Deep Conversations
splash.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
GuntherGoth.jpg - width=347 height=187
stink.jpg - width=631 height=230
hotness.jpg - width=470 height=228
moodlet.jpg - width=330 height=357
Working for The Sims 3 v1.69 (Latest version)
Deep Conversations for The Sims 3 gives you some insight on what your Sims are talking about and often lets you choose what your Sim will say, which may affect their relationship positively or negatively. There are also some surprising things that may happen! Start talking to your neighbors right now and get to know them on a deeper level!
Improved Get to Know - The Get to Know interaction now has a completely new functionality! Your neighbors will let you know of everything that's going on with their lives. They will recite their entire biography in first-person so that it realistically looks like they're talking about themselves.

Choose what to say - Interactive dialogs will often pop-up where you can choose what your Sim will say given the circumstances. These will give different and surprising results depending on your choice.

Meaningful conversations - Conversations will last and be remembered of as your Sims will get different moodlets depending on what you said or on the general topic of the conversation.

Adaptive conversations - The current conversation topic, dialogs and results will change depending on the tone of your interactions. Friendly, funny, mean, and romantic interactions all have different, unique, and procedually generated dialogs.

The mod is currently localized for the following languages:
- English
- Brazilian Portuguese
- German
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
If you would like to help me localize this mod, download VictorAndrade_DeepConversations_Strings_EN_US.xml, translate the strings to your language, and post your translation here. If your translation is good enough, I'll definitely add it to the mod.
Deep Conversations for The Sims 3 is built on the patch v1.69 (latest) and might not work on previous versions of the game. It simply adds a new behaviour to the game and doesn't override any game tunings, so there shouldn't be any conflicts with other mods or CC.
- Made by Victor Andrade
- The Sims Sans Font Family designed by Jason Williford
This mod was made with the help of these tools:
- S3PE by SimLogical
And with the support of our patrons:

Thank you
I just wanted to thank you all so much for all your love and support. When it comes down to it, that's all that truly matters. Your support is what fuels me to keep going. And I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. So thank you!
Uploaded: 25th Jul 2019, 23.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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#deep, #conversations, #social, #interaction, #relationship, #dialog, #live
Advice Social Interactions (UPDATED: 3 June 2019)
by gamefreak130 updated 4th Jun 2019 at 4:15am
44 54.9k 126
by lizcandor updated 6th Aug 2021 at 10:01pm
22 40.7k 85
by TheSweetSimmer 21st Feb 2022 at 12:00pm
31 59.7k 195
by darren111 updated 5th Jul 2022 at 10:50am
32 14.4k 51
by YolkSims updated 8th Jul 2022 at 7:28am
29 44.4k 102
by TheSweetSimmer updated 27th Oct 2022 at 6:55pm
68 225k 320
by echoweaver updated 12th Jun 2023 at 3:56am
+1 packs
by simbouquet updated 26th Feb 2025 at 9:34pm
50 43.2k 142
by QuackGames 4th Apr 2019 at 10:13pm
This mod automatically loads your most recent savegame when in Main Menu. more...
48 25.3k 98
by QuackGames updated 8th Aug 2019 at 2:54pm
This mod allows you to play The Sims 3 in Third Person View, controlling your Sim with your keyboard. more...
284 182.4k 643
by QuackGames updated 9th Aug 2019 at 4:15pm
Take control of your Sim's every move and play the game in a whole new way. more...
96 90.8k 334
by QuackGames updated 24th Mar 2019 at 6:54pm
This mod adds the option to change your Sim's Lifetime Wish right after you've completed it. more...
81 87.6k 313
About Me
Also, I'm currently developing my very first commercial videogame and I'm planning to release it next year on Steam. You can learn more about my projets over at my Twitter page (@victo8r).