Mortician Career
I am not exactly back but I have been playing about with the old laptop and managed to get some stuff done! Gosh it is hard being an adult, working full time and trying to do some simming on the side. Really have missed it!
I have been working on this career for a while now via virtual pen & paper and since the past year I have had a tiny insight into through talking to various interesting clients. I tried my best to stay away from too much dark humour (it needs a little because we are using it in the Sims) but voila.
What is a Mortician?
This career has titles which shows also how many different job roles there can be in that industry.
Big thank you again to Gabe O�Mackey from Riverblossom Hills!

Job Descriptions (detailed):
Job Title: Apprentice
Description: You've always wondered how they made Nana Sim look so peaceful and rested before she went six feet under, now here is the chance to learn... Grab some Vick's and rub some under your nose, it�s time to start studying our anatomy!
Wage: $87
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10-6pm
Skill Requirements: Cleaning x1
Friends: 0
Level: 2
Job Title: Hearse Driver
Description: That driving license of yours will come in handy now. You now chauffeur coffins and attendees to funeral services.
Wage: $115
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10-3pm
Skill Requirements: Mechanical x1, body x3
Friends: 0
Level: 3
Job Title: Funeral Attendant
Description: Congrats on your promotion, time for a step up. You now do various tasks such as arranging floral/decorations around the casket, placing the casket in the chapel and helping to escort mourners in and out.
Wage: $145
Work Days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9-4pm
Skill Requirements: Cleaning x4, Creativity x3, Charisma x3
Friends: 1
Level: 4
Job Title: Counselor
Description: It�s time to put in practice your people skills, living ones that is. Your job is now to help those who have loss of a loved one discuss their grief, concerns and help provide any services they may need. Remember to show compassion!
Wage: $190
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11-5pm
Skill Requirements: Charisma x5, Logic x5
Friends: 2
Level: 5
Job Title: Salesman
Description: While your job is still a caring and compassionate one, the funeral business is still a business. It�s time to put those selling skills into use- burial plots, caskets and floral arrangements are just some of those that your clients are in need of. Talk budgets!
Wage: $250
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5pm
Skill Requirements: Charisma x6, Creativity x
Friends: 4
Level: 6
Job Title: Crematory Operator
Description: A slow but surely step up closer to your embalming dream. You deal with operating the crematory system and making sure deceased loved ones are cared for and put into the correct urns.
Wage: $320
Work Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10-8pm
Skill Requirements: Mechanical x6, Body x5, Cleaning x5
Friends: 5
Level: 7
Job Title: Embalmer
Description: Finally! We got to the goal, you now take care of the deceased by embalming, dressing and applying cosmetics to enhance them so they can be remembered how they were in life.
Wage: $460
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8-6pm
Skill Requirements: Cleaning x7, Creativity x6, Body x5
Friends: 5
Level: 8
Job Title: Project Manager
Description: Your general skills in the industry has not been left unnoticed, you have been promoted to Project Manager! You now see through services start to finish and make sure that each family dealt with have had everything done possible to honor their deceased.
Wage: $535
Work Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9-6pm
Skill Requirements: Logic x6, Creativity x7,
Friends: 8
Level: 9
Job Title: Funeral Home Director
Description: Alas, the time has come- your current director, who had mentored you and taught you all of their skills has retired. It�s time for you to fill their boots and continue the legacy!
Wage: $720
Work Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 10-7pm
Skill Requirements: Charisma x8, Logic x8, Body x6
Friends: 9
Level: 10
Job Title: Celebrity Mortician
Description: The world knows your name and your impressive skills are wanted to make deceased Celebrity Sims look alive in the casket. There have also been rumors that you even catered a secret funeral for the presumed dead Bella Goth...
Wage: $1000
Work Days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9-5pm
Skill Requirements: Charisma x10, Creativity x8, Cleaning x10.
Friends: 10
All levels have a chance card written (Detailed):
1) Whilst $me is in their lecture learning about the lymph system, a fellow student cracks a joke, does $me tell off the other student?
Chance A Good: $me tells off the student for disrupting the class, the teacher agrees this isn�t the time for joking! Logic +1
Chance A Bad: $me tells off the student for disrupting the class, the teacher disagrees, he found that rather funny. $mw feels embarrassed! -1 Logic
Chance B Good: $me decides to lighten up and laugh loudly at the joke. The teacher laughs along with the group, nothing wrong with a joke once in a while in class! +1 Charisma
Chance B Bad: $me decides to lighten up and laugh loudly at the joke. The teacher tells off $me and their colleague for disrupting the class. -1 Charisma
2) $me is running late to a service due to rainy weather, do they speed to get there on time?
Chance A Good: $me revs the car up to 80mph, sliding up the road and into the chapels driveway. They made it on time ! + $100
Chance A Bad: $me revs the car up to 80mph, sliding up the road and swaying sideways into bush. - -1 Logic
Chance B Good: $me continues at 50mph in the rainy weather and luckily is only 5minutes late to the service. The family fortunately didn�t notice and the service continues as normal. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: $me continues at 50mph in the rainy weather and luckily is only 5minutes late to the service. The family unfortunately notices and aren�t too happy and want a discount. - $100
3) Whilst arranging framed photos and flowers around a casket, $me notices one flower arrangement is poorly done. Do they try and fix it?
Chance A Good: $me rearranges the flower arrangement to make it look nicer. A family member of the deceased approaches $me and says �I made that myself! But thank you for tidying it up, my hands have been a bit shaky lately.� The family member appreciates $me�s help. +1 Creativity
Chance A Bad: $me rearranges the flower arrangement to make it look nicer. A family member of the deceased approaches $me and says �I made that myself! How dare you change it!� The family member is angered by $me�s attempt to help. -1 Creativity
Chance B Good: $me decides to leave the flower arrangement as it is. A family member of the deceased approaches $me and says �Thank you for arranging the decorations�. +1 Cleaning
Chance B Bad: $me decides to leave the flower arrangement as it is. A family member of the deceased approaches $me and says �Excuse me, those flowers look a bit funny, could you please fix them?�. -1 Cleaning
4) A spouse in counselling has asked $me to help create a circus themed service for their beloved one who worked as knife juggler. $me thinks it�s a bit distasteful but should they do so?
Chance A Good: $me respects the spouses wish and with help of the project manager they arrange a circus themed service. At the service all the attendees appreciated the theme and remembered their friend as they did in life. +1 Creativity
Chance A Bad: $me respects the spouses wish and with help of the project manager they arrange a circus themed service. At the service all the attendees are horrified with the knife juggling act that they hired. $me didn�t think that through. -1 logic
Chance B Good: $me explains to the spouse that it might not be a good idea to do so, as it might upset the attendees- The spouse agrees and they do a more traditional service. +1 Charisma
Chance B Bad: $me explains to the spouse that it might not be a good idea to do so, as it might upset the attendees- The spouse disagrees, leaves and uses a different company. - $200
5) $me just found out that the Cherry Casket has been recalled as it�s faulty and poorly constructed. $me has just sold one to Mrs. Meyers for her Uncle�s service, does $me recall it?
Chance A Good: $me calls Mrs. Meyers to recall the casket and explains that they only found out now. Mrs Meyers appreciates the honesty and schedules a new viewing for caskets. +Charisma
Chance A Bad: $me calls Mrs. Meyers to recall the casket and explains that they only found out now. Mrs Meyers appreciates the honesty but is stressed and takes it out on $me. -1 Charisma
Chance B Good: $me thinks they�re a great carpenter and decides to fix the casket themselves. Luckily they are! +1 Mechanical
Chance B Bad: $me thinks they�re a great carpenter and decides to fix the casket themselves. Sadly they are not and the guests at Uncle Meyers service have been scarred for life as they witness the casket break as they carried him into the parlour. -1 Mechanical
6) Whilst checking the urns; $me notices one of her colleagues misspelled an embossing on an urn - Anna instead of Ana. Does $me correct it?
Chance A Good: $me corrects the embossing and lets her colleague know of their mistake. $me tells their colleague calmly and all is good.
+1 Cleaning
Chance A Bad: $me corrects the embossing and lets her colleague know of their mistake. $me really tells them off and the colleague has a fit and breaks the embossing equipment.
- $100
Chance B Good: $me thinks well it�s not my job, I am just an operator of the crematorium and leaves it. Later $me overhears their boss firing their colleague. Lucky $me! + 1 Level Promotion
Chance B Bad: : $me thinks well it�s not my job, I am just an operator of the crematorium and leaves it. Later $me�s boss comes round and demotes $me for not being more responsible and taking charge. -1 Level Demotion
7) $me is doing the make up for Mr Denman and realises they�ve run out of Shade 2- Petunia Rose - which compliments his skin tone better. Should he use Shade 3 Tahiti Tan instead?
Chance A Good: $me goes with Shade 3 and with their great blending skills, $me makes Mr Denman look alive (not literally). +1 Creativity
Chance A Bad: $me goes with Shade 3 and isn�t very good with blending and contouring skills. Mr Denman�s family are appalled as he looks like he has two orange streaks across his sombre face.
-1 Creativity
Chance B Good: $me decides not to risk it and doesn�t do much blending on Mr Denman- All is well. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: $me decides not to risk it and doesn�t do much blending on Mr Denman- Sadly his family at the service criticizes $me skills and $me takes it personally. -1 Creativity
8) A new project is being started for a deceased famous Sim and the family is quite notorious for being rich & difficult in Riverblossom Hills, does $me ask for help with their managing?
Chance A Good: $me gathers two other colleagues to help her manage this project, luckily they both know how to do deal with this type of clients and it all goes smoothly. $me and their team is even featured in the weekly Sim-OK! Magazine. +$500
Chance A Bad: $me gathers two other colleagues to help her manage this project, unluckily her colleagues aren�t that great dealing with living Sims and they are featured in the tabloids for creating a �disastrous � service and need t pay for emotional damages. -$500
Chance B Good: $me decides to handle the entire project alone, luckily $me manages to create the perfect memorial service for the deceased. $me is even featured in the weekly Sim-OK! Magazine. +$500
Chance B Bad: $me decides to handle the entire project alone, unluckily $me misses crucial information about the deceased which they could of found out if they had more help available. They are featured in the tabloids for creating a �disastrous � service and need t pay for emotional damages. -$500
9) Whilst interviewing new apprentices, $me meets an overly enthusiastic Sim who�s keen on having a tour around the home. $me notices the Sim slyly taking photos. Does $me end the tour and confiscate their phone?
Chance A Good: $me senses something isn�t right, they end the tour and confiscates the interviewees phone. Thankfully they did, the Sim was taking photos to sell to another competitive funeral home. +1 logic
Chance A Bad: $me senses something isn�t right, they end the tour and confiscates the interviewees phone. The Sim freaks out- �Hey! What are you doing?!� turns out they were only researching the bus times to get home. -1 Logic
Chance B Good: $me senses something isn�t right but continues with the tour, whilst the Sim is distracted $me glances at their phone and they were only researching the bus times to go home. +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: $me senses something isn�t right but continues with the tour until the Sim leaves. Later that week $me hears from a colleague that the local competition sent a spy over to take photos of their layout. -1 Logic
10) Damn those pesky journalists! A few have gotten into the home and are harassing $me regarding Bella Goth and if they did her funeral. Does $me accept and allow to be interviewed?
Chance A Good: $me agrees and allows them to interview- they dismiss any rumours of any connection to Bella Goth and her disappearance. The next day $me reads the article and luckily they didn�t twist their words. +1 Charisma
Chance A Bad: $me agrees and allows them to interview- they dismiss any rumours of any connection to Bella Goth and her disappearance. The next day $me reads the article and unluckily they twisted $me words- Those pesky journalists! - 1 Charisma
Chance B Good: $me does not agree to be interviewed. The next day $me reads the front page of the Daily Sim... WAS $ME PART OF BELLA GOTH�S SECRET FUNERAL? � Luckily no one reads that tabloid rubbish and $me laughed it off! +1 Logic
Chance B Bad: $me does not agree to be interviewed. The next day $me reads the front page of the Daily Sim... WAS $ME PART OF BELLA GOTH�S SECRET FUNERAL? � Unluckily some people believe everything they read and masses of Sims try and approach $me for answers! -1 Logic
Other *IMPORTANT* Info:
� I�ve used the Hatchback, Sedan, Town Car & Limo as work vehicles.
� I�ve used the LabCoats, Scrubs & Suits the work outfits.
� Ive sued the Home Plastic Surgery Kit as the career Reward.
� I�ve tried making the chance cards interesting & realistic as possible.
Uploaded: 20th Mar 2018, 30.9 KB.
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Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 21st Mar 2018 at 3:08 PM
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About Me
I've been playing sims since I was 9.
I like recolouring items to create more maxis match stuff. I try keeping as much of it simple and base game so it's fun for all!
General Policies:
-DO NOT reupload any of my work.
-DO NOT edit/modify any of my work without my consent.
-IF you use my work for any photographic or video work, please let me know and also credit me.
-Please DO NOT steal my trademark names that I use for colours.
With my recolours/textures:
You may include with Sims.
You may re-use my textures for related projects.
Uploading Terms for anything else:
-Upload to MTS ONLY!
-DO NOT upload onto TSR/ the Exchange
-Let me know if you've credited me, love to see what you've made!
-Have fun!
-A big thank you for those who have downloaded, thanked, favourited and commented! You guys bring joy to me.