The Cursed Painting V 2.1 *Works with "CL" patch*
Painting types.jpg - width=1618 height=666
The cursed painting types
Sims reaction to sim staring at the painting.jpg - width=1618 height=666
Sims reaction to sim staring at the painting
Losing to curse reaction.jpg - width=1618 height=666
Sims reaction to sim losing the challenge of the cursed painting
Sims reaction to a sim beating the curse.jpg - width=1618 height=666
Sims reaction to sim winning the challenge of the cursed painting
Gather Sims interaction.jpg - width=1618 height=666
Gather Sims interaction
Sims 4 cursed painting thumbnial 2SMALLER.jpg - width=2560 height=1600
Official thumbnail
Cursed Painting V 1.1 Sim Picker Menu.jpeg - width=1618 height=666
Cursed Painting V 1.1Pie menu.jpg - width=1618 height=666
Paintings Catalog.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
The Cursed Painting Thunderbolt Death.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
The Cursed Painting Thunderbolt MENU.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
The Cursed Painting Thunderbolt.jpg - width=1920 height=1080

Prepare Yourselves For A Smoky Curse
- Watch Mod's trailer here :

- This is a custom tunning mod so it shouldn't conflict with any other mods or override any game data
- The Cursed Painting adds 2 new unique interactions that offers new gameplay "Explained down below"
- The Cursed Painting available in different types "Explained down below" .
- This mod adds new "Buffs" to the sim staring at the painting & witnesses around the sim "Explained down below"
- Sims will react to the sim using the painting in different ways according to the situation

This mod contains new Interactions that offers new gameplay
Interaction | Description | Buff | Emotion |
[1] Stare . | " The selected sim will stare at The Cursed Painting " & might win or lose the challenge by 50% chance | ||
[.] Losing The Challenge . | " The Sim who lost the challenge will catch on fire "You can ask the sim to extinguish theirself Or You can ask another sim to extinguish them " | "Lost To The Curse" | Sad +4 |
[.] Winning The Challenge . | " The Sim who won the challenge will earn 1000 $ & will get cleaned from singe " | "I Beat The Curse" | Happy +3 |
[2] Gather Sims . | " The Selected sim will callover all sims on the lot & they will gather around the painting" | ||
[.] Witnesses "Challenge lose" Buff . | " If a sim witnessed another sim lose the challenge they will get a Buff " | Witnessed Failure | Tense +1 |
[.] Witnesses "Challenge Win" Buff . | " If a sim witnessed another sim win the challenge they will get a Buff " | Witnessed Victory | Happy +3 |

This painting is available in 6 different types "Can be all used at once"
Name | Description | Autonomy |
[1] The Cursed Painting . | " The default painting that has the original curse challenge | User-Directed Only |
[2] The Cursed Painting "No Mercy" . | " Sims who stare at this painting always catches on fire ! winning chance is 0% | User-Directed Only |
[3] The Cursed Painting *AUTONOMOUS* . | " The default painting that has the original curse challenge with autonomy " | User-Directed + Autonomous |
[4] The Cursed Painting "No Mercy" *AUTONOMOUS* . | " Sims will automatically stare at this painting and will always catch on fire ! I tuned the autonomy up in this one so it's more fun " | User-Directed + Autonomous |
[5] The Cursed Painting "Thunderbolt" ![]() | " Sims who stare at this painting will be rewarded with 25,000 simoleons if they beat the challenge OR will be electrocuted and die if they fail "Chances are 50% 50%"" | User-Directed |
[6] The Cursed Painting "Thunderbolt" *AUTONOMOUS* ![]() | " Same as the normal Thunderbolt painting with autonomy " | User-Directed + Autonomous |

- Gathering sims will get them excited & will start cheering once they arrive to the painting
- If You select "Gather Sims" interaction on the "The Cursed Painting "No Mercy" *AUTONOMOUS*" Your sim will do an evil laugh because they know that everyone is going to burn & will gain "Mischief" skill points, Added by the amazing "Scumbumbo" :lovestruc
- When a sim is taking the challenge " Staring at the painting " sims around that sim will react worried hoping that the sim won't lose & catch on fire
- Sims will cheer for Your sim when the sim wins the challenge
- Your sim will get a notification if they "Won" the challenge or "Lost" it with a description explaining what happened. along with sounds effects & Special FX for each event.
- All 6 types of the painting are merged into 1 single package & will be available in Your game once You install this 1 package "You can also place all 6 types of the painting in the game together at once without any conflicts" You will find them in "Paintings" section for 250 $
- Children > Elders can use the paintings , Children can use all paintings Except Thunderbolt since they can't die by electrocution "

Updated to work with the "Gender Patch" & Dine out gamepack

The Cursed Painting V 2.0
All paintings had been remade from scratch to make it compatible with patches after get together
- What's New?
- Added a New painting type "The Cursed Painting - Thunderbolt"
Sims who stare at this painting will be rewarded with 25,000 simoleons if they beat the challenge OR will be electrocuted and die if they fail "Chances are 50% 50%" - You can now normally extinguish other sims by clicking on them while they are on fire !
- Sims who ask other sims to stare at "The Cursed Painting - No Mercy -" will no longer witness their death and get sad about it because they're the ones who caused this death.
- All paintings are now stacked in one object instead of being displayed separately -You can change the painting type by choosing a different color swatch-
- Sims will now be rewarded with money amount between 750 - 2500 $ if they beat the original Cursed Painting's challenge instead of 1000$
- Fixed issue where Kids don't get a notification for beating the curse
- Fixed issue where You couldn't extinguish other sims normally by clicking on them , therefore I removed the extinguish sims interaction that was on the paintings.
- Fixed issue where sims didn't catch on fire if they stared at the painting 2 times in a row without waiting for 5 seconds .
The Cursed Painting V 1.1
- Added new interactions
1. Ask Sims to stare ... : You will get to choose sims to stare at the painting
2. Ask Sims to witness.. : You get to choose who You want to gather around the painting if You don't want all sims on lot to come
3. Extinguish Sims ... : You get to choose who You want to put out of fire doing a cool magical animation in-case You don't have control over that sim , Note "You should put the sims out shortly after they catch on fire otherwise they won't get extinguished" - Fixed issue where Sims don't react to a sim on fire properly
- If a sim asks someone to stare at The Cursed Painting "NO MERCY" Or "NO MERCY" *Autonomous* , They will react to burning sims by laughing evilly instead of panicking "Just like Bella Goth in the trailer"
- Fixed issue where sims automatically gets extinguished when they react to events or being called to gather while they are on fire.
- Sims who are staring at the painting will no longer react to other sims who are staring at the painting
Thank You & I hope You'll enjoy the mod :lovestruc

This mod is not perfect but I tried my best to make it as good as possible .
- If multiple Sims stare at The Cursed Painting at once they might not get results , "This issue doesn't happen with The Cursed Painting - No Mercy or if sims stare at multiple paintings of the same type at once"
- Children are selectable through "The Cursed Painting - Thunderbolt" when You "ask sims to stare..." even though They can't stare at this painting since they don't have "Death by electrocution"

- Sims can't extinguish the sim on fire but the sim on fire can extinguish theirself
- If a sim dies in a group of sims who are on fire they will all be put out automatically & only that one sim will lose their life *Unless multiple sims die at the same time* "This is maxis default rules"
- If a sim on fire reacted to an event they will be put out automatically , that includes "Gather Sims" interaction & challenge events *This can be useful if You want to put out a group of sims at once*
- Kids don't get a notification for beating the curse
- If a sim stares at the painting again right after they been put out of fire they don't catch on fire again "that time only" but the curse effect still shows "waiting for 5 seconds or longer between stares avoids this issue"
- kids can't extinguish themselves & can't be extinguished using the interaction on the painting "They can be saved by resetting them , type the cheat "TestingCheats on" , hold shift + click on the child then choose *Reset Object* "

- You only need The sims 4 "Base Game" to run this mod as I made sure not to use any references from any expansion packs or game packs
- Created under patch
- I'm not sure if this works on MAC or not , feedback is much appreciated
This mod contains changes to fire_OnFire interaction , tuning Id : 40870 , Instance 0000000000009FA6 . & will conflict with other mods that uses the same instance. "I had to use the original instance so sims can extinguish other sims who are on fire , using a custom instance resulted sims to no be able to extinguish eachother"
Additional Credits:
Special Thanks to scumbumbo for the amazing help He gave me ! this mod wouldn't be here without His help *YOU ROCK* :lovestruc .
Bakie for his amazing & Simple tutorials
TS4 studio team for such an amazing program
s4pe team for creating the awesome tool along the sims generations
Zerbu for the great Mod Constructer
My Youtube friends & anyone whoever supported my mods :lovestruc
MTS for having such an awesome site .
The Cursed Painting v 2.1 -TS4-.rar
Uploaded: 11th Jun 2016, 833.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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