Glengarry Apartments
Main.jpg - width=1915 height=924
FrontL.jpg - width=1910 height=1025
Left.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
Back.jpg - width=1358 height=980
Right.jpg - width=1560 height=1072
FrontR.jpg - width=1914 height=968
Entrance.jpg - width=1561 height=1008
2hall.jpg - width=1643 height=978
LR1.jpg - width=1578 height=954
B1.jpg - width=1694 height=1026
D1.jpg - width=1115 height=921
dining2.jpg - width=1293 height=1073
LR2.jpg - width=1666 height=1039
Bed2.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
BedM2.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
kitchen.jpg - width=1413 height=1073
1bed.jpg - width=1076 height=961
2bed.jpg - width=1109 height=876
3bed.jpg - width=1422 height=1027
1st.jpg - width=1473 height=1066
2nd.jpg - width=1458 height=1063
3rd.jpg - width=1339 height=1014

The pics show the apartments with and without trees in front....the finished lots has trees but the pic with no trees is there so you can see what the building looks without the trees blocking the view.
The building has 3 floors, each containing 4 apartments: (1)1 bedroom, (2)2 bedroom and (1)3 bedroom. In total there are (3)1 bedroom, (6)2 bedroom, and (3) 3 bedroom apartments. The 3 bedroom apartments have 1.5 baths and a dishwasher, while the 1 and 2 bed versions have 1 bath and no dishwasher.
All the kitchens and bathrooms are fully furnished. I also furnished the 1 bedroom unit on the second floor and a 2 bedroom unit on the third floor in separate downloads for a bit of choice. The building has elevators and laundry facilities on every floor, with garbage chutes on the 2nd and 3rd floors. The main floor has access to the trash can. The rest of the units have been left in the same state you would find in real life. I did play-test to ensure the elevators and trash chutes were usable and my sim used them just fine.

If anyone would like an upload with the 3 bedroom apartment left open instead of the 1 or 2 bedroom just ask and I'll be happy to switch the markers. I also uploaded a version that has no markers at all and all 12 apartments are open for use (for those that might like to play with large families or whatever!)

For the versions with markers, I designated the hidden apartments as npc units so you will see random sims coming and going, just like real life.
I also challenged myself with this build, I tried realllllllly hard to use as few EP/SP as possible but ended up with 4. I needed Ambitions for the laundry rooms, Late Night for the apartment needs, Seasons for the bathtubs, and University for the windows and a couple of side tables. Otherwise I managed to stay within the base game. Only one store item was used and it's a freebie, and if you don't have it nothing will be lost as it provided the tree stencil on the front of the building. Overall, I think I did pretty good!!
So, here's the rundown:
The "non marker" version:
Unfurnished: $108 325 Furnished: $249 000
The "1 bedroom" apartment version:
Unfurnished: $2406 Furnished: $19 162
The "2 bedroom" apartment version:
Unfurnished: $3440 Furnished: $19 872
I didn't get fancy with the furnishings, they are only "show" units to see how they could look! LOL

The sole store item is the Seasons Wall Decal Pack. As I said, no loss if you don't have it.
Seasons Wall Decal Pack
There is no custom content in this build, just in case you were wondering :D
I had scads of fun building this, and I've already got ideas for another apartment.......I hope you enjoy it!

PS-The prices entered below reflect the 2 bedroom apartment. I chose the middle ground

If placing in Twinbrook, I built this on the pool lot across from the School.
Lot Size: 30x40
Lot Price (furnished): 19872
Lot Price (unfurnished): 3440
UPDATE!: Unfortunately, this lot causes the red screen graphics glitch on the 64 bit version of the game. I'm in the process of fixing the lot for this issue and will get a compatible version uploaded soon.

Glengarry Apartments 3 Bedroom
Uploaded: 27th Aug 2020, 3.09 MB.
Glengarry Apartments No
Uploaded: 25th Aug 2020, 3.62 MB.
Glengarry Apartments 1 Bedroom
Uploaded: 25th Aug 2020, 3.63 MB.
Glengarry Apartments 2 Bedroom
Uploaded: 25th Aug 2020, 3.68 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sims3pack file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
5. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Select the house icon, find the lot in the list, and tick the box next to it. Then press the Install button below the list.
6. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the lot to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
7. Run the game, and find your lot in Edit Town, in the premade lots bin.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide!
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Updated: 22nd Jan 2024 at 11:55 PM - Typo
#apartment, #ambitions, #Twinbrook, #elevator, #late night
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World Adventures
Late Night
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+5 packs
World Adventures
High-End Loft Stuff
Fast Lane Stuff
Late Night
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+5 packs
World Adventures
High-End Loft Stuff
Fast Lane Stuff
Late Night
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World Adventures
High-End Loft Stuff
Fast Lane Stuff
Late Night
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High-End Loft Stuff
Fast Lane Stuff
Late Night
Outdoor Living Stuff
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+5 packs
World Adventures
Fast Lane Stuff
Late Night
Outdoor Living Stuff
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+10 packs
World Adventures
Late Night
Outdoor Living Stuff
University Life
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+18 packs
World Adventures
High-End Loft Stuff
Fast Lane Stuff
Late Night
Outdoor Living Stuff
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University Life
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |
![]() | Late Night |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | University Life |
About Me
My favourite builds are worn out, rat infested hovels but I also enjoy the challenge of creating lots that represent buildings in the real world.
All of my lots were created on an iMac, but after getting the new M1 iMac, I've learned some of those lots have graphics issues, so I'm slowly altering them to avoid this issue. I will upload the M1 compatible files when they are completed.
All new builds are completed in Version 1.70 (64-bit Mac). They are also tested on a Windows computer.