Claybee Bath (Maxis Recolours in clay and honey gold)

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Claybee bath in pumpkin, creme, and clay

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Claybee bath in soft putty and creme

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a few dashes of paprika

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base game shower, counters, sink, toilet, hot tub...
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base game with EP accents
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an EP-heavy spa room
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lots of clay and leafy green with some spicy paprika (shrine pic from Claybee LR)
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threw in a mini IKEA dresser because why not
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exciting caption goes here
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lots of clay, honey, and leaf
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welcome to my lack of restraint
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Counter Culture Surface, base game
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Blue Ribbon Countertop, Seasons
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base game Chez Moi and counters with base game sink
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cover those naked walls
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base game showertub and NL rugs
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4 curtains for the Seasons shower
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more bathroom things for the bathroom
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need some hot tubs?
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KBS Tres Rugs in floral and stripes
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SNS chicken rug, sans chicken
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more things because more
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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new walls & floors
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set thumbnail

To go with that LR and the Kitchen/Dining Room , I've done a set of Maxis/EA recolours to kit out your sims' bathrooms. As in previous rooms, I've recoloured items from a bunch of EPs, but I've also included a lot of base game equivalents (My attitude is, if I'm gonna take over a week to make an upload with all the little bits and bobs I want, might as well take just a little longer to make the set useful to as many people as possible...). And then, because I have absolutely no sense of self-control -- or, apparently, self-preservation -- I decided that the six dozen walls and floors I'd already made for this theme couldn't possibly suffice, so I added a few more. By which I mean I doubled them.
3 RARs (and nearly 200 files!) in total- one including all the Base Game pieces, another for the EP/SP items, and the third is for all the new walls and floors. All files have been Compressorized, and I've included collection files. As the newest of the 3 rooms (so far... ;p), the "Walls & Floors" build collection covers the previous two Claybee rooms as well as the new additions, so if you have one of the previous build collection files, please just drop this new one into your Collections folder and let it overwrite the older one.
Also I've noticed... in actual Build Mode, collection files seem to have no respect whatsoever for how I organize them, but if you click the collection in Buy Mode, everything appears all lined up and sorted where it's supposed to be. Or where I like 'em, anyway. YMMV... ;o)The one non-EAxis recolour in this set is a pair of Wooden Window Blinds from Sims2Play. They should be base game compatible, and the mesh can be downloaded here:
There's a 4th .RAR that's just a tweaked version of the oval Seasons rugs. These were reported to bleed beyond the intended area, and while I wasn't able to duplicate the problem I did make a slight change that may fix the problem. So, if your "rooster rugs" are wonky, try downloading these. Same filenames, so they'll just overwrite the others.
Preamble done? Time for the laundry list!
Base Game Recolours
Colonial ComboCleen Shower/Tub (Plumbing / Showers & Tubs / 2200) - 2 rims, 5 curtains
Floral Sink (Plumbing / Sinks / 330) - white with theme-colour stripes
VaporWare Submergence Spa (Plumbing / Hot Tubs / 8500) - 6 colours
I didn't recolour a base game toilet, since I like the plain white, but I included one in the collection file to save some clicks while building because I'm exactly that lazy
Counter Culture "Surface" (Surfaces / Counters / 200) - 2 wood, 4 tops - as usual, applies to both versions (doors & well as the island)
Chez Moi Counter (Surfaces / Counters / 800) - 2 wood, 3 tops - also applies to doors & drawers and the matching island
Cozy Colonial End Table (Surfaces / Coffee Tables / 400) - 2 wood
Reflective Glass Mirror (Decorative / Mirrors / 100) - 2 wood
Antique Metal Sconce (Lighting / Wall / 153) - 2 colours
Tinkle Trainer 6000 Potty Chair (Children / 70) - clay with flower accent
The Lone Daisy (Decorative / Wall / 285) - 3 colours in batik-ish design (by me)
Open-Wall Wall Fan (Decorative / 3500) - 3 versions, theme's floral fabric, and hand-drawn branches/blossoms on creme & gold
Winter Blossoms (Decorative / Wall / 650) - "Small Brown Owl on a Pine Branch" by Hiroshige Utagawa (1797-1858)
The catalog describes the original as a Korean painting. Hiroshige was a Japanese artist who specialized in Ukiyo-e. Crucial to mention? Not really, no.12th Century Song Dynasty Sculpted Vase (Decorative / Sculptures / 4000) - paprika with golden print (Goldfish, by Ni Tian - Qing Dynasty)
Just pointing out, in case anyone wonders, that I'm familiar with the difference between being Korean and Japanese. Behold my worldly learnings.
Wooden Blinds by Sims2Play (Decorative / Curtains / 88) - 2 lengths, 2 woods
Mystic Life Flower Vase (Decorative / Plants / 150) - paprika orchid in honey/putty pot
Fancifully Fuzzy Fern (Decorative / Plants / 170) - clay stand with honey pot
No-Fuss Ficus (Decorative / Plants / 300) - 2 colours, honey & paprika
Expansion & Stuff Pack Recolours
Schmidt's Wunder Tub (Plumbing / Showers & Tubs / 825) - 4 curtains - SNS
SuperJet Corner Shower (Plumbing / Showers & Tubs / 2000) - dark clay with putty/creme tiles - KBS
The Simple Washer (Plumbing / Sinks / 475) - 2 wood - SNS
FaceBowl (Plumbing / Sinks / 670) - 2 wood - KBS
Refreshing Commode (Plumbing / Toilets / 450) - 2 wood with hand-drawn tank - SNS
Olde Tyme Toilette (Plumbing / Toilets / 800) - 2 wood - KBS
Blue Ribbon Countertop (Surfaces / Counters / 365) - 2 wood, 5 tops - SNS
Home-Style End Table (Surfaces / End Tables / 150) - 2 wood - SNS
Backcountry Vanity (Surfaces / Misc / 900) - 2 wood, 2 seats - SNS
The CabiMirror (Decorative / Mirrors / 250) - 2 wood - SNS
Oh Mighty Prism (Lighting / Wall / 215) - 2 wood - KBS
ANES Chest of 4 drawers (Misc / Dressers / 290) - 2 wood - IKEA
The fact that they didn't capitalise "drawers" should not bother me this much, but it does. A lot.
"Thirsty" the Bath Mat (Decorative / Rugs / 50) - 5 colours - NL
Unbridled Braids Oval Rug (Decorative / Rugs / 350) - 5 colours - NL
Tres Rugs by Sleek Sensations (Decorative / Rugs / 430) - 2 floral, 3 stripes - KBS
Royal First Oval Rug (Decorative / Rugs / 460) - 9 designs - SNS
RIBBA Frame (Decorative / Wall / 31) - Claybee fabric - IKEA
Duck in 3 Parts (Decorative / Wall / 139) - Claybee fabric - KBS
Potted Ficus (Decorative / Plants / 300) - paprika - NL
Plant in Spiral Elegance (Decorative / Plants / 510) - clay-grey basket - NL
Odd Reflection of Grace (Decorative / Sculpture / 525) - honey & leaf - GL
The Tray o' Orbs (Decorative / Sculpture / 850) - creme tray + 3 orbs - OFB
Towel on a Metal Ring (Decorative / Misc / 150) - honey & leaf, also apply to Towel on a Metal Rod (200) - OFB
Towel Caddy Plus (Decorative / Misc / 250) - 3 colours - KBS
Towel Hanger Plus Plus (Decorative / Misc / 275) - 4 colours - KBS
I keep saying I'm gonna take a break and play the actual game for a while, but I'm already starting to think about the bedroom... and maybe a matching study. Or a game room? Or ooh! Maybe a nursery!
Additional Credits:
Numenor, Quaxi, RGiles, and everyone who contributed to CEP and SimPE
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
liz_bath_clyb_rug_SNS V2.rar
| SNS rugs in the big batch wonky for you? Try these...
Uploaded: 2nd Feb 2017, 932.7 KB.
| Base Game - Maxis/EA bathroom recolours in set shades of grey, gold, orange, green, creme, and putty
Uploaded: 15th Jan 2017, 2.16 MB.
| new walls and floors, plus an updated collection file
Uploaded: 13th Jan 2017, 2.83 MB.
| Expansion Packs - Maxis/EA bathroom recolours in "Claybee" grey, gold, orange, green, creme, and putty
Uploaded: 13th Jan 2017, 5.01 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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