UPDATE Sept 28, 2019: Two Tile Holographic Television
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Two Tile Holo TV: "Disable Autonomy" Menu Option
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Two Tile Holo TV: Autonomy Disabled
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Two Tile Holo TV: Non-Autonomous Viewing
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Two Tile Holo TV: The Helix Nebula Recolour Inside a Borg Cube
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Two Tile Holo TV: Watching Sports inside the Borg Cube
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Two Tile Holo TV: Coloured Shadow Recolours
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Two Tile Holo TV: EA Wall Decor with Compatible Frames
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Two Tile Holo TV: Sample Holo TV Recolours in EA Frames
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Two Tile Holo TV: Sims Can Workout & See the Screen from Anywhere
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Two Tile Holo TV: The Invisible Recolour Can Be Placed in a Fireplace
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Two Tile Holo TV: "In the Beginning" & Oil "Fantasy Scape"
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Two Tile Holo TV: Invisible & Animated Energizer Textures
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Two Tile Holo TV: The Jetsons Watch TV from All Angles
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Two Tile Holo TV: NASA Recolours
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Two Tile Holo TV: Rousseau Recolours
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Two Tile Holo TV: SimCity at Night & Suspense Recolours
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Two Tile Holo TV: The Holo TV Can Be Placed in EA Frames
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Two Tile Holo TV: Title Picture
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Two Tile Holo TV: "A Home for All Seasons" Seasons EP Recolours
Update September 28, 2019
1) Improved the Sim routing code for more flexibility in seating placement.
2) Fixed a bug with channel and movie selection.
1) To design a free floating "holographic" two sided television object with an image that can be viewed from either the front or the back.
2) To provide a variety of two sided static recolours for when the television is switched off.
3) As an option, to allow the Holo TV to be placed in a conventional wall mounted picture frame or within other objects such as fireplaces.

Whether high technology or high magic, this holo TV imagery can be placed almost anywhere, without interfering with other objects or the movement of Sims. By default the two sided video projection will occur in midair, but it can also be framed within conventional wall decor - such as the basegame "In the Beginning", Oil "Fantasy Scape" and "SimCity at Night", the Holiday Stuff "Holiday in Leukerbad" and Seasons "A Home for All Seasons" ("MoveObjects On" is not required).

While remaining basegame compatible, the Holo TV supports the television functions of all expansion packs except those involving pets. (In order to maintain basegame compatibility, pets cannot interact with the Holographic Television Picture - but the object is otherwise fully compatible with the Pets EP.)
For times when autonomous television use becomes annoying, the player can be "Disable Autonomy".

This magical object does not depreciate, it is Apartment Life/M&G height adjustable, and it is also immune to fire, lightning, repossession, snow and theft. A limitation is that when switching off the television, you may momentarily see a blank glass screen, before the default picture is restored. Apart from being unbreakable and untinkerable, the Holo TV supports all television functions, including operation of the basegame video game machine.
The Holographic Television package contains an invisible screen recolour, and if this invisible recolour is placed within a conventional picture frame, the underlying picture will be revealed when the television goes off. The invisible recolour is also useful for when the Holo TV is placed in a fireplace (use "Boolprop SnapObjectsToGrid Off", "MoveObjects On", and AL/MG height adjust or an OMSP to do so).

1) Holographic Television - The Holo TV costs 7900 Simoleons and can be found in the television section of the catalogue. It has a Fun rating of 10 and a Room (Environment) rating of 10.
2) Picture Recolours - Blue Energizer Flow, Dark Blue Shadow, Dark Green Shadow, Dark Grey Shadow, Dark Red Shadow, Green Energizer Flow, "A Home for All Seasons" Autumn, "A Home for All Seasons" Photo, "A Home for All Seasons" Spring, "A Home for All Seasons" Summer, "A Home for All Seasons" Winter, "In the Beginning", "In the Beginning" Shadow, Invisible (built-in), NASA - Cygnus Loop Nebula, NASA - Cygnus Loop Nebula Shadow, NASA - Helix Nebula, NASA Helix Nebula Shadow, NASA - Galaxy M33, NASA - Galaxy M33 Shadow (built-in default), NASA - Helix Nebula, NASA - Helix Nebula Shadow, Oil "Fantasy Scape", Oil "Fantasy Scape" Shadow, Red Energizer Flow, Theodore Rousseau "The Forest in Winter at Sunset", Theodore Rousseau Sunset Near Arbonne, Th?odore Rousseau Sunset Near Arbonne Shadow, "SimCity at Night", "SimCity at Night" Shadow, "Suspense", "Suspense" Shadow.
The textures marked "Shadow" are partially transparent.
The "Home for All Seasons" textures require Seasons or any later EP.

Unlike the televisions that come with the game, the Holo TV screen is viewable from either the front or the back. To enable two sided viewing, the Holo TV contains custom routing code, which also allowed me to make the following tweaks to EA's standard routing protocol:
1) If Sims cannot find a place to sit, teens and adults will sit on the floor rather than stand and block the view of those who are sitting.
2) Elders who cannot find a seat will stand at the back of the room, if possible. They will not sit on the floor.
3) If children cannot find a seat, they will stand to watch the screen. I assume that those who are sitting will be able to see over the children.
4) If there are no seats in the viewing room, all Sims will stand to watch the screen, regardless of age.
5) If there is only one seat in the room and that seat is occupied, all other Sims will stand to watch the screen. This allows for the Holo TV to simulate being placed at an operational console with a Sim sitting at it.

The aspect ratio for the Holographic Television screen is 1.92, slightly wider than the basegame "Soma 'Wall-Eye' Large Screen Flat-Panel Television". The default recolour size for the "screen" or picture subset of the Holo TV 256x512 pixels. When configuring your source texture, I suggest first scaling its width to 512 pixels wide by 267 pixels high. Then scale the height down to 256 pixels, while ensuring that "Maintain Aspect Ratio" option (or equivalent) is disabled. This will ensure that the picture will look undistorted when displayed in The Sims 2.
Need a Bigger Screen?
Try the Three Tile Holographic Television.
Terms of Use
You may include the items from this project in uploaded lots, whether for free or pay. It is nice but not necessary to provide a credit and link to this page.
Texture Credits
- the Rousseau artwork is in the public domain, freely available at the Wikimedia Commons: Theodore Rousseau The Forest in Winter at Sunset and Theodore Rousseau Sunset near Arbonnne.
- the Hubble space images are freely available at the NASA Image and Video Library for non-commercial use: NASA Helix Nebula, NASA Cygnus Loop Nebula, and NASA Galaxy M33.
- the coloured shadow textures were created by me.
- the remaining textures use or are adapted from EA's The Sims 2.
Additional Credits
- Jfade's Compressorizer for minimizing file size
- GIMP 2 and Microsoft Paint for graphics editing, file conversion, processing, sizing and titling
- Milkshape 3D and Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro, for 3D modeling
- SimPE and PJSE, which together make it all possible
- the Jetsons screenshot uses Aligeth's The Jetsons in StephSim's The Jetsons Neighborhood.
- the Star Trek Borg screenshots use MistyBlue's ST: Voyager - Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine with Nixed Sims' Voyager Uniforms and my Borg Starter Cube.
Polygon Counts:
4 faces, 8 vertices
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
| Two Tile Holographic Television with Recolours
Uploaded: 29th Sep 2019, 1.36 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 6th Oct 2019 at 12:13 AM - Updated with Improved Routing & Movie Fix
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