Claybee Patio (Maxis Recolours)
01.jpg - width=1590 height=890
clay wood
02.jpg - width=1590 height=890
creme wood
03.jpg - width=1590 height=890
default replacement hot tub in creme
04.jpg - width=1590 height=890
Milano Royaly and Stark Inspiration
05.jpg - width=1590 height=890
island counter seating in creme and paprika
06.jpg - width=1590 height=890
creme and clay
07.jpg - width=1590 height=890
clay, khaki, and leaf
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honey, clay, and leaf
09.jpg - width=1590 height=890
creme and leaf
deco01.jpg - width=1340 height=715
chimes and other decorations
grills.jpg - width=1200 height=800
so many grills
counters.jpg - width=1200 height=800
counters in creme and clay
tables.jpg - width=1150 height=620
surfaces and stepping stones
ham-and-tea.jpg - width=1500 height=735
hammocks and tea tables
conad-creme.jpg - width=1220 height=675
contempto adirondack in creme
conad-clay.jpg - width=1220 height=675
contempto adirondack in clay
flamingos.jpg - width=1590 height=890
the flamingos know things
statues.jpg - width=1575 height=735
gray ladies, horses, and UNi fountains
fountains.jpg - width=1450 height=720
more UNI fountains and hole-y pots
seating.jpg - width=1325 height=740
have a seat
tents.jpg - width=1310 height=675
action tents
rug.jpg - width=1300 height=890
sung-gyu sunburst oriental rugs
stairsfences.jpg - width=1500 height=745
fencing clones and HL's recolourable stairs
hottubs.jpg - width=1590 height=735
default replaced hot tubs
hottub-noreplace.jpg - width=1300 height=700
hot tubs without default replacement
things-clay.jpg - width=1225 height=725
more set items in clay
things-honey.jpg - width=1225 height=725
more set items in honey
things-leaf.jpg - width=1225 height=725
more set items in leaf
things-pprka.jpg - width=1225 height=725
more set items in paprika
things-khaki.jpg - width=1225 height=725
more set items in khaki
things-creme.jpg - width=1225 height=725
more set items in pumpkin, creme, and teal
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siding and floors
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siding and pool tiles
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pool tiles
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siding with edging
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siding with edging
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siding with edging
thumb.jpg - width=300 height=225
set thumbnail
There are a couple of downloads that will really enhance this patio set. First is CrabOfDoom's Default Replacement of the Bubble-Up Hot Tub, available via iCad's Hot Tub Recolors
- CrabOfDoom made a lower-poly version of the tub without the upper lattice (which doesn't recolour, and I think it's prettier without). The original link no longer works, so iCad has helpfully shared it from a box account.
- Recolours will still work without the default replacement, but the lattice will remain the original medium/reddish wood (pic included above)
The second is HugeLunatic's Recolorable Maxis Modular Stairs I.
- I've included clay/creme recolours for the base game Chic Stairs and the Concrete from UNI...though UNI is not specifically required. YMMV, but I've read that pretty much any EP will do.
- As HL details, her stairs are default replacements. Recolours will only appear after the stairs are placed; after placing, click the steps individually to select and apply desired recolour.
Base Game
Club Room Countertop (Surfaces / Counters / §600) - 2 woods, 5 tops
recolours both door and drawer versions, plus Club Distress Butcher's Block (§610 island)
FLATWOUD Dining Table by Iseeya (Surfaces / Tables / §450) - 2 woods
Stark Inspiration Chair (Comfort / Dining Chairs / §800) - 2 woods, 6 seats
also recolours Plasticity Node Pod by Yoko Onasis (§500) and Milano Royale Dining Table (Surfaces / Tables / §900)
Park Plates Mini Outdoor Dining Table (Surfaces / Misc / §115) - 6 colours
Piece of Quiet Park Bench (Comfort / Misc / §500) - 6 colours
also recolours Outdoor Ergo Ergonomic Chair (Comfort / Misc / §320)
Ad-a-Quaint Barstool (Comfort / Misc / §285) - 2 woods
Organic Material's Barstool (Comfort / Misc / §700) - 6 seats
Contempto Penn Station Side Chair (Comfort / Dining / §310) - 2 woods
Contempto Adirondack Loveseat (Comfort / Sofa / §450) - 2 woods, 4 cushions
also recolours Contempto Adirondack Chair (Comfort / Living / §400)
Contempto Adirondack Living Lounge (Comfort / Recliners / §420) - 2 woods
Contempto Adirondack End Table (Surfaces / End Tables / §90) - 2 woods
Here and There Thing (Surfaces / End Tables / §280) - 4 colours
Brand Name MetalKettle (Appliances / Cooking / §299) - 7 colours
Shiny Things, Inc. Grandiose Grill (Appliances / Cooking / §1100) - 3 mattes, 3 metals
Blazin' Buckaroos Lantern (Lighting / Outdoor / §50) - 7 colours
City Dweller Dims (Lighting / Misc / §70) - 7 colours
also recolours The Spike Light (Lighting / Outdoor / §150)
Bubble-Up "Soaking Zone" Hot Tub (Plumbing / Hot Tubs / §6500) - 2 woods
Bachman Busbar (Misc / Party / §600) - 2 colours
Shocking Pink Flamingo (Deco / Sculptures / §12) - 8 colours
Kozy Kitsch Gnome (Deco / Sculptures / §68) - 2 colours
Immobile Chimes Mobile in Steel (Deco / Sculptures / §1500) - 2 colours
Chic Stairs (Stairs / Modular / §60) - 2 colours
Chic Fence (Misc / Fences / §30) - cloned, 2 colours
EP/SP Items
GrassCo Folding Chair (Comfort / Living / §90) - BV - 2 colours
Fair Square Surface from Smitty Classy (Surfaces / Coffee Tables / §235) - AL - 2 woods
Romantic Romance by Elle and Eey (Lighting / Table / §100) - NL - 2 colours
Squintimacy Votive (Lighting / Table / §110) - NL - 3 colours
Neukum Systems Wall Speaker (Electronics / Audio / §400) - NL - 7 colours
Action Traveler's Action Tent (Comfort / Misc / §650) - BV - 3 colours
Tea Time Table (Surfaces / Misc / §850) - BV - 2 woods, 3 cushions
Swing Away Hammock (Comfort / Misc / §800) - BV - 2 woods
BLADET 3 plant pots (Deco / Plants / §23) - IKEA - 5 colours
Hanging Flower by Copur Ceramics (Deco / Plants / §100) - NL - 2 colours
Cacti Collection from Planter's Paradise (Deco / Plants / §110) - MG - 5 colours
ForeveRedwood Potted Tree (Deco / Plants / §305) - BV / 2 woods
Layers of Loveliness (Deco / Plants / §400) - SNS - 3 flowers
Potted Palm (Deco / Plants / §600) - NL - 4 pots
Fashionable Feeder Birdhouse (Deco / Sculptures / §65) - FT - 2 colours
Pirate Herald's Tropical Umbrella (Deco / Sculptures / §360) - SNS
The Little Fairy (Deco / Sculptures / §365) - MG - 2 colours
Holey Pots Cascading Waterfall (Deco / Sculptures / §460) - SNS - 6 colours
Fallorayne Fountain (Deco / Sculptures / §625) - UNI - 7 colours
Equine and Roses Garden Statue (Deco / Sculptures / §750) - MG - 2 colours
The Gray Woman of SimCity (Deco / Sculptures / §6000) - NL - 4 colours
Surfer Racka by Fun in the Sun (Deco / Wall / §525) - TSS - 2 colours
Seasonal Wishes Floor Mat (Deco / Rugs / §90) - SNS - 3 colours
The Stones of Stepping (Deco / Rugs / §100) - FFS - 3 colours
Sung-Gyu Sunburst Oriental Rug (Deco / Rugs / §800) - NL - 6 colours
Osho Nuff Tablet (Deco / Sculptures / §415) - FT - 2 woods, 3 runes on each
- OTHALA/Odal for fortune and security of home and hearth
- JERA (Jera) for gentle revolution and improvement, fertility
- EHWAZ (Eh) for protection, progress, and partnership
Almost Indestructible Stairs in Concrete (Stairs / Modular / §65) - UNI/other - 3 colours
Balustrade Minimaal (Misc / Fences / §25) - UNI - cloned, 2 colours
Green Bamboo Shortie Fence (Misc / Fences / §6) - BV - cloned, 2 colours
Walls & Floors
Tile Walls (6) - §4 - made for the pool
Misc Floors (7) - §4 - tiles, also made for the pool, but I'm not the boss of your game. go nuts.
Wood Floors (4) - §4 - long boards for decking
Poured Floors (4) - §5 - concrete like the sidewalk
Siding Walls (14) - §5 - 8 siding colours, 3 with corner edging/borders
Additional Credits:
- Earth Witchery for more information on runes
- Always thanks to Numenor, RGiles, Quaxi, and everyone who contributed to CEP and SimPE
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
| patio in Claybee set colours
Uploaded: 11th Jan 2018, 9.69 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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