CNY 2018 Living Room
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Lap of Luxury seating
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Four Blessings Mahjong
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dance and do your homework
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red seating is red
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golden damask
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gold and pinks
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also hobbies and pet beds
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Lap of Luxury sofa and completer set
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Chez Chaise and Bon Appetit
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pets and fun
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surfaces and decorations
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and more plants
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televisions and lighting
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and more deco
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wall art for walls
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tieback curtains
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Syng-Gyu rugs
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walls and floors
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walls and floors
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set thumbnail
This set uses the following custom meshes:
Lap of Luxury Completer Set by MsBarrows - loveseat & armchair to go with base game Lap of Luxury sofa
Square Painting / Painting 03 - by Shoukeir at Sims2Play, also base game
Console TV by CTNutmegger - retro television set, base game, also works with later EPs
NOTE: @Baboontje has incredibly helpfully noted that the page for CTNugmegger's TV still appears via Wayback, but the DL link no longer works. However, you can still access the .zip directly .
Base Game
Lap of Luxury Sofa (Comfort / Sofas / 1700) - wood and 3 damask fabric colours
also recolours MsBarrows' Lap of Luxury Loveseat (950) and Armchair (950)
Chez Chaise (Comfort / Recliners / 900) - wood and 3 fabric
Curvaceous Colonial End Table (Surfaces / End Tables / 370)
Centerpieces Coffee Table (Surfaces / Coffee Tables / 370) - 2 styles
Cozy Colonial End Table (Surfaces / Coffee Tables / 400)
Queen Anne Coffee Table (Surfaces / Coffee Tables / 470)
Counter Productive Work Surface (Surfaces / Desks / 750)
Bon Appetit Dining Chair (Comfort / Dining / 1100) - wood and 4 seats
Renaissance Bookcase by Literary Designs (Hobbies / Knowledge / 950)
Chesterstick Cherry Dresser (Misc / Dressers / 2125)
Dynasty Enlightenment Lamp (Lighting / Table / 95)
Founding Fathers Electric Lamp (Lighting / Table / 255) - base and 3 shades
"Remember This" Television (Electronics / TVs / 750) - CTNutmegger mesh linked above
Soma AudioGeek TK421 Tower System (Electronics / Audio / 2550) - wood and new CDs
Suspense (Deco / Wall / 475) - edited Sakura by Larisa Koshkina
In the Beginning (Deco / Wall / 600) - edited Peaceful Setting in Jinan by Scott Meltzer
Winter Blossoms (Deco / Wall / 650) - "San Tai Gin Hong" matches the bedroom set "Kung Hei Fat Choi"
Square Painting by Shoukeir (Deco / Wall / 860) - edits September In The Forest by Larisa Koshkina and Chinaberries And Bokeh by Sheila Brown and an original fleur de lis thingy
Open-Wall Wall Fan (Deco / Wall / 3500) - colours compliment same in CNY 2018 Bedroom
Juniper Bonsai Tree (Deco / Plants / 120) - 4 pots
Rubber Tree Plant (Deco / Plants / 165) - 2 pots
Fancifully Fuzzy Fern (Deco / Plants / 170)
Sill-Length Tieback Curtains (Deco / Curtains / 300) - 4 colours
also recolours Floor-Length (335) and Doublewide (400) Tieback Curtains
Ol' Grandfather Clock (Deco / Misc / 3500)
EP/SP Items
Four Blessing Mahjong Table (Hobbies / Games / 325 / BV)
The Tube in Wood-Panelling (Electronics / TVs / 800 / FT)
HEMNES Bedside Table (Surfaces / End Tables / 75 / IKEA)
The Basket Experience (Misc / Pets / 270 / PETS) - 2 colours
The Swinging Light (Lighting / Ceiling / 115 / SNS)
Once Upon a Glowy Glow Glowlamp (Lighting / Ceiling / 350 / OFB) - gold and 2 shades
Poetic Justice Wall Sconce (Lighting / Wall / 270 / OFB) - gold and 2 shades
Hold Me Close by Tiny Dresser Co. (Misc / Dressers / 2000 / OFB)
Tropico Avian Sanctuary (Misc / Pets / 500 / PETS)
Mr. Maritime (Deco / Misc / 3000 / PETS) - base game fishtank in CNY 2018 Bedroom set
Butterfly Crawler Wall Decal (Deco / Wall / 85 / FT) - zodiac dog
Four Vegetables in repose (Deco / Wall / 325 / NL) - 2 designs, Chinese characters (longevity, gold, harmony, and joy) and zodiac dog
Paradise Lost (and Found) (Deco / Wall / 375 / BV) - edited Fish Illustration (c) by Peter Griffin
VASEN Vase (Deco / Plants / 9 / IKEA) - 3 colours
Harmonious Center Piece (Deco / Plants / 59 / CEL) - 2 colours
Fanciful Finicky Fronds (Deco / Plants / 179 / BV) - 2 pots
Potted Ficus by Nature's Garden (Deco / Plants / 320 / NL) - 3 pots
Recherche Floor Runner (Deco / Rugs / 325 / NL) - 4 styles
Sung-Gyu Sunburst Oriental Rug (Deco / Rugs / 800 / NL) - 7 styles
Potential Sculpture by Imad Ethis (Deco / Sculptures / 27 / FT)
The Beckoning Cat from Worldly Stuff Inc. (Deco / Sculptures / 70 / BV)
Festive Krathong from Simporters, Inc. (Deco / Sculptures / 143 / HOL)
The Little Jug of Wishes (Deco / Sculptures / 285 / SNS) - 3 colours
Glove L'Empereur (Deco / Sculptures / 350 / FFS)
Convex Stoneware by Simporters, Inc. (Deco / Sculptures / 375 / GL) - 2 colours
Osho Nuff Tablet (Deco / Sculptures / 415 / FT) - 2 colours with "Good Fortune"
The Sorrowful Scions (Deco / Sculptures / 450 / NL) - 2 sets
also recolours Potted Potential (300)
Ultra Sporty Trophy Display (Deco / Sculptures / 550 / AL)
The Tray o' Orbs from Orby Designs (Deco / Sculptures / 850) - 2 sets
Walls & Floors
4 Poured Walls - 7
6 Damask Wallpapers - 7
4 Mottled Carpets - 6
2 Herringbone Wood Floors - 9
Additional Credits:
* Original damask texture from The Inspiration Gallery
* Immeasurable thanks to Numenor, Quaxi, RGiles, and everyone who contributed to CEP and SimPE!
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
| Lavish living room in red, pink, and gold for CNY 2018
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2018, 3.87 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 18th Mar 2021 at 3:54 PM
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