***UPDATED***UPDATED-AGAIN(LOL!)***Testers Wanted: Maid4U Mesh

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Hi Everyone - sorry *DramaQueen* here ... okay, sorry for the tardiness of this Update - lots going on (too much) and apologies (again) to everyone for me being so self-absorbed and up-my-own-*** (thingy?!) I would like to thank everyone - too many to list, but all of yu - your words of wisdom, friendship and kindness ... ok I was mightly peeved, and I am still learning about this *digital-reality*, and I guess I took it more personally than I thought - and I lost sight of why I do this - for yu guyz, because I want to share with all yu really kewl people and contribute to this great community here. I never uploaded anything for Sims1, and I guess I'm still learning ... so sorry all yu wondeful people ... and thank yu for helping me get things back in perspective ...
mucho Hugz to yu all, and very humble thank yu xoxoxoxoxo

Ok - Update - New Mesh version - without the restraints (as requested) - please respect my wishes, thank yu as detailed below ... re-colours sought pleaz! :bump:
Also a *Preview* of what's *Coming Soon ...!* - and hopefully this is just the begining ... :nana:
Basic Sims2 and EP versions in files - please report any bugz/flawz/and other dodginess etc. :smash:
And yep, that's Sim-me (nearly ... well, I wish lol!)
Loadz n loadz of luv
Amy xoXox


Despite what I considered was plain english in the statement below, it has come to my attention that several people are uploading this mesh onto the Sims Exchange, without permission and in some cases without any credit to the site here, and/or me. Frankly I'm very angry and upset that certain people continue to dis-regard my wishes - I have requested no posting on *ANY OTHER SITE INCLUDING THE EXCHANGE* because I want to give something back to the wonderful community HERE, for all the hard work of the modders and contributors here. I have willingly allowed re-colours and the like to be posted here. There is no warning cited by these people about the possible problems and game settings for this mesh - obviously they have no respect for others, are presumably self-centred and have no honour.
I am now seriously considering what i will do in the future. I have immense respect for the many wonderrful people here, and I wish to continue to share with you - however a few rotten apples are spoiling the barrel.
I would welcome any suggestions - should I open my own site, with membership (not what I want to do at all), or join another site and work exclusively for them? Or possibly keep all my efforts to myself and the circle of friends I have found here via private e-mail? Am I being too anal about this? Do I need to get a life? lol! I will miss everyone here - but through a few people's selfishness, lack of personal creativity, and disrespectful ignorance I am now left with a very bad taste in my mouth ...
With luv and apologies to all the GOOD people of MTS2 ...
Amy xxx

Hiya All! :howdy:
Ok, here she is, for all yu naughty boyz n gurlz - and you know who you are (Mr.Pink, Atreyuu, HK13, and Skeetz!)
Sorry for the delays everyone, but thank you all for your kind comments - I hope she lives up to your expectations!
Thanks go to everyone at MTS2, without which all of the wonderful new meshes we have now would not be possible. Thank you all.
A BIG Hugz n thanx to bagracer (HI L! :howdy: ) for all the help with the testing ... xXx
And a *special* thanx goes to 1biKairi for the panties!

Ok, the nitty-gritty! Download, and UNZIP the file relevent to what you want - either YA or not, the YA version will show for both Adults and YA's.
Put the Mesh file and the Package file in your:
C:/My Documents/EA GAMES/The Sims 2/Downloads folder
and it should show up in the game and Bodyshop.
Do not alter any of the filenames otherwise they won't work!
***Make sure in your games graphics options, the Sim/Object Detail is set to *HIGH*, otherwise you might get problems with the Mesh***

It has been noted that for some unknown reason occassinally (maybe 1 in 100 times) it doesn't show on certain systems ... why? dunno - if it doesn't try Downloading the zip file again, and re-install it, maybe you'll get lucky lol! If there are any problems I'd certainly like to hear about them please ...
Below is also a zip of the TextureMapping for those of you who want to re-colour it (although I'm trying hard to see how, to any great difference lol?) But I would love to see what yu can come up with lol!

Remember this is still a Beta version, but has been tested on various systems, so hopefully she's about as good as I can get at the moment. The ankles work slightly differently, so they should be better than my previous attempts at high-heels in most animations - however there are still some anims that cause *sqiffiness* (a technical term for when it goes all funny!) The Apron may also cut slightly during some anims, as do the cuffs - but until joint-reassignment can be controlled effectively, it's about the best I can do I'm afraid.

NB: This is the *Semi-Nude* version, the *Nude* version is in the ADULTS Section (Re-colours) - sorry to all yu U18's, but I'm sure it wouldn't take a skinning genius to re-colour it without the panties for your *personal* pleasure! (but you may want to keep them as they're 1biKairi's heehee!)

DO NOT POST this MESH or any re-colours on ANY other site, including the Sims Exchange, or The Sims Resource without permission first - pm me here at MTS2.
Re-colours are welcome to be uploaded here at MTS2. It would be nice if you could post a pic here and a link to the Thread where your re-colour is. Ty!
Sorry if all this seems a little harsh, but I did this for free, to share with ALL Simmers, not just the ones with Credit Cards, and I don't see why others should make money out of my freely given efforts!

Please, everyone enjoy in the spirit in which it is given - thank you.
Happy Simming,
Amy xxx
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