The Sims 3 Violence And Aggression
Punch Sims1.JPG - width=1091 height=651
Mess Them Up.JPG - width=989 height=1138
Stomp On Them.JPG - width=1016 height=616
Murder Them.JPG - width=1187 height=574
And Much More.jpg - width=1280 height=800
Violence And Aggression Mod Thumbnail.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
Iv'e been working on a new mod for the past month that adds a new list of violence social like interactions .
This mod adds 12 new violent interactions that can be chosen when clicking on a target sim .
Watch the Mod's Game-play video here :
Watch Mod's trailer here :
This is a pure-script mod so it shouldn't conflict with any other mods , So it works with Nraas's mods , and my other mods [ Disasters & Blessings AND Awkward Moments & Humiliations ]
These interactions are not autonomous , So Sims will not randomly go around town hitting other sims without leading them to do that .
After performing any of the Violent interactions , the 2 sims will become enemies and will get certain buffs such as " Humiliated " for target sim , and " Calm " for actor sim .
Other sims around the the sim that performed a violent action will notice and will react according to their traits .
This mod contains new Custom Animations for each interaction .
You only need Base Game to install this mod

* Available Interactions *
Slap : New custom interaction for slap that uses custom animations .
Punch .
Kick Crotch .
Head Grab .
Head Punch .
K.O Punch .
K.O Kick.
Body Stomp .
Body Slam ! .
Chest Break !.
Neck Crack !.
Fly Punch !.

Known Issues :
This mod is not perfect but I tried my best to make it as good as possible .
Sometimes the target sim will not play the animation that should be played and may stand still or do something else * I tried my best to fix that but I couldn't , so I am really sorry about that *
Sometimes the actor sim may not route properly to the target sim location .
This mod was created under patch v 1.63 , & Sims 3 Into the future .
But you only need base game to run this mod !
Special Thanks to CmarNYC & Nonamena for helping me with my mods , as I wouldn't be able to create any mods without their help :lovestruc .
The Sims 3 Violence And Aggression [MOD].rar
Uploaded: 20th Apr 2014, 542.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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