No (or fewer) Minor Pets and Wildflowers from RGM Spawners
Before_small.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
After_small.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
This mod only modifies a single XML file for minor pets (MinorPet_0xf011e4d08b5ba3f7), and a single XML file for wildflowers (Wildflower_0x3c2424d29ba417ef). Because I am modifying the XML files that directly deals with these, I have made it so the RGM, insect, or seed spawner will NOT fail to produce its appropriate item when it fails to produce a pet. Also, I can offer multiple flavors; no minor pets, a small number of minor pets, etc., instead of just removing them completely. Also, you may choose to only remove minor pets, or to only remove wildflowers, or to remove both. Or you may want different flavors of each.
Default values of each are 25% (yes, any RGM spawner normally only has a 50% chance of actually spawning its RGM), but I've created the following flavors for each: 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%. Only take ONE flavor for each type. I have also combined 0% wildflowers and 0% pets into a single flavor, for those who just don't want any at all of either.
Obviously the wildflowers portion is unneeded if you do not own Seasons, and the minor pets portion is unnecessary if you do not own Pets. Having the extra one won't harm your game, it's just unnecessary.
NOTE: If you are playing Appaloosa Plains, you will still get minor pets, as there are spawners on that world that are specifically for various pets. Those spawners can be found in BuyDebug under Fish, if you wish to place them yourself as well. The wildflower specific spawner can be found in BuyDebug under Gardening/Seeds.

Another issue: The wildflowers will not spawn if the temperature is under 30 degrees. However, this is not determined until AFTER the wildflower has been rolled for, so you would still lose the RGM that should have spawned in that spot. I can, if anyone likes, make the temperature for wildflowers spawning actually be lower than 30 degrees. This should affect the wildflower spawners as well, and even allow wildflowers in the winter, if anyone wants them.
Also, wildflowers de-spawn within 5 days if unpicked, which is yet another waste of the RGM spawner. Since this value is held within this XML, if someone wants that time extended, I can easily do this.
The values changed are:
<kChanceInsectSpawnerSpawnsWildflower value="0"><!-- Default = "0.25" -->
<!--Range 0.0 - 1.0. The chance an insect spawner will attempt to spawn a minor pet instead of the normally spawned objects.-->
<kChanceRGMSpawnerSpawnsWildflower value="0"><!-- Default = "0.25" -->
<!--Range 0.0 - 1.0. The chance a rock/gem/metal spawner will attempt to spawn a minor pet instead of the normally spawned objects.-->
<kChanceSeedSpawnerSpawnsWildflower value="0"><!-- Default = "0.25" -->
<!--Range 0.0 - 1.0. The chance a seed spawner will attempt to spawn a minor pet instead of the normally spawned objects.-->
<kChanceForeignInsectSpawnerSpawnsPet value="0"><!-- Default value = "0.25" -->
<!--Range 0.0 - 1.0. The chance a foreign insect spawner will attempt to spawn a minor pet instead of the normally spawned objects.-->
<kChanceForeignRGMSpawnerSpawnsPet value="0"><!-- Default value = "0.25" -->
<!--Range 0.0 - 1.0. The chance a foreign rock/gem/metal spawner will attempt to spawn a minor pet instead of the normally spawned objects.-->
<kChanceForeignSeedSpawnerSpawnsPet value="0"><!-- Default value = "0.25" -->
<!--Range 0.0 - 1.0. The chance a foreign seed spawner will attempt to spawn a minor pet instead of the normally spawned objects.-->
And yes, in the wildflower section, it DOES say minor pet. It's not the first time I've seen typos and misspellings in one of these XMLs. Heck, in their CODING for rabbitholes, they consistently misspelled "community" as "communtiy". And that wasn't even in the comments part, but in the coding!

gobot101 for his mod "Minor Pets Won't Run Away".
chuckles_82 for the original mod "No More Minor Pets and Wildflowers on Regular Spawners" that made me start thinking about doing this a different way.
Twallan's Traveller, which allowed me to force spawners to keep spawning so I could test this. (And how can someone NOT thank Twallan, when his amazing mods allow us to do so many things?)
| 20% generation of wildflowers from standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.6 KB.
| 15% generation of wildflowers from standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.6 KB.
| 10% generation of wildflowers from standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.6 KB.
| 5% generation of wildflowers from standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.6 KB.
| No wildflowers from standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.6 KB.
| 20% generation of minor pets for standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.5 KB.
| 15% generation of minor pets for standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.5 KB.
| 10% generation of minor pets for standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.5 KB.
| 5% generation of minor pets for standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.5 KB.
| No minor pets from standard spawners
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 1.5 KB.
| No pets or wildflowers at all from standard spawners.
Uploaded: 23rd May 2016, 2.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |