Sports & Recreation Center (1 CC item + No CC)

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This lot is uploaded by request, but I made it for personal use, intended as a business to be run by a sport enthusiast Sim. It requires minimal amount of NPCs/employees, so it is an easy profit through ticket machines with minimal expenses. If it's played as a visiting community lot, it has a broad number of activities. I tried to include almost all sport/fitness/athletic/recreation activities you would expect to find in a real life Sports and Recreation center, based on the objects and possibilities CC free game provides. It is playtested, all functional objects should be usable (although, have in mind that I used a lot of cheats and off grid placements).

- roller skating with small tribunes, seating area for eating snacks from vending machines, male and female restrooms
- ice skating with tribunes and with improvised coffee drinking area, restrooms
- closed pool with showers and locker rooms, entrance hall with summer and swimming decor
- gym with strength and cardio exercise equipment, punching bag and ballet barre, restrooms
- Bowling alley with billiards, darts, terrace chess area, restrooms
- Basketball court with tribunes, restrooms and locker rooms
- Football/Soccer field with small improvised tribunes
- Outside small basketball court
- Decorative clay tennis court
- Two execuputters (for golf lovers)
- Few small park areas
- Fast food stand (One complete diner)

Since I used CFE cheat to make the curved roofs, game broke the top level tiles, making the improvised roof practically useless for keeping the weather out. For those of you who don't mind this, or have some other idea how to solve it, I included the No CC version of the lot. For those who would like instantly weatherproofed version, I put up the the second file with only one CC item - Invisible floor tiles by Muse - which I placed one level under the curved roofs, to protect the interior from weather.
  • Sports & Recreation Center - No CC (not weatherproof)
    Custom Content included: none
    Lot size: 5x6
    Lot price: 582,911
  • Sports & Recreation Center - weatherproof (with Invisible floor by Muse)
    Custom Content included - Invisible floor tile by Muse
    Lot size: 5x6
    Lot price: 585,027

Sorry for possible grammar/spelling/stylistic mistakes. Hope no one even reads these descriptions. I don't. That's why I provided lots of pictures.

Lot Size: 5x6
Lot Price (furnished): §582,911 - §585,027

Custom Content Included:
- Invisible Floor Tile by moonlight_muse

Additional Credits:
- Made with The Sims 2 and all it's expansion packs & stuff packs
- Scanned with Sims2Pack Clean Installer
- Sims references cleaned with SimPe
- Special thanks to all the folks from the Creator Feedback Forum
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