This house was built for test sim, Terraphelia Walsh, who loves the environment (but not everything in nature because she fears roaches.) The plan was obtained from the internet and described as above. Why is the house ecofriendly? Terraphelia made this list:
1. Slanted windows catch the sunlight.
2. Floors are recycled wood.
3. White paint looks cleaner.
4. Three floors cause exercise.
5. The yard has room for a pool but a jacuzzi uses less water.
6. Trees and grass were preserved while building.
7. Bedrooms on ground floor are cooler.
8. Living space on second floor is warmer.
9. Third floor loft is really warm.
10. The garage is just for looks and won't house a polluting vehicle. (Unless your sims want to covert it to functional. The driveway should fit. Use move_objects on to place extender.)
I hope Terraphelia's list will convince you that the house is ecofriendly. (It probably won't be Seasons friendly though. This is a base game lot.) The uploaded file has never housed a sim. Thanks so much for reading!
Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price (furnished): 113,600
Custom Content by Me:
- river rock wall
- FloorToCeilingOneTileWindow
- leopard floor covering
- dark brown mingledy carpet
- peach stucco
- QuarterHighOneTileWindow
- Epikourus Counter Top in Light Wood recolor
- Sill To Ceiling Shutter
- Sleek and Modern Fireplace
- Half Wall Modern Window
- Super Modern Bookcase
- creamy stucco wall
- horizontal gray wood floor
Custom Content Included:
- Dark Wood Paneling by
- Blue Transparent Tile by
- FloorToCeilingShutter by
Additional Credits: SimPE Numenor's AnyGameStarter and Fireplace Template
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