Medieval/Fantasy Foraging Career
Foaging Icon.jpg - width=217 height=176
Foraging Icon
Foraging Offer.jpg - width=427 height=469
Foraging Offer

This career does not overwrite EA careers.

1. You need Twallan's Career Base-Mod correctly matched with your game patch number, found here: Nrass Career Mod
2. It does not seem to matter if you have a lesser or higher patch than I had when I made the career. The Base-Mod just has to be matched to your EA update/patch number.
3. I will only use Base Game rabbit hole classification for my careers. These include Grocery, Restaurant (Bistro), School, Bookstore, Theatre, City Hall, Mausoleum, and Hideout rabbit holes.
4. You need the EA rabbit hole lot OR a custom lot with a Rabbit Hole Rug/Door already placed in your town before putting the career in your mod-package folder or it will not show up. Find the rugs/doors here: Rabbit Hole Replacement Project
5. I have not assigned a career outfit. The game randomly assigns one; you can choose to assign a second outfit in game, or you can choose to use Shimrod's No Career Outfits Mod
Additional Credits:
Tutorials/files used:
Complete Guide to Career Modding for Beginners! by Creon by Twallan MTS Q&A page for Creon's Tutorial missyhissy's Banking Career as a guide/template
-advice by ThomasRiordan
Rabbit Hole: Grocery
Environments: Fantasy, Medieval
Opportunities: None
Work Tones: Standard
Skill Tones: None
Skills Needed: Athletic, Cooking
Descriptions and Wages *CHEEKY INNUENDO ALERT*
Congratulations on your new vocation! Your task is to gather the putrid presents left on the ground by generous herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, and ooglivores. The dung you collect will be used by tanners, sorcerers, gardeners, potters, and anyone desiring a really hot and very fragrant fire! Your tribulations will be scarcely appreciated, and only the tanners, who are rather malodorous themselves, will tolerate your company. Everyone else will become so intoxicated by your aromas that they will throw stones at you while screaming SCAT!!
Hourly Wage: 13
Wage Per Week: 468
Pension Per Day: 33
Hours: 7-1
Days: M,T,R,F,S,U
2. Stone Forager
It's time to leave behind the stinking patties and move on to odorless solids. Rocks, pebbles, and small boulders are now your burdens to bear! In a basket on your back. Weighing you down like a ponderous dragon. Crushing your will to walk. Good thing your mother taught you how to crawl! You better crawl faster, for the well-to-dos are in dire need of pretty stones to line their garden paths!
Hourly Wage: 14
Wage Per Week: 504
Pension Per Day: 36
Hours: 7-1
Days: M,T,W,R,F,S
3. Wood Forager
You're moving up in the world! Well, not really, since you're still stooping. And stoop you will, while gathering twigs, branches, and logs! To make your life even more painful, your new tasks involve the arts of dodging eye-gouging and picking out splinters! And then there's the danger of catching Woodrot Itchitis. Ah, but you have the satisfaction of knowing carvers will whittle down your efforts and hearths will burn your toils to ash...What more could you want out of life? No, I don't have any tweezers, sorry...
Hourly Wage: 16
Wage Per Week: 576
Pension Per Day: 41
Hours: 7-1
Days: M,T,W,F,S,U
4. Dirt Forager
You've finished plucking all your splinters? Cleared up that fungus? Wonderful! It's time to dig in and get your hands filthy. Gardeners and potters are desperately clamoring for soils, sands, and clays. Also, Old Gnomespanker wants some dirt to line his new privy. After only one day of toil, you'll be covered in a thick layer of the finest grime available!
Hourly Wage: 18
Wage Per Week: 648
Pension Per Day: 46
Hours: 7-1
Days: U,T,W,R,F,S
5. Cliff Scaler
After your bath, it's on to cleaner pursuits! You have earned the opportunity to face your fear of heights. Your dexterity will be quickly tutored by the fear of imminent death from plunging to the ground below and shattering like glass. As you gather cliff moss, gull eggs, and bird feathers, be on the alert for beaks beaconing you to blindness!
Hourly Wage: 36
Wage Per Week: 900
Pension Per Day: 64
Hours: 7-12
Days: M,T,R,F,S
6. Yeucher
One of the most leastly respected callings in the land is now yours! You are a Yeucher, named so for the sound Yeuch! you and your fellow Yeuchers make while collecting maggots, worms, ants, and other tiny and gross creatures. In High Gnomish, yeuch or yeuck also means itch, which nicely describes how you feel about the wiggly, crawly sensation advancing up your right leg...Hey! Leave off with the dancing and get back to work!
Hourly Wage: 38
Wage Per Week: 950
Pension Per Day: 67
Hours: 7-12
Days: M,T,R,F,S
7. Mushroom Forager
Give yourself a big pat on the back! You now get to loiter just outside the servants' entrance by the kitchens of the Great Halls of the High Born. Morels, chanterelles, and truffles are in high demand by cooks, while sorcerers, apothecaries, healers, and party directors desire the fungi with dangerous and "medicinal" properties. Don't get the YummyFungies basket mixed up with WhyDidThatGnomeJustTurnPurpleFungies basket or the Sheriff will make you see stars! If you avoid that stuffy old sheriff and the truffle-loving Wobblegiggle Boars, you may live long enough to enjoy some groovy morsels yourself...
Hourly Wage: 75
Wage Per Week: 1200
Pension Per Day: 85
Hours: 7-11
Days: M,T,W,R
8. Berry Picker
Feeling burned out? Grown tired of tripping over purple gnomes? It must be time for a promotion! Take a few moments to memorize your new calling's Ode: Oh, the tangy, succulent berries I gather! Oh, mmmph Nomnomyummy Yummph! Oh, the tell-tale stains adorning my face! Oh, the ungentle slap given to me, by Foragier so stingy! Alas, says the berriwretch, for I've eaten half the wares! Henceforth, Pickery, Pickery, Pickery! Oh, the thorns, the gnome-bites, even the berrimites! All these do I brave, for sweet, sweet bushfruits!
Hourly Wage: 112
Wage Per Week: 1792
Pension Per Day: 128
Hours: 7-11
Days: M,W,R,S
9. Preserver
You've managed to not poison yourself too badly, so the Powers that Eat have decided they can trust you not to poison anyone else too badly. You get the tedious yet generally stationary task of drying herbs, preserving food-plants, and swatting pesky Fleurflies and No-sting Bees! You will also dry and press pretty flowers and aromatic herbs used in scent pouches and hot baths for the hygiene conscious ladieeeeeEEECHOO! Thorry, I dink I'm allerthic thoo---O DOE, WATH OWTH FUR DA YETH-THING FIERBEETH!!!
Hourly Wage: 218
Wage Per Week: 3488
Pension Per Day: 249
Hours: 8-12
Days: U,T,F,S
10. Foragier
Congratulations! You are now an expert in all things to do with foraging! Not that you ever go on any foraging parties, mind you. It's your lazy task of sampling the edible wares brought in (after they've been taste-tested by the Scat Gatherers, downwind). Your theories of gathering methodology are so finely tuned that all of your Mushroom Gatherers surviving goring and surreal smuggling expeditions, and you only lose one Scat Gatherer a week to poisoning! You're no fool when it comes to the tricks of Berry Pickers; you inspect teeth for seeds on a weekly basis. Grocers count you as their best friend and worst enemy, for you provide them with tasty wares to sell after almost drying up their coffers. All those who have any dealings with you are terrified you will slip a wee bit of MistleWhistle poison into their ale; not that you feed their fears with ominous glares and menacing trills on your flute. No, you don't stoop to such tyranny! Better than that, you are! Instead, you leave MistleWhistle cuttings under the pillow of your next potential victim, as a warning. Such a benevolent overseer!
Hourly Wage: 245
Wage Per Week: 4096
Pension Per Day: 292
Hours: 7-12
Days: M,W,R,F
Foraging Language Strings.7z
| For Translators
Uploaded: 16th Aug 2013, 3.7 KB.
| Foraging Career
Uploaded: 28th Jun 2013, 17.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file. Now you will have either a .package or a .sims3pack file.
For Package files:
1. Cut and paste the file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder. If you do not already have this folder, you should read the full guide to Package files first: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki, so you can make sure your game is fully patched and you have the correct Resource.cfg file.
2. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
For Sims3Pack files:
1. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
2. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Find the item in the list and tick the box beside it. Then press the Install button below the list.
3. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the content to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
4. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see:
- For package files: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki
- For Sims3pack files: Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki
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Updated: 16th Aug 2013 at 5:07 AM - Added Language Strings
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