Portuguese Cereals
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Portuguese cereals by XxCTxX
So I present to you; three classic cereals that they sampled on their visit!

I personally grew up eating these cereals and I can vouch that they are yummy:
Cerelac: Is an instant cereal thats made with milk or water. Its made out of wheat and its meant to be a supplement to breast milk for infants. Both children and adults eat this, and it’s a household brand like Kellogs.
Chocapic: This a chocolate flake cereal similar to Cookie Crisp in the UK.
Nestum Mel: Is an instant cereal thats made with milk or water. Like Cerelac its made out of wheat and also honey. It’s also considered an infant cereal but us adults eat it too.
Fun Fact:
How to say breakfast cereals in Portuguese: cereais de pequeno-almoço.

Many thanks to the Grunt family (Strangetown) for bringing back these goodies and being good models!
Note: on the Nestum Mel box, the back cover does have English writing on it. Unfortunately I could not find it o google.pt. and I didn’t have a spare box at home to photograph.
Feedback would be great as this was my first clone recolour.
Additional Credits:
Many thanks to fireflies & AriesFlare for their tutorials: http://modthesims.info/t/55292 & http://www.modthesims.info/showthre...d=1#post4245881
SimPE, Paint.net & Sims UC
Uploaded: 25th Jul 2015, 81.6 KB.
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Updated: 25th Jul 2015 at 10:56 PM
#themeworld, #food, #cereal, #breakfast, #portugal, #portuguese, #cerelac, #nestum, #mel, #chocapic
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About Me
I've been playing sims since I was 9.
I like recolouring items to create more maxis match stuff. I try keeping as much of it simple and base game so it's fun for all!
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-Please DO NOT steal my trademark names that I use for colours.
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-A big thank you for those who have downloaded, thanked, favourited and commented! You guys bring joy to me.