Medieval/Fantasy Foraging Career

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UPDATED 8/15/2013 : Added Language Strings file for translators. Send translation file to, then PM me on MTS so I will check the gmail account.

Enjoy the thrills and chills of picking stuff up and putting it in a basket? Then this is the career for you! The professional foragers of the realm scurry to-and-fro, stripping the land of resources, stooping and picking all day long! We won't talk about what they stoop to when drinking in the tavern; it's far too disgusting.

This career does not overwrite EA careers.

1. You need Twallan's Career Base-Mod correctly matched with your game patch number, found here: Nrass Career Mod

2. It does not seem to matter if you have a lesser or higher patch than I had when I made the career. The Base-Mod just has to be matched to your EA update/patch number.

3. I will only use Base Game rabbit hole classification for my careers. These include Grocery, Restaurant (Bistro), School, Bookstore, Theatre, City Hall, Mausoleum, and Hideout rabbit holes.

4. You need the EA rabbit hole lot OR a custom lot with a Rabbit Hole Rug/Door already placed in your town before putting the career in your mod-package folder or it will not show up. Find the rugs/doors here: Rabbit Hole Replacement Project

5. I have not assigned a career outfit. The game randomly assigns one; you can choose to assign a second outfit in game, or you can choose to use Shimrod's No Career Outfits Mod

Additional Credits:
Tutorials/files used:
Complete Guide to Career Modding for Beginners! by Creon by Twallan MTS Q&A page for Creon's Tutorial missyhissy's Banking Career as a guide/template
-advice by ThomasRiordan

Rabbit Hole: Grocery
Environments: Fantasy, Medieval
Opportunities: None
Work Tones: Standard
Skill Tones: None
Skills Needed: Athletic, Cooking
Descriptions and Wages *CHEEKY INNUENDO ALERT*

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