Human Life Span for Supernatural Sims
FairySim.jpg - width=422 height=201
What does it do?
In the unmodded game these occults have a longer life span as YAs and older. Vampires' and Fairies' life span are multiplied by 5, Unicorns' by 3, Genies' by 2 and Werewolves' by 1.5.
With this mod all those multipliers have been set to 1, giving them a just as long life as a normal Sim or Horse.

Made with game version 1.48, and has been confirmed to work for all version up to and including 1.67. It should also be compatible with 1.69 and 1.70.
This mod alters the AgingManager XML which means any other mod altering this XML will conflict with this mod. The mod is functional no matter what EPs you own so even if you for example don't have Supernatural you can still use this mod to shorten the life span for your Vampires, Unicorns and Genies.
Also please note that if you are using the NRaas Story Progression mod you might find yourself in a situation where vampires will stop aging on reaching young adulthood despite not having the Immortal lifetime reward. This issue is NOT related to my mod, it's a result of the Vampire caste in NRaas Story Progression disallowing aging for vampires by default. You can change this in your NRaas Story Progression settings under Caste Options.
Less Long Life Span for Supernatural Sims
I also made a flavor of this mod that keeps the occults' life spans longer but not as long as the original. Only have one of the packages installed at the same time.
If you download this version the life span multipliers will be:
Vampires and Fairies (3), Unicorns (2), Genies (1.5), Werewolf (1.25). This version also adjusts the life span the genie Long Life wish (1.5 multiplier instead of 2) and Animal Expert (1.25 instead of 1.5) multipliers.
Uploaded: 18th Nov 2014, 7.7 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Nov 2014, 7.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 9th Aug 2024 at 12:27 AM
#supernatural, #life span, #mummy, #vampire, #genie, #long life, #animal expert, #unicorn, #fairy, #werewolf
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