Williams Library
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The retro-tastic Williams Library is a "modern" structure with rather earthy aspects--rich wood siding and accents in rough stone. It's central architectural feature is a grand staircase that descends dramatically down (not up!) into the very bowels of knowledge. The interiors are decorated (on far too many surfaces) with carpet for safety, in case one gets too excited by all the book-learning and begins to thrash around. (What? It's there to dampen sound? Not for saving those with biblio-induced hysteria from scraped elbows? Really? Doesn't a "Shhhh!" work anymore?) The ground floor has tables for study, sofas for lounging, a children's section for the age-deficient, the check-out counter for borrowing (hypothetically), and gender-segregated restrooms for--do I really have to explain what those are for? The basement houses the stacks, an office for the staff, a "break room", a small storage room, and access to an outside patio area with tables for chess-ing. There is also a technology room with state-of-the-art computers featuring lightning-fast 486 processors, VGA graphics, and LAN support. (Heck yeah! I gots this 5.25 inch diskette with shareware DOOM on it! Let's kick some demon/alien tail!)

Price: 119,208
Lot size: 30x30
Games used: WA, Amb, LN, Gen, Pets, Showtime, SN, Seasons, Uni, and Town Life. (WA for interior columns, Amb for interior doors, Pets for the stone wall paper outside, while the others are mostly one or two deco items or furniture pieces. Town Life provides the pane glass with the book graphic.)
Store content:
Clearstory Rectangular Window and Clearstory 3-Tier Window from Lucky Palms. Both used on the upper bits. The Rectangular Window does not have a Store icon anymore in my game, and it might have been patched into the game at some point. The Business as Usual and Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center venues seem to use that window as well, but it is not listed an object that comes with either of them. The 3-Tier Window is used under the roof eaves and is mostly optional--looks good from the outside, but serves no actual purpose.
Pictures taken in Hidden Springs.
I introduced the mystery of The Sim in Yellow, with my Lovers' Rendezvous lot. While the retreat cottage of Roger de Montsimquiou was the "origin" of the tale, Williams Library fills in a later piece of the story as it moves to the present day. Actually, all my lots since Lovers' Rendezvous, except the Alsvik Concept Cottage, are key locations in the overall tale, and I will eventually amend their pages with more of the story.
Susan Messer did not show up for work on Monday, October 16th, 1995. On Friday, her co-worker at the Williams Library, Martin Thompson, waved good-bye to her as she got into her green hatchback and wished her a fun weekend before he crossed the street to catch a cab home. Ms. Messer has not been seen since. Her car was found outside of her apartment, locked, in its usual parking space. Her purse and keys were found sitting on an end table in her apartment's living room. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary when police later examined her apartment, though the search was slightly impeded by the fact the door had been dead-bolted from the inside. With no enemies or grudges, by all approximation, Susan Messer vanished into thin air.
The police investigation concluded that Susan lived a simple and routined life. She called her brother in Bridgeport and talked with him for roughly 45 minutes every Tuesday evening. She had dinner with her parents at their house every Thursday. She worked five days a week at the library, often selflessly swapping days off with her co-workers. She debated about getting a cat. She was known as extremely kind and generous, frequently handcrafting holiday cards for her friends, family, and co-workers, personalized with verses of poetry.
Only one thing appeared somewhat out of the ordinary. Susan often left emails for the head librarian, Karen Comstock, to read when she opened up the library the next morning. The text of the email Mrs. Comstock read on Saturday October 14th:
I went through the donation boxes like you asked. I think we need better, clearer signs for the dropboxes. Two of our books were in there, a Clara Hart novel and an out-of-print art book on Russian iconography. Shame to misplace that last one. Someone donated a bunch of Laughton Maur's early self-published large format poetry journals. I think these are pretty rare. Put them aside, I didn't know if you would want to do something with different with them. If not, they should bring at nice price at a special sale in November. I added a few nice art books and 30 volume 1951 Graftwold Simclopedia Set to the special sale pile too. A lot of people ask if we ever get donated encyclopedias. Worth more than a dollar a pop from the general sales.
There was another little book. A play called The Sim in Yellow from 1888, it had been rebound recently, not library quality, but quite nicely. Unfortunately, it is incomplete, as it says it's a play in two acts, but it only has the first act and ends on p. 122. Put it in the special pile at first, but then I took it out. Mrs. Danwith is always first through the door at the sales, and she buys anything and everything with yellow, aged pages for her arts and craft stuffs at the community center. I can just see her shredding this little guy up to decopage a birdhouse or something and my heart sank a little. Long story short, I ended up adding it to the circulation. It just seemed so darling and unique not to. It's not listed on the national database, so I'm not exactly sure if I did everything correctly. Sam never taught me how to add something not from the database. Does he even know, himself? I doubt it. I gave it a DDC of 842.8 for French drama 1848-1899. Anywho, what I put in the catalog:
Title: The Sim in Yellow, a Play in in Two Acts: The Arrival of Cassidia & The Tragedy That Befell Simcosa.
Author: Anonymous.
Date: December 1888.
Publisher: Yves Rosseau & Son, Mont Sainte-Simone, France.
Document type: Book, hardcover, rebound.
Description: xxiii, 122 p. 14 cm.
Genre: Drama.
Synopsis: Cassidia and Polonio travel to the seaside palace of King Hatlio, where there will be a festival in a few days. Cassidia wishes that she could live in such a wondrous palace as the King's. Polonio believes her foolish, but Cassidia promises that one day she shall. Gullupna, an embroider, mourns the loss of her son, a fisherman, at the beach. She is interrupted by four drunk masons who have just finished modifications to the palace. On her way home, Gullupna meets Valunitrox, a musician who is to perform at the festival. She tells him the story of her son. At the palace, Valunitrox, moved by Gullupna's tale, convinces the King that the festivities should conclude with a grand masquerade and that everyone in the whole town should be invited as well. Hatlio and Polonio agree, and Cassidia devises that the guests should all wear bulky purple robes with indentical masks. The next morning Cassidia and Polonio visit the town to order the robes. On the road, they meet the hungover masons who have woken from passing out the night before and invite them to the upcoming masquerade. Cassidia discretely asks the clothier to have the inside hem of one of the robes embroidered with yellow thread. She secretly plans to give the robe with the yellow hem to the King and then charm him. Felanda, a maiden, on her way to Gullupna to commision the embroidery, runs into one of the masons who has lost his friends. When the completed robes arrive, Cassidia is disppointed to find that the hems of all the robes have been embroidered, foiling her plan. The masquerade commences, with many conversations. Cassidia steps forward and removes her mask, calling for the party to do the same. Valunitrox, then a mason, and then the rest, one by one begin to remove their masks as the curtian falls on Act I.
Notes: Title page is framed with decorative scrollwork. The book is incomplete, as Act II is missing. Twenty-three foreword pages are numbered, but contain no text.
That's what I put in there. Had to read it for the synopsis, of course. Kinda weird overall and rather bland. I think it probably turned into a mistaken-identity thing, like something Shakespearean, but no jokes at all, so not a comedy. There's a melancholic undercurrent, with Gullupna's story of her lost son. Throughout the play, characters have random monologues/songs that tell the history of someplace called Simcosa that seems completely unrelated to anything else going on. The masons do this on the beach with Gullupna, for example. I didn't put it in the synopsis, as it doesn't account to anything, do you think I should have? I think I went on enough already. There's no cast list given, so when people like Felanda are introduced, it's a bit strange. There are, however, absolutely fascinating stage directions. For the masquerade, when everyone is in the robes and masks, all the dialoge is spoken by the whole cast in unison, though the actors are instructed to move in a party-like fashion of small groups. Only when Cassidia takes off her masks does the unison stop. Clever, really. The stage description is detailed too, with platform to represent the palace and the parts in front for the beach and everywhere else. This quote is great: "A wall, hung with cloth, to be built at the edge of the platform, center stage, large enough to obscure the most rotund actor, constructed upright, but hinged so can fall down toward the audience, forming a ramp." The most rotund actor... Priceless! I guess that comes into play for the second act. I kinda wanna know what happens, I'll have to see if there's anything about this eventually. Also, Cassidia's name is frequently mispelled. Casisdia, Cissadia, Casidisa. So weird.
So dead here tonight. There hasn't been a patron in at least an hour. Martin closing up the children's section now.
I'm off tomorrow, Deandra wanted my Saturdays, so I'll see you Monday!
-- Sue
The book Susan Messer wrote of was not located, and the entry she put in SIMCAT for it contained nothing but gibberish text, as if the file had been corrupted.
Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 119,208
Williams Library.zip
Uploaded: 13th Nov 2013, 1.84 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sims3pack file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
5. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Select the house icon, find the lot in the list, and tick the box next to it. Then press the Install button below the list.
6. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the lot to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
7. Run the game, and find your lot in Edit Town, in the premade lots bin.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide!
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by isarpgista updated 29th Jan 2010 at 8:26pm
+1 packs
World Adventures
by Beccapixie10 25th Apr 2012 at 6:18pm
+7 packs
World Adventures
Late Night
Outdoor Living Stuff
Town Life Stuff
by Beccapixie10 8th Oct 2013 at 5:47pm
+7 packs
World Adventures
Outdoor Living Stuff
Master Suite Stuff
by MistyMountain 21st Apr 2014 at 4:17pm
+8 packs
World Adventures
Late Night
Outdoor Living Stuff
70s, 80s and 90s Stuff
University Life
Island Paradise
by Petalruesimblr 12th Jan 2024 at 2:14am
+4 packs
Late Night
Alsvik Concept Cottage Model #22
by cutsocks 29th Jul 2013 at 9:35pm
A small home in the Dragon Style. more...
+7 packs
World Adventures
Late Night
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | World Adventures |
![]() | Ambitions |
![]() | Late Night |
![]() | Generations |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Showtime |
![]() | Supernatural |
![]() | Seasons |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Town Life Stuff |
About Me
I didn't do much in 2018. Maybe this year will be better. I have a huge backlog of things I could upload. Who knows! My time management is currently, theoretically rated as -Please see me after class- if I had turned something in to start with.
It seems I have terrible motivation for requests. Sorry about that. But if you wave ideas and photos at me with enough coughs and elbow nudges, I might get a lot out in a few years...
I don't really have strict usage policy, but please don't upload my lots themselves to the Exchange. Though if you'd like to use any of my lots in a world you've created, and want to upload the world to the Exchange, that's fine. Just toss me some credit, and it'll all be good. Throwing me a link to how you've used any of my stuff would also be appreciated. :D