist of a genre to get a hit- 20 -> 30
Additional % chance for a prolific author to get a hit- 20 -> 30
Additional % chance for a novelist of a genre to get a best seller- 5 -> 15
Additional % chance for a prolific author to get a best seller- 15 -> 25
Number of books written for prolific author- 30 -> 18
Few lines about royalties and lengths of non-standard genres (memoirs/life stories)- unchanged
Requirements for genres- mostly unchanged (vaudville now only needs 1 each, not 2)
Books written for masterpiece- 25 -> 20
Several lines for cosmetic aspects, submitting partial work, poetry/horror/sports/comic book genres- unchanged
Thanks to RainbowBrite, SolaceinSound, Armiel (submitted several horribly mangled attempts at this posting thing before I found his post to properly format this blasted thing!), ModtheSims, Twallen, my dog Bandit, Peter Jones, Will Wright, Majin Buu, my fiancee's cats, and doughnuts. Oh, and YOU for reading through all this. Hope you found something here of interest!
| Super Easy 'One Challenge' Mod
Uploaded: 4th Nov 2013, 49.5 KB.
| Harder Challenges Mod
Uploaded: 4th Nov 2013, 49.7 KB.
| Easier Challenges Mod
Uploaded: 4th Nov 2013, 49.7 KB.
| Augmented Skills and Challenges Mod
Uploaded: 4th Nov 2013, 56.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 4th Nov 2013 at 11:37 PM - Island Paradise update
#Skill, #skilling, #challenges
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | World Adventures |
![]() | Ambitions |
![]() | Late Night |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Supernatural |